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Student of Donetsk National Technical University Golodova Anastasiia

Golodova Anastasiia

Faculty of ecology and chemical technology

Speciality: Ecology in the mining

Theme of master's work: Improvement of technology of cleaning of mine waters for diminishing of harmful influence on an environment at development of supplies of mine the name of M. I. of Kalinina

Scientific adviser: professor, head of department "Enviroment activity" Kostenko V. K.


About author

Summary of research and developments


1 Grounding and relevance of the topic

Donbass is one of the most powerful coal-mining regions of Ukraine. Water use in  Donbass has become environmentally dangerous, because in recent years there has developed ecological crisis. A particular danger’s presented by pollution of the hydrosphere, which under the action of water currents migrate to other regions of Ukraine, as well as beyond it. The mining companies systematically contaminate groundwater, virtually not cleaning it, dumping it surface waters bodies. Waste water from the coal industry enterprises enhance ecological destabilization of the hydrosphere. The level of dumping insufliciently treated sewage in Donbass surface water bodies reaches about 3.7 billion m3 per year [1].

In accordance with art. 72 Water Code, the companies pumping mine waters have to implement efficient technologies that reduce the level of their natural salinity before being discharged into water bodies [2].

Pumped mine water are contaminated with a variety of particulate and dissolved minerals, as well as bacterial contaminants. The availability of pollution water causes its turbidity, determines oxidizability and color, gives the smell and taste that determines the salinity, acidity and hardness. In most cases, mine waters are not suitable for drinking and possess properties that forbid their use for technical purposes without previous treatment. According to GOST 2874-82 dry residue or salinity in drinking water should not exceed 1 g / liter. Only according to this indicator of quality the ground water, salinity of which is 2,5 ... 4,5 g / l, is not suitable not only for drinking but also for irrigation of land plots. All this leads to the search for new and innovative solutions with minimal cost to clean mine waters with subsequent re-use them for the needs of enterprises, agriculture and other industries, which makes the topic relevant.

One of the mines, where appropriate to improve the technology of purification of mine water to reduce the harmful effects on the environment and to develop and implement a project of mine water re-use is  Kalinin mine.

2 Goals and objectives of the study

Work Objectives:

1) Improvement of technologies to clean mine waters in the mine named after Kalinin.

2) Improvement of the quality of mine water treatment for its reuse at of agricultura enterprises, and other industries.

3) Achievement of environmental, economic and social effects.

The idea of research - development of an enhanced scheme for the purification of mine water for its reuse, as well as the implementation of economically, environmentally and socially beneficial project for the delivery of treated mine water for the needs of other enterprises.

Objectives of the Master’s degree work:

1. To carry out analysis of the situation at the enterprise, to determine its impact in general on the environment.

2. To carry out  analysis of studies on the treatment of mine water in the mine them. Kalinin mine.

3. To fulfill analysis of all existing methods of mine waters purification.

4. To ground directions and criteria for the rational use of mine water as a source of technical water supply.

5. To ground economically the proposed cleaning technology of mine water.

Research object – discharge system of Kalinin mine

Subject of research - technological processes of treatment and reuse of mine water.

Research methods - ordering, method of statistical data, analytical method, technical and economic calculations, method of forecasting.

3 Scientific novelty and practical results of the planned work

Scientific novelty - the development and support of technological solutions, the improvement of existing mine water treatment complex.

 Scientific novelty proved by achievement of the following results:

- establishing relationship of the amount of water pumped from the mine in time;

- predicting maximum water pumping  from the mine at its maximum load;

- feasibility studies for the use of water as a raw resource.

- rationale for the direction of natural resources (water) rationaluse in a real enterprise;

Planned practical results of the work

In connection with the problem of rational water use and environmentally friendly wastewater discharge, including mine, into surface water bodies, the practical value is given to the decision on the prevention of groundwater pollution, intensification of treatment of polluted mine water and reuse for the needs of the coal industry, as well as related industries, agriculture and technical needs of individual enterprises.

