Golodova AnastasiiaFaculty of ecology and chemical technologySpeciality: Ecology in the miningTheme of master's work: Improvement of technology of mine water purification to diminish harmful influence on the environment at the development of the supplies at M.I. Kalinina mineScientific adviser: professor, head of department "Enviroment activity" Kostenko V. K.
I got a bachelar’s degree in speciality "ecology in mining". The average mark is 4.54 . My native languages are Russian and Ukrainian. I am olso sruding English at upper intermediate level. I am a proficient PC user of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, AutoCad, 3D Max, Corel Draw, Photoshop, Pinnacle Hollywood Studio, Adobe Premiere. My hobbies are interior design, photography, dancing. My personal qualities are puncuality, reserve, responsibility, sociality, kindness.
I was born on 15’th of October 1987 in Penza (Russian Federation). My mother Golodova T. V. was born in 1964. Now she is an accountant in Decora Studio ltd. My father Golodov N. N. was born in 1964.He is a military man in Russian Federation. My childhood was spend in Penza and than when I was 3 we moved to Donetsk.
From 1995 to 2000 I was studied in school 16.
From 2000-2005 I was studied in school 20.
I was a calm, disciplined pupil. I got excellent marks, took part in competitions, school performances, olimpiads. I studied in historic-legal class. When I was in the 11 grade I started studying for my entrance exams to university. I choose an important and topical nowadays specialty "ecology in mining". And in 2005 I past exams with distinction and became a student of Donetsk National Technical University.
At first it was difficult to get used to new teachers, new group mates, lessons and classrooms, but the most difficult was the first examination. When I was a fourth-year student I had to choose the scientific supervisor and the topic of my scientific research. I chose the urgent problem for our region pollution of water resources. My supervisor became Kostenko V. K. professor, head of department "Environment activity" .
In 2009 I started my masters degree course. The theme of my master’s work is "Improvement of technology of mine water purification to diminish harmful influence on the environment at the development of the supplies at M. I. Kalinina mine".
I took part in three University conferences and three articles from conferences were published in Conference collection.
Future Plans
I am planning to defend my masters degree work and I would like to get another higher education economic or legal. Of course I would like to find a good and interesting job with a good salary. I hope to be useful to our region and people and of course I would like to travel a lot and to know several foreign languages.