About myself:
Grade point average — 4.61.
Free speak Russian, Ukrainian. Sufficient for reading and correspondence, speak English.
Programming languages : Assembler, Pascal (Delphi), C/C++, Prolog, VHDL.
Databases : MS Visual FoxPro, MS Access.
Design instruments : GPSS, Matlab, Simulink.
OS : Windows /98/Me/2000/XP/Vista.
Short Biography
I was born on May, 9, 1988 in the city of Donetsk. Mother — Alla Leschenko is a teacher of mathematics, she works in school ¹61 of Donetsk. Father — Alexander Leschenko is a sole proprietor. In 2 years parents defined me in a garden which was on Schetinina street. There I found my first friend who is my best friend until now. In 5 years we have moved from the Proletarian district in Kievskiy. I walked in other garden remaining 2 year where I have met my future the class-mates. Up to 10 years for summer vacation I went to my grandmother in the city of Krasnodon to the Lugansk area. From there I have the lightest memories from my childhood.
In 1994 I entered the school ¹61 in Donetsk. There I studied well enough. From the second form I got busy by Kyokushinkai Karate about 5 years. My hobbies were football and swimming. I adopt exact sciences much easier, than humanitarian. From mathematics, physics and chemistry problems never occurred. In the first class received bad marks for conduct. I took part in olympiads in mathematics at school years. In 8 and 10 forms I rode on exchange in the city of Bochum in Germany. We went on an excursion to Dusseldorf, Dortmund, Munster. Afterwards in 9 and 11 forms I took the person of the same age, who lived before. I was pass to another group after a 9 class. I finished school and got a silver medal.
It was necessary to choose a further way in 2005. I wanted my profession to be connected with computers and decided to enter Donetsk National Technical University. At that time appeared perspective in my opinion specialty "Information Security in Computer Networks". I had been preparing for ratings in mathematics and informatics during a few months. I passed courses by Sergey Teplinskiy at informatics.
I pleased that humanities disciplines were not practically in a list of subjects while I was studying at university . Therefore studying was given comparatively easily for me. I was study hard the first course, because it was difficult to adapt myself to module system of evaluation. At the 2 course with part of the group studied the German language, which like the fact that unlike English, and like the Russian in the German language has cases and put a definite end. But soon the German language classes were halted by virtue of deduction of some classmates who went on courses. The most memorable was a Day of chair on 3 course. I got deep knowledge about computer science at University. But I got a little about defence and safety of the computer systems. I understood that programming and technology languages must be additionally studied.
Nevermind I get base knowledges at university, that are necessary in most short space to study new computer technologies. I was succesfully done final state examination. I got the diplom of bachelor and go to a budget studying.
I chose George Zinchenko as a supervisor. A theme of my master's degree work is «Development of methods and tools of detection and removal of failure test vectors in digital devices».
Plans for the future
I plan to take courses "Java Fundamental" from the company Sun Microsystems, which organized Victor Babkov. I going to study the PHP language for develop web-applications at leisure. Also I hope to find an interesting and well-paid job.