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Master of Donetsk National Technical University Irina Molchanova


    My choice has stopped on a speciality "Telecommunication Systems and Networks" of faculty of the "Computer Information technology and Automatics" as I consider the given speciality of the most perspective now in which technologies of a mobile communication, the Internet … promptly develop
    On July, 14th, 2005 to me the notice on transfer has come to numbers of students of DonNTU.

    On August, 30th, 2005 there was a meeting of all the first-year student of the given faculty.

    On September, 1st, 2005 I had a first pair in 3 case in which I have lost the way, but by means of students of undergraduates has found though and with delay on pair an audience. In due course I have accustomed to new collective of our group TCS-05b and with a student's stormy life.

    At the first year in the second semestre I participated in the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical student's conference devoted to the 85 anniversary by DonNTU on the history of Ukraine on a theme: 
"Regions of Ukraine: history of formation and a problem of modern development". My report on a theme: "N.S.Khruschev and Donbass" has been printed in the collection of reports and messages of the given conference. It was my first publication.
    I went by a third year to Dnepropetrovsk on conference of campaign UDE
    In the summer of 2009 after graduation examination delivery on five points, I have put in the statement on receipt in a magistracy and have passed in it on a competitive basis on a budgetary place.

    The topic of my works:
"Research and development of telecommunication on duty dispatching service in the conditions of Donetsk area". With a choice of a theme I was helped by my supervisor of studies Chervinsky Vladimir Vladimirovich. This topic is quite important in the current context of telecommunications development.
    On the fifth year in the collection of theses of the second student's scientific and technical conference on a theme 
"Problem of telecommunications-2010", the science devoted to Day and the World day of the telecommunications, passing in Kiev the second my publication has been printed. . It was lit beginning research of my master's thesis. I would like to thank all the teachers and other faculty AT chairs, which we were taught, with the knowledge that they gave us and helped us find an interesting direction for us in the field of telecommunications.

Plans for the future

    In my plan is successful writing and defense of master's work, search, and the device interesting and prestigious jobs in their field, leadership positions, continued to further develop and improve their personality personality. As well as increasing knowledge directly related to skills acquisition.
In free time from work I plan to start a family, learn yoga, psychology, 
tour the whole world and get acquainted with the culture of different peoples of our planet...
    And be optimistic about the future. 
Brief Resume

Date of birth: 12.08.1988
A middle mark in the period of studding in baccalaureate: 4.71
Languages: russian and ukrainian - freely, english - at a base level
Skills and
  • experience with packages: Micrsoft Office 2003, Visio, Sistem View, Компас, MatLab, MathCad, LabView, Packet Tracer, Opnet.
  • programming languages: Pascal, C/C++, Borland C++ Builder 6, HTML
Personal features: purposeful, responsible, capable to be trained, communicative. Able to work in the team.




    On August, 12th, 1988 the first shout I have declared to all world the birth. All my family was glad to my long-awaited occurrence. In the first years of my life I was the quiet and pacified child. In two years I have started to study actively the alphabet and to draw.
    In three years has gone to a kindergarten, where I began an active knowledge of world around by means of dialogue with my teachers has begun. Actively took part in all morning performances spent by it. In a garden us learnt to dance, sing, draw, mould, mastered initial preschool level of English language. Actively visited a puppet theatre and circus. In the older group of  kindergarten I prepared for school.


In six years I have gone to the first class of educational complex of the first stage (gymnasia). It has postponed one of the brightest memoirs of a life in my memory. There I made the first progress in study. From the first class has started to be engaged in a choreography, gymnastics and ball dances. In the given educational complex in me have laid the foundation for aesthetic education. Every week with a class I visited: circus, drama theatre, opera and ballet theatre of a name of Solovjanenko, a philharmonic society, museums, concerts, various exhibitions … 
    By each holiday morning performances, such as a seeing-off of the winter, New year, a pancake week, a meeting of spring and others where each child the potential and showed the achievements were arranged. With us our parents and teachers participated. Took part in meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Participated in charitable actions for children of orphans.
    In the third class I participated in competition on the best composition about summer and have been awarded by the reading and writing. Four years in educational complex have flown by, as one instant and was left only by the warmest memoirs.
    In the fifth class I have come to new collective in the Classical humanitarian grammar school where I have continued the education. In a grammar school I have started to study new foreign languages, such as Latin, French. Continued to visit open classrooms of a choreography, gymnastics and English language. Has been awarded by the reading and writing in the fifth class for active participation in socially useful work. In the seventh class I participated in city competition of drawings on the asphalt, to the devoted Day of protection of children. In the eighth class in me interest to technical disciplines and consequently I have continued the education in Donetsk a college with an information bias has opened.
    In the Donetsk college I have come already to the ninth class where the emphasis in formation on technical disciplines which were studied more profoundly in comparison with comprehensive schools has been placed. Here I have started to take a great interest in programming. My first programming language became Pascal. Time has flown by quickly and here already last call, final examinations and receipt to Donetsk National Technical university. 



FACULTY: Computer Information Technologies and Automation (CITA)
Automation and Telecommunications (AT)

Telecommunication Systems and Networks (TCS)
Theme of Master's Work:
Research and development of telecommunication on duty
 dispatching service in the conditions of Donetsk area
Scientific Supervisor: Ph.D.(in Engineering), 
assistant professor of the
department AT Vladimir Chervinskuy

   Irina Molchanova