Kostetskaya Galina
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Kostetskaya Galina Yurievna

Faculty: Computers and Information Science

Department: Applied Mathematics and Information Science

Speciality: Software engineering

Master's theme: Research of the program model for recognition of human faces based on the convolution neural network.

Scientific advisor: Fedyaev Oleg Ivanovich

Curriculum vitae

Average mark during the period of studing: 4,92

Technology knowledges:

  • Java (J2SE)
  • HTML
  • MS Visual C++
  • Delphi
  • SQL
  • Lisp, Prolog


  • Russian (native)
  • Ukrainian (fluently)
  • English (fluently)



I was born on the 9th of March,1988 in Donetsk. I have been a restless child from my birth. I was interested how different things were arranged, that is why I liked to disassemble them, especially I was keen on breaking watches and alarm clocks. When I reached the age of 3 I was sent to kindergarten, which I didn’t like, but later I made many friends there, with some of whom I communicate even now.

School years

In the age of 7 I entered the public school number 16. My first year at school was quite difficult, because it was hard to get used to the new daily routine and tasks.

My next school was the school number 17 with in-depth study of mathematics and physics, where I have studied for the next nine years. Studying at school I was a diligent pupil, although I didn’t like studying. I have accumulated a collection of diplomas for an excellent studying at school.

After the seventh form each student in our school had to make a choice, in which class to study - with in-depth study of mathematics or languages. I chose the first, because I really liked math. I was very afraid of math class, because mathematics was taught there by Vladimir Lysov - a strict teacher who did not confess girls to have ability in mathematics. But it turned out that Vladimir Lysov was strict, but fair and was able to explain the material in very understandable way. At his lessons, he taught not only mathematics, but as well the ability to think.

I participated and won prizes in biology, history, Ukrainian language olimpiads and others. When I was in the 8th form I started learning English. In the tenth and eleventh forms I participated in the competition of research works in the SAS(МАН) with the works in the economics and statistics. For my work in the statistics I gained an award in the regional round.

While studying in the 11th form I graduated from medical courses "Junior medical personnel " and received a diploma of the instructor in first aid. This knowledge helped me a lot of times when it was necessary to give an injection or make a bandage.

In the eleventh form I was wondering about my future profession, but finally chose the programming specialty. I chose the Donetsk National Technical University, because it is known for qualified teachers and quality of education. I was very nervous before the exams, but everything was not so bad, and I passed them. In 2005 I graduated from the school with a gold medal and became a student of DonNTU.


My first impression of the university was very confusing. The atmosphere there was very different from the same at school. My new friends shared my interests, I felt free.

From the starting course I tried to learn as best as possible. It was not very difficult, because, basically, subjects were rather interesting. Generally, during the studying process we came across some not very interesting subjects, but I managed to find something interesting even in them.

In general, during the study most of all I liked the subjects which were taught by Fedyaev Oleg Ivanovich about artificial intelligence and neural networks. I was surprised with the capabilities and opportunities of these new inventions and definitely decided to devote my scientific work to something associated with them. I became interested in the problem of face recognition using neural networks, new ways of which I intend to propose in my scientific work.

In 2009 I finished my bachelor with honors and followed studying. Now I develop a face recognition problem with the help of my teacher Fedyaev Oleg Ivanovich.

The future

In the future, I plan to complete a master's degree, achieve good results in my scientific work. After graduation, I plan to find a well-paid job, but in more distant future I want to start my own business in the IT market.