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Master of DonNTU Chizhykova Inna

Inna Chizhykova

Faculty: Physics-metallurgical Faculty

Speciality: Heat-and-power Engineering

Theme of master`s work: "Research of Combined Use of Traditional and Alternative Energy Sources"

Scientific adviser: Senior lecturer Dmitry Parhomenko

My biography Abstract

Article on Masters Work Theme

«Research of Combined Use of Traditional and Alternative Energy Sources»

Theme Urgency

    Ukraine concerns to the states which import fuel. Up to 40 % of fuel it is used in systems of heating, ventilation and hot water supply. The Major part of fuel is maybe replaced with renewed energy sources. This problem is the important factor of a security of the state, conservation of energy and preservations of the environment. For a heat supply combined use near to traditional types of energy, as powerful addition to them, a solar power, thermal energy natural and sewage, thermal energy of a ground and an atmosphere is perspective. Natural thermal energy and technogenic thermal emissions can be used in systems of a heat supply of buildings as directly, and in the thermal pump installations.

Objective of Research

  • Increase of efficiency of energy of systems of maintenance by heat and cold due to complex use of energy of a sunlight and heat of an environment in life-support systems of buildings (heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and other technological processes) at their combination with traditional sources.

  • Object of research - Thermal processes and characteristics of direct use of heat of an environment and a solar power for supply by heat and a cold at application of a solar power in passive systems of solar heating and in a complex with thermal pumps.


    1. On climatic conditions Ukraine concerns to regions with average intensity of solar radiation. Quantity of the solar radiation incoming at unit of the area throughout a year, average intensity nearby 1200 êÂÒ÷/ì2 makes here 1000-1350 êÂÒ÷/ì2..
    2. The pilot projects realized in recent years have shown, that annual development of thermal energy in conditions of Ukraine makes 500-600 êÂÒ÷/ì2. Considering the standard potential of use of solar collectors for the industrialized countries, equal 1ì2 on one person, as well as productivity of solar installations for Conditions of Ukraine, Annual resources of solar hot water supply and heating can make 28 billion êÂò÷ thermal energy. Realization of this potential would allow to save 3,4 million ò.ó. ò. In a year. The pilot projects realized in recent years have shown, that annual development of thermal energy in conditions of Ukraine makes 500-600 êÂÒ÷/ì2. Considering the standard potential of use of solar collectors for the industrialized countries, equal 1ì2 on one person, as well as productivity of solar installations for Conditions of Ukraine, annual resources of solar hot water supply and heating can make 28 billion êÂò÷ thermal energy. Realization of this potential would allow to save 3,4 million t.ó. t. In a year..

      The Important Remark

          At a writing of the given author's abstract work of the master is not completed yet. Final completion: December, 2010 the Full text of work and materials on subject matter can be received at the author or its head after the specified date.


      © DonNTU 2010 Inna Chizhykova

  • My biography