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Poritskiy Alexander

Poritskiy Alexander

Faculty: Computer Science and Technology
Speciality: System Programming

Theme of master's work:

The algorithms generation trajectory of move for moving object

Scientific adviser: Krasichkov Alexey

About author

Summary of research and developments

Introduction (Motivation)

The subject of research master's thesis is the task of generating a trajectory of motion of a moving object with high inertia. The present level of computing devices allows implement different control algorithms for moving objects.

In this master's work will be developed principles of intellectual decision-making system for choosing the optimal route of a vessel from one point to another, and keep the ship on the generated trajectory. The system includes a mathematical model of the ship, terrain map, logical database describing the current situation, block of formation of trajectories and software that allows to solve the problem of navigation.

Theme of master's work is actual because the development of water transport never stops, and in this area is not enough skilled navigators. To prepare the ship's captains higher level need to have greater material base, that is, the court for training, but from the standpoint of the economy requires more resources. Navigation systems, which include the device generating the trajectory of motion, solve this problem, as with the economic side, and from the safety of life.

The developed system of the new level can improve the safety of water transport, reducing the number of accidents. From environmentalists, this problem also relevant, because reduced emissions of toxic substances in water and air space. From the social side will decrease the number of people killed in accidents of mass transport.

All of the above and determines the relevance of the issues addressed in this work.

The aim of this work is to develop an algorithm generating trajectory of a moving object. The objectives of this work are to build a simplified model of the ship, the transformation of digital maps in the form convenient for the search algorithm, search for the best trajectory, resistance to external factors. The scientific significance of the work – will be developed algorithm for generating trajectories of moving objects. The practical value of the work – developed algorithm can be used on ships for their automatic movement from one point to another.

Survey of research and developments

Stanislav Nikitenko in his final work "Submodule-GPS of integrated navigation system for river vessels" developed a software model of calculator coordinates from GPS-data from satellites.

Ganuschak Nadegda in his master work "The study of existing algorithms for solving transportation problems in GIS" studied the three algorithms for finding the shortest path (Dijkstra's algorithm, the algorithm of Warshall-Floyd algorithm and Leviticus).

Zaitsev Alexandr in his master work "The study of methods of organizing a distributed software system for planning travel on graphs" solved the problem of finding the optimal path on a weighted graph.

Digital maps

There are two types of digital maps:

Raster maps – electronic maps, mapping information which presented in the form of a matrix, its elements are the color codes chart picture. Raster digital maps are created by scanning the traditional topographic materials or rasterization of vector digital terrain models. Raster materials can be black and white, grayscale and color. The main characteristic of the bitmap image is its density, usually measured in dots per inch (dpi). [4]

Disadvantages of these maps:


Vector maps – electronic maps, mapping information which is represented as a sequence of vectors. Semantic information in vector electronic maps may not be detected (absent). Vector electronic maps are based on automated methods (transfer of information from electronic storage surveying instruments) or by scanning a graphic image of traditional plans and their subsequent vectorization. [4]




In result is obtained about the following algorithm to control the vessel:

  1. Get the coordinates of the destination and load a map.
  2. Calculate its location using the Global Positioning System.
  3. With the way the search algorithm generates the trajectory.
  4. Try to keep the ship on the trajectory until it reaches the desired area.
  5. If the vessel had deviated from the path to a considerable value, it should return to item 3.

Thus, it's really to solve this task.


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