The main role in the development of Ukrainian industry has the fuel and
energy complex. The functioning and development of fuel-energy
complex of Ukraine is largely predetermined by the state and
development of coal industry, which is widespread in our region.
In general, the complex production processes coal mines occupy an
important place transport and lifting, which is lifting machines and winches. Mine
winders are designed for equipment shaft hoisting units vertical and
inclined mine shafts that are used to move the lifting vessel during lifting of
minerals and rock climb-descent people, materials, equipment, audit and
inspection of the trunk, hitch and a change of lifting and balancing ropes.
The goals
and objectives that must be addressed
- Investigation of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of spatial
longitudinal-transverse oscillations inclined string head rope and
geometric, rezhimnymyh and inertial parameters of the lift installation.
- Finding the dependencies between the amplitude-frequency
characteristics of spatial longitudinal-transverse vibrations oblique head of the rope and
the string geometry, regime and the inertial parameters of the lift
- Development of a device for absorbing vibrations of the rope mine
- Development of device management for swallowing vibration of the rope
automation system drive shaft hoisting plant using this device.
Justification for the use of sensors and a complete electric drive with
device for swallowing vibration rope mine hoisting plant.
Relevance and motivation of the subjects
of the lift installation - lift - a complex electromechanical
consisting of individual elements that perform different functions.
choice of these elements and the establishment of optimal modes of
operation of
the machine completely determine the safety and efficiency of operation
of the
lift installation. In this regard, a comprehensive review of existing
and practice of calculation and choice of individual elements of the
deserve special attention when designing new or upgrading existing mine
hoisting plant. To determine the effectiveness of the installation, you
set the optimum weight lifted load, skips, to determine the optimal
values of
acceleration, deceleration and speed recovery, select and calculate the
capacity of the drive motor, the location of the lift on a shaft,
determine the
reduced mass of the lift installation, efficient power lifting, power-
efficiency and lift installation, construction starting characteristics
motors and to calculate the rotor resistance.
Review of
research and development on this topic
in this area were OA Goroshko, GN Savin, FV Florinsky, LV Kolosov, VI
AN Obukhov, GA Trifanova etc.
is based on a mathematical model of nonlinear vibrations of a string
plumb-line rope mobile hoisting plant Ilyina S.R. (Candidate of
Technical. Sciences,
Senior Scientist), Samusia S.V. (Postgraduate, Institute of Geotechnical
NS Polyakov NAS). This model is applicable to stationary lift
installations, as
based on the provisions designed for them. The model took into account
joint interaction of the transverse vibrations of a string of rope and
longitudinal vibrations of the branches of the rope.
Own results
redeem string vibration of the rope propose to use the device, exciting
during emergency braking. The device consists of: 1 - frame 2 -
3 - arch strap 4 - hydraulic jacks; 5 - compressing the spring 6 -
guide frame.
frame is designed for mounting on it the elements of the device and
provide structural rigidity.
Frame-catcher and arched strap designed to
secure the
rope in the bottom of the frame during emergency braking. The surfaces
frame-catcher and curved plates coated with polyurethane to prevent
damage to
the rope in contact with them. Hydraulic press the arched bar from the
frame-catcher in the normal mode of operation the lift installation.
emergency braking valve opens allowing fluid fast enough to leave the
cavity hydraulic jacks. Compressing the springs are needed for pressing
strips to the frame-catcher in case of emergency braking. Guide the
beam to
move on it frame-catcher.
device is a drum with a movable frame which moves along the guide and
has an
electric drive. Status frame is determined by the signal
coming from
komandoapparata management and depends on the position of the vessel.
prevent unstable oscillations, the ratio of the lengths of strings and
plumb-line of the rope should not be equal to 1 and 5. To do this,
you must install two devices on copra, which will regulate the length
of the
string depending on the position of lifting the vessel during emergency
braking. Strobes only one of the devices on copra and the device in the
drum. Upon
activation of the device for calculating the vibrations through a
system of
differential equations, will not be considered complete length of the
from the drum to the copra lstr, but only a segment of copra to one of
devices. Ie length of the string in this case will be equal to L1 or L1
+ L2,
depending on the position of lifting the vessel.
the passage of a vessel with electromagnetic sensors installed in the
trunk, a
signal to the control panel of the lift, and then determined which of
the two
devices is active.
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