Master of Donetsk National Technical University Katerina Vilyayeva Autobiography      Abstract
Katerina Vilyayeva

Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automatics
Speciality: Automatic control of technological processes
Theme of Master's Work: Improved overcurrent protection section of the mine complex electrical-based automatic suppression of the reverse flow of electric energy consumers
Scientific Supervisor: Candidate of Technical Science Konstantin Marenich

About me

Average in the period of study in the Bachelor: – 4.86

Languages: Ukrainian and Russian - fluent, English - sufficiently for reading and correspondence.

Skills: I have experience with programs and mathematical packages: Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint,Visio, Access and Word), P-CAD, Compass, MicroCap, Mathcad, Workbench, AVR Studio, MATLAB. During the period of study at the university has mastered the basics programming in VBA, Assembler and Pascal

Personal qualities: Ability to learn quickly, the quest for new knowledge, analytical mind, communication, energy



I was born on January 10, 1988 in one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the former Soviet Union - in the city of Baku. At this time, my mother, Alina Vilyayeva , was a student at Technical University, therefore, take winter session, she had been with me. My dad, Peter Vilyayev, was a mechanic onboard one of the most popular and powerful Mi-8. I was lucky, though at such a young age to fly on such a machine. Exactly one year and three weeks saw the light of my younger sister Yulichka. The name I gave my father, in honor of her grandmother, who has made a tremendous contribution to his upbringing. In Baku the first time I went to kindergarten, the truth of memories I have left. In 1992 my family moved to the Komsomolsk-city. I I and my sister were conducted in kindergarten "Fable" by mother. At that time I led a very sedentary life: participated in all children's activities, every family holiday not do without my intervention.


September 1, 1995, I with two huge bows mom came to my first school ruler secondary school 2. I was instructed to give the first call, and then the last call of that school year. My first form teacher was Nina Zikeeva. In the same year my mother took me by the arm in a circle of ballroom dance at the Palace of Culture, after some time, our age group is called "Inspiration". I like to dance, and this was reflected in my results. All dance competitions held at the Palace of Culture received prizes. Time passed, after some time our group received the club sport of ballroom dance "Altair". Öe have not only danced, participated in various city, district, regional competitions, but we have fun vacation: our leader, Natalia Stavrinova , arranging for us to travel by sea, made various holidays.

School years have been very active, productive and fun. Already since the fifth grade, I became actively involved in district, regional competitions. My favorite subjects were mathematics, physics, geography, service work, and in tenth grade, I became interested in organic chemistry. Thank Elena Boryushovoy, the teacher of mathematics, for the disclosure of my abilities to the exact sciences, together with her, I started paying attention to unusual mathematical problems. And in the ninth grade I participated in the contest of research student work at the Small Academy of Sciences and has won first place, it was very nice, because I was the youngest participant (in the considered Dirichlet's theorem). I like anything to do with hands, so the school period, I've cross stitching, knitting and sewing. She took active part in exhibitions and competitions as the district and region. There was a party to the theater of fashion "Cinderella". Embroidered paintings still decorate the walls of my house.

After graduating from the ninth grade, I moved to the secondary school. She gave me a lot of new friends.


In place of the school year was time to have more adult independent living. As it was difficult to choose the future university! It seems to be the soul gravitated to the economic sciences, but consciousness is understood that it was too many economists in our time! Still, decided to try to do the Donetsk National University, major in Business Economics. And both rented rating in Donetsk National Technical University, but chose the specialty "Automated control of technological processes". And to the question: "Why this speciality?" I can honestly answer, at that time I just liked the name, and competition for it was very big - so demand. As a result, I went to "Enterprise Economy", the truth is on a paid department, the budget had to pass three tests, but the two ratings, delivered in a technical college, was on the line of separation "received and receivable. After some thought, decided to opt for technical education, and the next day after the prom went to pass the interview. Somewhere over three weeks, I received a letter saying that I - a student of the Donetsk National Technical University.

First course. Rather parent's house - a hostel with its own rules, instead of the usual classes of 45 minutes - a pair of long 80 minutes, instead of teachers – seriously professor, and there is such a thing as a "session". The first session was completed successfully. All the rest have been trained too well. I participated in the Olympiad in applied mechanics between our university and the railway institute and took second place. In the third year had to choose scientific adviser, and I long thought turned to the head of my department produces, Ph.D., Associate Professor - Konstantin Marenich . He advised me to take up the issues of improving electrical safety of mining operations, namely the influence of a short circuit in the electric network. I took part in an international conference Severgeoekotek done Ukhta State Technical University, with whom our department maintains friendly relations. As part of this conference were published two articles: "Study of the functionality of technology suppression of inverse energy flux induction motors" (2010), "Exploring characteristics influence the energy flow in the reverse faults in the electrical complex after mine safety switch" (2009). After graduating from the bachelor with honors I entered graduate school. Together with the supervisor was formulated theme of my master's thesis on "Strengthening the overcurrent protection of electrical complex land mines on the basis of automatic suppression of the reverse flow of electric energy consumers."

Future Plans

Of course, my plan is successfully defended my master's work in the winter of next year. Like every girl I want to create a strong and friendly family, be a "homemaker". I have not quite identified the field of its future activities, but the desire to try his hand at the chosen specialty is not in vain for so many years had been spent, and can enjoy it! In my head whirl huge number of small and big "dreams", I want and I will try to translate them into reality. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" Eleanor Roosevelt.

©2010 Katerina Vilyayeva , DNTU