
Faculty: Computer Science and Informatics
Specialty: Systemm programming
Work subject: Development and organization of the databases subsystem for distributed parallel simulation environment
scientific leader : professor Vladimir Svyatnyj

Abstract of master's research

Development and organization of the databases subsystem for distributed parallel simulation environment (DPSE)


Science and technology are not static — they are rapidly developed in all spheres of human activity. In this case, almost any development or research needs experimental confirmation of their results. Often it is technically impossible or not advisable to make real experiments. Then, in this case it is necessary to build a model and simulate it in the particular environment.

Many areas of a science and technics have reached already such level of development that conventional single-threaded modeling environments cannot cope with time or detailing requirements of modeling.

So — introduction of new methods of modeling and construction of modeling environments is necessary. One of systems which carries out most of the technological inquiries, is — Distributed parallel simulation environment (DPSE).

Goals and problems of research:

The purpose of given master work is development and the organization of a subsystem of databases of distributed parallel simulation environment (DPSE).

The given problem demands the analysis and all-round consideration, and also solution of the following tasks:

1. Analysis of DPSE, its decomposition on subsystems.

2. Definition of functions, features of a subsystem of databases DPSE.

3. Development and researches of structure of a databases subsystem.

4. Integration of a databases subsystem with other subsystems.

5. Implementation of the project.

6. An experimental research.

Relevance and motivation:

Problem solving of modeling of difficult dynamic objects is difficult process which with usage of conventional consecutive (not parallel) methods often leads to unacceptable time expenses. So, it is necessary to resort to application of other methods for reduction of modeling time what probably to reach thanks to the parallel modeling environments.

Developments and researches in the field of the distributed parallel simulation environments are actual at present. At present several people are comprehensively engaged in researches and developments of DPSE. Decomposition of DPSE on subsystems helps to divide all researches on independent directions which all pursue an aim — development of DPSE.

At complexity increase of a model — the information exchange and storage content sharply increases. So operations with the information are rather important component of common structure DPSE and a databases subsystem is responsible for this direction of operation. Therefore — development and the organization of a databases subsystem in DPSE is the actual and necessary task. That will allow to optimize operations with the information, to minimize time and hardware expenses.

Description of distributed parallel simulation environment (DPSE):

In 1992, within the scientific cooperation of faculty of "Computer science and informatics" (nowadays CST) DonNTU and institute of the parallel and distributed systems (IPVS) of Stuttgart university (Germany), has been offered the main concept of the distributed parallel simulation environment for difficult dynamic systems with the concentrated and distributed parameters. This concept has been stated in the report on an ASIM-symposium in 1994 [1] and further has been developed in operations [2, 3], etc.

DPSE is a systematic organization of the joint operation of the parallel hardware resources, system and modeling software that supports all phases of the development, implementation and use of parallel models of complex dynamical systems [2].

The developed samples of DPSE were built on the basis of access to parallel resources of Stuttgart University. During this period, practical experience in the implementation of parallel models was acquired on systems MasPar (16K processor nodes), Intel Paragon, CRAY T3E. Since January 2005 DPSE connected to the system resources NEC SX8 (576 nodes). Today, there is the opportunity of testing DPSE on a cluster, located in the 4th educational building of DonNTU.


The proposed concept of parallel distributed simulation environment as a form of systemic organization of modeling tools for complex dynamic systems with the concentrated and distributed parameters offers positive opportunities for efficient use of modern parallel computing resources and integrated solution to the problem [4].

Important role in the integrated operation of DPSE plays a databases subsystem, since it operates with all the systems data that need to be processed or analyzed. Thus, research and development of this subsystem — this is another step of continuous development of DPSE system and modeling systems in general.

At the time of writing this abstract master's work is not finished. The final version can be received from the author or its curator after January 1, 2011.



1. Anoprienko A.J., Svjatnyj V.A., Braunl T., Reuter A., Zeitz M.: Massiv parallele Simulationsumgebung fur dynamische Systeme mit konzentrierten und verteilten Parametern. 9. Symposium ASIM’94, Tagungsband, Vieweg, 1994, S. 183-188.

2. Святний В.А. Паралельне моделювання складних динамічних систем // Моделирование — 2006: Международная конференция. Киев, 2006 г. — Киев, 2006. — С. 83–90.

3. Forschungsgebiet: parallele Simulationstechnik [Internet resource] / L. P. Feldmann, V. A. Svjatnyj, M. Resch, M. Zeitz — Mode of access: http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/portal/natural/Npdntu/Pm/2008/08flpfps.pdf, free. — Title from screen

4. Стан та перспективи розробок паралельних моделюючих середовищ для складних динамічних систем з розподіленими та зосередженими параметрами [Internet resource] / В.А Святний, О.В. Молдованова, А.М. Чут // «Паралельне моделювання 2008» — Mode of access: http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/portal/natural/Npdntu/2008/ikot/08svasgt.pdf , free. — Title from screen

5. Введение в базы данных [Internet resource] / Ю. А. Зеленков — Mode of access: http://mstu.edu.ru/education/materials/zelenkov/ch_5_1.htm , free. — Title from screen

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7. Автореферат магистерской работы по теме «Разработка параллельного MIMD-симулятора, 2 уровень распараллеливания» [Internet resource] / А.В. Войтов — Mode of access: http://masters.donntu.ru/2009/fvti/voitov/diss/index.htm, free. — Title from screen

8. Розподілене паралельне моделююче середовище [Internet resource] / И.С. Степанов — Mode of access: http://masters.donntu.ru/2001/fvti/stepanov/thesis/index.htm, free. — Title from screen

9. Разработка и исследование решателя уравнений параллельной моделирующей среды на основе OpenMP-стандарта [Internet resource] / П.В. Скворцов — Mode of access: http://www.masters.donntu.ru/2007/fvti/skvortsov/diss/index.htm, free. — Title from screen

10. Parsec: A Parallel Simulation Environment for Complex Systems [Internet resource] / Rajive Bagrodia, Richard Meyer, Mineo Takai, Yu-an Chen, Xiang Zeng, Jay Martin, Ha Yoon Song — Mode of access: http://scalable-networks.com/pdf/parsec.pdf, free. — Title from screen

11. Дейт, К. Дж. Введение в системы баз данных, 8-е издание.: Пер. с англ. — М.: Издательский дом "Вильяме", 2005. — 1328 с.: ил. — Парал. тит. англ.