4 Analysis of the situation in the world, Ukraine, Donetsk region in the field of mine water  treatment

There are articles on close topics . They were published in the journal "Coal of Ukraine" and other electronic media, as well as collections of articles published by DonNTU. In the published articles it is said about problem of natural resources and ecology of Ukraine, the prospect of the use of mine waters in Ukraine.

Since 2002 the company "Fitikon" (Kiev) and OKTB Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, NAS have studied water and heat potentials of mine waters and the prospects for their use. According to reporting companies, only in  Donetsk region for technical water supply 70% of the discharged mine water can be used, and not less than 50% can be cleaned up to standards for household and drinking water [3].

       However, the technology of mine waters treatment itself has been studied insufficiently. The result is that there are a lot of enough unsolved problems to be addressed and solved.

A review of research on the topic in DonNTU

                Treatment of mine waters is one of the most important topics in the coal industry. Thes issues was the topic of Number of undergraduates in DonNTU. But at the moment there are no particular methods or structure of mine water treatment that can be applied to each of Donbass mines, as mine waters are different in a number of indicators such as hardness, salinity, suspended matter and so on.

The situation in the world and a review of research

Water takes a very important place on our planet and if we pollute it, it will contaminate all living things, and subsequently lead to a change in general structure. Water is the most common substance on earth, and the need for is enormous. The population of the earth uses 7 billion tons of water a day.

In 1972, the first time in the world was commissioned and operated for almost 30 years, a nuclear desalination plant based on fast breeder reactor BN-350 in the town of Shevchenko (Kazakhstan, now the city of Aktau)

         Leading position in the field of water treatment is taken by "Dow Chemical Company", which is among the five largest chemical companies in the world [4].

    A promising solution is desalination by reverse osmosis. Attention is paid to implementation of this method in the U.S., Japan and Russia. Globally, there more than 1000 different reverse osmosis plant with capacity of 4-378 thousand m3 /day. In the United States the ion-exchange plants, were developed involving the crystallization of effluents in the form of salts.

In Poland, the processing of mine water has been carried out since 1975.

In Japan, the installation capable of 100 thousand m3/day has been built.

For the desalination of mine water in the city of Wilkes-Barre company "Westinghouse" (USA) has built a plant with a capacity of 18 thousand m3/day.

In the world practice in urban water supply the source water depending on the quality passes through 14 steps of cleaning (as an example in Amsterdam). Seven Steps of purification of surface water are already used in cities across Europe, America, Asia, and for the artesian water - four stages of purification. Chemical formula of water is showed by an animated picture 1.

Chemical formula of water

Animated picture 1. Chemical formula of water (the number of frames - 3, the number of cycles repeat - 5, size - 40 kb, made in Gif animator)

The situation in Ukraine and a review of research

                  To improve the quality of drinking water in Ukraine in early 2002 the Law of Ukraine "About drinking water supply came into effect ", which defines legal, economic and institutional position of the functioning of the drinking water supply system, aimed at supply to the population of quality and safe for human health water. At the same time until now the main regulatory document defining the quality of drinking water remains GOST 2874-82 "Drinking Water. Hygiene requirements and quality control". According to this normative document the quality of drinking water is estimated according to 28 sanitary-chemical and bacteriological parameters [2].

Since 01.01.2000 in Ukraine has introduced a new regulatory document "state sanitary rules and norms" (ДСанПіН) № 383 (186/1940) drinking Water. Hygiene requirements and quality control It includes 54 indicators of quality and quality control of drinking water. This document greatly expands the range of indicators, regulatory levels of some of them have become strickter [11].

In Ukraine for surface water used for urban water supply, apply two or three stages of purification are used. The urgency of this problem is reflected in the Law of Ukraine "On the National Program" Drinking Water of Ukraine" for 2006-2020 [10].

The situation in Donetsc Basin and a review of research

Donbass is one of the most powerful coal-mining regions of Ukraine. However, water consumption and wastewater in the Donetsc Basin has become environmentally dangerous, because in recent years there has developed ecological crisis.

