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Magistr DonNTU Burhovetsky Denis  
Burkhovetsky Denis

Faculty of Computer information technologies and automation

Department of automation and teleautomatics
Speciality the Telecommunication systems and networks
Theme of attestation work of «Research of analog PLL in a digital communication channel»
Scientific Leader professor Voroncov Alexander Grigorievich


About me: Middle mark in the period of teaching in the university. 4,99 Freely own Russian, Ukrainian. In a volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, own English. I get the second education by speciality Management of organizations. I have drivings licences of category of B.



Me, Burkhoveckiy Denis, was born in Donetsk of March 1 1988. My father, Burkhoveckiy Valery, 1963 years of birth, made off Kharkov Polytechnic Institute on speciality «Physics of metals». Presently works in DonFTI the name of Galkina AN Ukraine. My mother, Burkhoveckaya Galina, 1963 years of birth pass Kustanayskiy Teach Institute and moving to Donetsk, began to work at 42th school by the teacher of Russian and literature. She works now as the head master at school number 45. Always in a court protected zoons from the mockeries of senior friends. In childhood I was a curious boy, and parents in every way encouraged my aspiring to new knowledges. I did sports: gymnastics, swimming, kapuero, loved in the yard to play football and basketball. Moreover, engaged in painting in fine arts studio and taught English.


In 1995 went out into 42th school. Studies were given easily and I participated for school in olympiads practically on all objects and MAN. In a 9th class I entered to Donetsk college, where continued to learn and participating in olympiads. From results should be noted the first places in city olympiads on an economy, biology, physics, geographies and prize places on history, mathematics, English, Russian and literature and chemistry. By oneself prize places cost on regional olympiads on an economy and biology. Active voice in an educational process however interfered with me to have other interests. All period of teaching I went in for sports. In a 1st and 2nd forms I was engaged in a gymnastics, from 3th for a 6th forms - by football in at child-youth school of FC Shakhtar ( it was awarded cup of the best goalkeeper in 1999). After football I was engaged in track-and-field and in a 8-th form passed to the pole vaults which engaged in to the end of the second course in University. For this time I became a candidate in masters of sport on this type of sport and executed the norm of the first grown man digit on broad jumps and hurry on 60 m. Unfortunately from a injury I had to leave sport.


In 2005 I made off Donetsk college with the gold medal and entered a Donetsk National Technical University on Faculty of computer information technologies and automation on speciality the Telecommunication systems and networks. Here studies also were for me not too difficult (for 5 years of teaching I got one four only) and decided to make attempt the forces in the debut of freshman, where our command took the 3th place. To come forward us so pleased, that we had decided to create the command KVN and named its «Vtoraya smena». At first put commands went along with variable success, however with every appearance we acquired new experience and developed the author and actor qualities. Therefore now our command KVN - one of the best in Donetsk, what its achievements testify to: Bronze prize winners of the Opened Donetsk League 2009; Possessors of Cup of KVN-newspaper of Ukraine 2009; Finalisty of the Student league 2008-2009 associations of KVN of Ukraine; Winners of the second round of Championship of association of KVN of Ukraine 2009-2010; absolute champions of Cup (3th in 2007, 2 in 2008 and 1th place in 2009); winners of National League KVN in a season 2009-2010. In 2008 and 2009 worked as a year a leader in child's camp the name of Komarova in Foros. A camp left the indelible impressions, and mutual love with children does this time unforgettable. In addition I got enormous experience and developed skills of communication and organizer. Besides the academic year 2008-2009 I worked for a laboratory assistant in the class of the school № 45. During this time, even several times replaced informatics teacher and themselves understand how much is not easy, but at the same time interesting work teachers.
In the first specialty, in February of 2008, enrolled in the second degree in «Business Management» and the summer of 2009 passed the first government exam on excellent. In this profession, we went with a friend once has participated in a worldwide project «Global Management Challenge», held annually and help young people find and discover a talent and ability of the manager. Getting the red diploma of bachelor, I entered city council and my scientific leader was become by the professor of Voroncov Alexander , together with which we are engaged in research of the modes of capture of analog PLL. In April, 2010 took part in the conferences of «Persons and Space», passing in Dnepropetrovsk, where got positive reviews concerning my researches. In the future I plan to make off both specialities and find job, which would allow in the process of teaching, and to realize my organizational and kreativnye capabilities.