Abstract of thesis
In 1991, Sumio Iidzima, professor of the Japanese university Meydze found out long, cylindrical carbon educations,
gettings the names of nanotrubki. Such molecule with the number of atoms of carbon of C>1 000 000, are a one tube
with a diameter about нанометра and long in a few ten of microns. On-the-spot tube the atoms of carbon are located
in the tops of correct hexagons. The ends of tube are closed by six correct pentagons.
On the durability nanotrubki excel steel in 50-100 times, and have a less closeness in six times. Module cabin Boy
is description of resistance of material axial tension and compression - at nanotrubok on the average twice as a high,
than at carbon fibres. That tubes are not only durable but also flexible, remind on the conduct fragile not straws,
but hard rubber tubes. Under the action of mechanical tensions, exceedings critical, nanotrubki behave enough
eccentrically: they do not "break" a secret and does not "break" a secret, and reform simply!
The international group of scientists rotined that, leaning against these unusual properties, nanotrubki can be
utillized for creation of artificial muscles which at an identical volume can be three times stronger biological,
are not afraid of high temperatures, vacuum and many chemical reagents.
Nanokabel' from Earth to Moon from a single tube it is possible it would be to spool measuring with a poppy granule.
Small filament by the diameter of 1 mm, consisting of nanotrubki, would survive a load in 20 т, that there is its more
deadweight in the a few hundred milliards of one times.
Nanotrubki are the most various form: one and multi-layered, direct and spiral. In addition, they demonstrate the
whole spectrum of the most unexpected electric, magnetic, optical properties.
The spectrum of possible application of nanotrubki is very wide.
Construction materials:
Nanostrukturnye by volume materials differ large durability at a static and tireless ladening, and also by hardness
as compared to materials with ordinary in size grains. Therefore basic direction their use presently is the use as
wearproof materials. So the limit of fluidity is increased as compared to the ordinary state in 2,5-3 times and
plasticity – either diminishes very insignificantly or for Ni3Al increases in 4 times . Compos the reinforced
carbon nanovoloknami and fulerens is examined as perspective materials for work in the conditions of shock dynamic
influences, in particular for an armour.
Instrumental materials:
Instrumental alloys with nanosize are as a rule more proof as compared to the ordinary structural state. The
nanoporoshki of snow of metals with including of carbides use as polishing and polishing material on the final
stages to treatment of semiconductors.
Production technologies:
Important and perspective presently there is the use of nanomaterial as components of compos of the most different setting.
Adding of nanoporoshki to the ordinary sprinkles of snow at the production of steel and alloys allows to reduce porosity
of wares the methods of powder-like metallurgy, improve the complex of mechanical properties. The display of effect of
superplasticity in the nanostractal alloys of aluminium and titan does perspective their application for making of details
and wares of difficult form and for the use as connecting layers for welding of different materials in the hard state.
The very large specific surface of nanoporoshki (5х107м-1) is instrumental in their application in a number of chemical
productions as catalysts.
It is developed already and a few applications of nanotrubki are in computer industry. Already in the near future emission
monitors can appear with a flat screen, workings on a matrix from nanotrubki. Under the action of tension, put to one of
ends of nanotrubki, from other end electrons which get on a phosphorescent screen and cause luminescence of pixel begin to
be emitted. Turning out here grain of image will be fantastically small: micron!
Other example is the use of nanotrubki as a needle of a sweepable tunnel or atomic power microscope. Such edge is ordinary
is the sharply sharpened tungsten needle, but on atomic measurements such sharpening however rough enough. A nanotrubka is
an ideal needle by a diameter a few atoms. Putting certain tension, it is possible to catch atoms and whole molecules, being
on directly under a needle, and to carry them about.
With the purpose of study of influence of nanomaterial on properties and structure of different metals and alloys conducted
the series of experiments in the stove of Tammana and in a vacuum stove of resistance. They consisted in adulteration to
the brass shaving and powder of iron of different amount of nanomaterial. As the last utillized carbon nanotrubki/nanovolokna
(CNT/CNV), productions of the Vladimirskaya state university (VLGU) (pic.1). On the base of this university conducted researches
of the got material on an electronic microscope.
а –original appearance;
b – an increase x60 000
Picture 1 - Powder of CNT/CNV
Geared-up mixtures of the brass shaving (LS-59) with the different percentage of CNT/CNV (0,5-5%) heated in the stove
of Tammana in the interval of temperatures from 600°С to 1300°С, in the environment of argon. The results of research
of brass standards were not rotined by influences of nanotrubki on the structure of metal.
Powder of iron was mixed from 1,2%, 3% and 5% CNT/CNV and maintained at the temperatures of 700°С and 900°С, in a flow
0,5-1,5 hour. Standards specalis, but remained fragile enough. Researches on a microscope rotined a presence in the
standards of hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, apparently, by a technical argon.
With the purpose of exception of influence of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen the next series of experiments were conducted
in a vacuum stove of resistance. Mixture of powder of iron from 4,5% CNT was pressed in «pills» a diameter 30 mm and in
15-20 mm. thick Standards were heated to the temperatures of 1100°С, 1150°С, 1200°С and maintained in the flow of 2 hours,
whereupon they cooled off together with a stove.
As a result, in standards got at 1100°С found out the presence of particles of пластинчатого pearlite (pic. 2). It follows
from this that CNT/CNV dissolved in a gland for two hours and that speed of diffusion it is enough good. The structure
of metal is fine-grained, that not characteristically for such temperature.
а – x1000;
b – x2000
Picture 2 - Microstructure of standard got at 1100°С on an optical (а) and electronic microscope (b)
Presently works proceed in this direction, with the purpose of establishment of repetition of results.