Because of the lack of purity of the contained in the mine waters  (harmful impurities primarily mineral salts), they are not used for the needs of the public water supply. This leads to a paradoxical situation: our region is experiencing an acute shortage of drinking water, and incidentally-produced in the huge amount of mine waters are not used to overcome it and cause significant adverse environmental impacts in the surrounding drainage network. Given the lack of effective use of drinking water and grown in recent times its price, water charges has become a heavy burden for most businesses and the public. At the same time, analysis of the chemical composition of mine water discharges, as well as the requirements for the quality of water required for use in water supply enterprises, about 80% of career and mine water after cleaning and conditioning can be used for industrial water supply companies and own needs rather than mine water of drinking quality [12].

     Number of mine water in the Donbass tremendous - 777.6 million m3 / year/ If it was sufficiently clean, it would be enough for water supply for more than 7 million people [13].

    The cleaned and disinfected mine water can replace drinking water, being used in the mines for the integrated de-dusting, as well as for fire protection and other purposes [8].

5 Analusis of system of water discharge and supply at Kalinin mine

                The mine was put into operation in 1961 with a design capacity of 1200 tons of coal per year. In 2005, the actual production of coal amounted to 352.5 thousand tons. Administratively, the mine is located in the Kalinin district of Donetsk. The main manufactured products are charcoal of OS  rank. The average annual total inflow of water from the mine in 2008 amounted to 184 m³/hr. Water hardness is 12.6 mg-ekv./, the pH value of the underground water is 8.15 (it is slightly acid water) [8].

Mine takes drinking water from the system SOE "Donetskgorvodokanal", which runs along Prospect Mira. Water intake is 138.0 thousand m3 per year or 378 m³/day. Of these, 62.2 thousand m3 per year is used for drinking needs, and 75,8 th.m³/year - on production.

6 Analysis of methods of purification of mine waters and the choice of more suitable

 Treatment of mine water is produced by mechanical, chemical, physical and biological methods.

         Mechanical methods (clarification, filtration, separation of the solid phase under the influence of centrifugal forces, concentration of precipitation in centrifuges and vacuum filters) are used mainly as preliminary, and release water only from the solids of various sizes, clarify it.

        Chemical methods (coagulation and flocculating, neutralization, transfer of toxic contaminants into harmless, disinfection by chlorination, etc.) apply reagents for crushing the chemical composition of impurities or their structure.

         Physical methods -  the extraction of harmful impurities by crushing the aggregate state of water, exposure to ultrasound, ultraviolet rays, solvents, etc.

         Biological methods are used for cleaning water containing the pollution of organic origin [1].


          As a result of this work the treatment technology of mine water in the mine named after Mikhail Kalinin, is improved the quality of treatment of mine water for reuse for the needs of enterprises, agriculture and other sectors to improved and environmental, economic and social effects are achieved/

     In pursuing the objective the following problems have been solved:

1. Analysis of the situation at the company, has been carried out its influence in general on the enveronment has been determined

2. Analysis of studies on the treatment of mine water in the mine to them. Kalinin has been carried out

3. Analysis of all existing methods of purification of mine waters is fulfilled

4. The grounding of directions and criteria for the rational use of mine water as a source of technical water supply has been carried out.

     The mine Kalinina for purification of mine waters horizontal tank, pond clarifier are used. There has been suggested to make clarification in the ponds clarifiers, or horizontal settling tanks, disinfection by chlorination. During reuse of mine water just water (1,024.6 thousand cubic meter / year), which is proposed to bring to other businesses to gain economic, environmental and social benefits should be cleaned. For this purpose a method of mine water demineralization by reverse osmas is suggested.

    During wastewater reuse the mine can benefit economically from water sales. The main costs will be spent on improving the quality of water.

    Getting in surface or ground water, contaminating substances from water are included in the natural cycle. Under favorable conditions, they accumulate in soils, sediments, and then transferred to vegetation, organisms, animals, and through them, and water - in the human body.

Thus, through the use of wastewater for the needs of other businesses the dump waste into water bodies is minimized. This is the environmental and social impact.


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