Masters' Portal |
Donetsk National Technical University |
Faculty of computer science and technologies |
Department of the automated controll systems |
Major: Information management systems
Coal-mining industry development is defined as the one changing to deeper horizons with more sophisticated mining conditions, which can cause the level of labor safety decrease. In modern conditions the ventilation network of mine are becoming more complex and manifold. Front clearing works gradually removed from the shaft, which complicates the delivery of fresh air in working areas. The remote area of the mine fields often lack fresh air, while mining continues to evolve, to the mine field to kill the new sites, and consequently, the need for openings in the air increases. Increased productivity main fan systems (MVC) has no necessary effect on the airing of the roadway, as This increases the external and vnutrirudnichnye air leakage, the energy consumption for ventilation of mines increases tremendously, there is distortion in the air distribution between sites: in some areas more air enters the required values on others - less. All this speaks of the ineffectiveness of traditional methods of calculation of air into the mine, resulting in unnecessary costs for ventilation.
Relevance of the topic of master
The problem of labour protection in mining makes high demands to the safety and efficiency of mine systems functioning, especially, to a most important of them – mine ventilation system. The violations of mine ventilation systems’ normal functioning can cause terrible economical and social aftereffects. In the economic aspect of WAN failures raise serious violations of manufacturing process and lead to accidents by a factor of ventilation, resulting in significant losses of the company in the form of loss of production cuts, damage from accidents (including payments for injury) and the cost of removal of WAN failure. In the social aspect of the unreliability and inefficiency of operation WAN reduce the level of security and comfort of the miners, which adversely affects both the health of workers and on the moral climate of labor collectives. The specifics of the mining enterprise involves the constant change in the parameters of upper-air character. At normal operating mine is constantly changing the number of clean-up and driving faces, are processed uncovered and revealed new layers, change the depth of development, changing volume of gas openings (usually upward), changing technology and other parameters. All this leads to the need for scientific approaches to the recalculation of the amount of air, kodavaemogo into the mine.
The purpose and objectives of developing research
The aim of developing a simulation model of aging mine ventilation system is the need for more precise regulation of air into the mine, which depends on the change of the aerodynamic parameters of the ventilation system. To achieve this goal have been made following tasks:
1. To explore the reliability of mine ventilation system, problems in the regulation of air in mines.
2. Explore methods of calculation WAN, to identify deficiencies of existing methods.
3. Review existing systems.
4. To substantiate the need to develop models for forecasting the ineffectiveness of the mine ventilation system.
May. Identify patterns and values of the characteristics of a random process of aging mine ventilation system.
6. Determine the most effective method of modeling the process of "aging" parameters of the mine ventilation system.
7. Develop a database to store statistical data.
8. A simulation model of the mine ventilation system.
Scientific novelty
Within the framework of a deterministic model of the system adopted in the traditional methods of ventilation calculation, the stochastic dynamics of the functioning of mine ventilation systems cannot adequately be taken into account, which causes system’s failure. So it is necessary to take into account changes in the aerodynamic parameters of the workings within the stochastic model. One of the main steps of the workings modeling of the aging process is to obtain its statistical estimates.
The developed model enables the calculation of air into the mine, taking into account the aerodynamic aging mines, which are currently not accounted for in the process of elaboration of the mine field.
Problems and solutions
The purpose of a mine ventilation system is to supply the necessary amount of air with definite fan pressure to a mine. Hence the function of mine ventilation systems can be defined as a continuous air supply, needed to maintain normative (i.e. meeting the requirements of safety regulations) conditions of a mine atmosphere. That’s why a reliable mine ventilation system lies in the ability to preserve the air distribution in the net of mine openings while a mine is functioning. It means that while a mine ventilation system is functioning any moment t in any mine opening the actual air consumption Qi(t) should be in the range of legitimate value. The lower (left) value of this range is equal to the maximum of the next two values: Qi(t) air consumption, required by gas, heat and dust factors, and also by the number of workers in the mine: Qi(t) — air consumption, required by the minimum allowable speed. Therefore, the sign of a mine ventilation system being reliable is carrying out of the following inequality any time t:

nb — the number of a mine ventilation system’s branches.
Random changes in time velocity face advance can be both gradual (as a result of continuous variation of the actual values of process parameters from their design value) and sudden (due to equipment failure or geological disturbances). Randomness velocity face advance due to the gradual, random changes of mine ventilation systems parameters, as changes in resistance due to changes in the workings of their lengths in the process of elaboration of the mine field. In addition, gradual changes in the parameters of mine ventilation system are the change in resistance as a result of the workings of their aerodynamic aging (clamping of the workings, worsening over time tightness ventsooruzheny). Sudden change the WAN is a variation of the resistance elements of the network due to their failure (the collapse of excavations, destruction of ventilation constructions). Gradual changes in the mine ventilation system parameters of random shall be called "aging" of its elements. Sudden changes in the same, i.e. "fracture" in his work shall not be considered.
To develop a mine ventilation system model was selected one of the methods of mathematical modeling of technical systems’ reliability - simulation, the subject of which is the very process of functioning of the mine ventilation system, i.e. system behavior in its development. The advantage of simulation method is the high degree of adequacy of the model and a comprehensive analysis of the system behavior, and the weakness is the complexity of computing. The solution to problems controlling the air supply on a mathematical model of the ventilation system allows a large number of experiments in a relatively short period of time, and analyzes the state of the ventilation system when you change the settings, and the range of variation of parameters is almost unlimited (i.e., the mathematical model can simulate virtually any situation). Gradual changes in time of resistance due to its aerodynamic aging is a random process R(t). The random process is its distribution law (in the study of many of the technical facilities it was suggested that the intensity of the flow failures and restorations is constant, i.e. random flows of failures have the define nature) the mathematical expectation m(t), the variance σ(t) and the correlation function K(t).
In addition to estimates of the expectation, standard deviation and correlation function of a random model of the aging process requires knowledge of the workings of its law distribution. To determine the form of the distribution of this random process for the various sections of his time tj we will construct a histogram (Fig. 1). Then programmatically we will assess against the densities of the nine most common laws of distribution by using the criterion of the Kolmogorov - Smirnov significance level a = 0,05.

Figure 2 - Histogram for the determination of the distribution of the random process of aging (Animation: volume - 28 KB; size - 710x236; number of frames - 7, the delay between shots - 100 ms delay between the last and first frames - 100 ms, the number of cycles of repetition - 5 Cycles repeat)
At this stage of research, we determined the patterns and values of the characteristics of a random process of aging mine ventilation system, identified the most effective method of modeling the process of "aging" parameters of the mine ventilation system.
Next task is to develop a database to store statistical data and development of most simulation model operation of mine ventilation system.
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