Vladislav Aleykin

Vladislav Aleykin

Computer sciences and technologies
Applied mathematics and informatics
Programming automated systems
Theme of master's work:
Distributed system of recognition of textual information
Scientific adviser:
associate professor Yuri V. Ladyzhenskii


About me:
      Average score during study - 4.67
      Languages - Russian, Ukrainian, English;
      Professional skills:
      Programming languages: C / C + +, C #, Delphi (Pascal), Assembler;
      Internet technologies: htm / Xhtm, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, PHP, MySQL;
      Database: MS SQL Server, MySQL, MS Access, Interbase, Firebird.

      I was born on the 2-nd of February, 1988 in the city of Donetsk. My father, Aleykin Valery, was born on the 5-th of May, 1959. My mother, Aleykina Elena, was born on the 27-th of December, 1965. Father is an engineer, a specialist in audit systems, quality management and certification. I have an older brother - Eugene, he was born on the 22-nd of October, 1986. My brother graduated from the specialty "System Programming" in 2008 and now is working at the position of a programmer.
      I went to kindergarten number 319. I was quite a quiet child in this period. I remember special moments like the first trip to sea or to the forest. The first event left in the memory quite a vivid impression.

      When I was seven years old, I went to school number 115 in a class with in-depth study of foreign language. Now the school was renamed to the special school number 115.
      From the first class we taught English at a fairly good level, as well as other school subjects. The class, which I studied in, was very friendly.
      I did not have special hobbies in this period. I tried several sections in different directions, but nothing impacted me a lot. I really liked the subject of "Computer science", which we were taught in the 7-th add 11-th grades. This is the only subject that I really liked, and I quickly understood. My first programming language was "Basic", which we studied in the 7-th form. I liked it very much at the time although we were taught only the basic of language. Perhaps it is influenced my choice of my future profession.

      When it was time to enter university, I knew exactly I want to be a programmer. I did not apply the other specialties, because I was curious to learn only to a degree on programming of automated systems. Before entering, I attended courses of mathematics and computer science. It helped me to enter on the budget form of payment, although not from the first try. Firstly I tried rating examination, but di not got enough points on the budget. And only in the summer I went for an interview and everything was ok.
      Learning in this specialty was very exciting. Every day I learned something new. of the first course work I remember very well, because it was really hard work for me at that time. After each course I felt that completed work yielded tangible knowledge. But from the middle of the third-year studing everything has changed: practical works were made too quickly, books were read faster than lectures, new subjects did not bring new knowledges.
      I am keen on the topic of artificial intelligence and systems interaction between human and machine. As a supervisor of master's work, I chose Ladyzhenskii Yuri Valentinovich, which proposed me the theme "Software development of distributed system of recognition of textual information". I really liked this topic and I readily agreed to do this system.

Future Plans
      At the moment I work as a programmer. The work gives me pleasure, because I get new knowledge. It is very important to me. I can compare my knowledges with knowledges of other people who I work with. At the moment my goal is to raise my professional level. As for a long-range plans, I plan to continue working on the recognition system, that has been started in Master's work.