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Poritskiy Alexander

Poritskiy Alexander

Faculty: Computer Science and Technology

Speciality: System Programming

Theme of master's work:

The algorithms generation trajectory of move for moving object

Scientific adviser: Krasichkov Alexey

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Average mark in the period of my studying at the University was 4. I speak Russian and Ukrainian fluently. I speak English at a level sufficient for reading and correspondence. I don't have work experience. My experience in developing and programming is limited with laboratory work on relevant subjects. I am addicted with computer games.

Short biography:


I am Poritskiy Alexander, was born March 14 1988 year in the Kirov district of Donetsk of Ukraine.

In 1991 I started a kindergarten. I very fond of swimming. That is why my vivid memories linked to family trips to the sea.


In 1995 I entered the secondary school № 97 of Donetsk with intensive studying of foreign language. From my point of view, it was the right step.

I was lucky with the class teacher, because she was a teacher of algebra and geometry. Her name was Shkolyarenko Svetlana. In the last 7 years of schooling she was intensively preparing us for the entrance examinations for higher education institutions.

In the high school I first became acquainted with computers and wrote my first program in Pascal. From that moment I was sure that my profession will be linked with computers. Special thanks to my science teacher Farin Stanislav, who helped me to increase my skills in programming.


After my school graduation in 2005, I entered to the Donetsk National Technical University, the faculty of Computer Science and Technology, specialty of System Programming. Choosing a specialty I have a desire to analyse computers more detaile to learn how to operate not only at the software level, but also at the level of hardware.

My studying at the university was success. The greatest benefit was brought with the studying of the disciplines "Peripherals", "Programming for Windows" and "Programming for UNIX".

The motivation to enter magistracy is to receive the master's diploma of the full higher education. The selection of the theme "Algorithms for the generation of trajectory of a moving object" was justified by a rapidly growing area now. Krivosheyev Sergey was the teacher who involved this problem.

Experience with internet technologies is limited with searching on information and entertainment.

My professional plans for the future

My short-term plan is writing a master's thesis and getting a master's degree in system programming.

My medium-term plan is arranging high-paying job in my speciality.

My long-term plan is to lead the managment software projects, development department in a big company or start my own company in software development.

I do not imagine my life without computer. Therefore, my further life will surely be unrelated to them.

DonNTU > Master's portal