Faculty: Physics-metallurgy Department: "Electrometallurgy" Speciality: Metallurgy of black metals Theme of master's degree work: "Research of possibility of receipt of nanostrukturnykh materials by an input in metals and alloys of nanotrubok and nanoporoshkov" Leader: Professor of department "Electrometallurgy" Anatoliy Ryabcev
1 http://nano.com.ua Ukrainian site of nanotekhnologiy
2 http://www.nanonewsnet.ru Daily news, articles and reviews from the world of nanotekhnologiy.
3 http://nanosvit.com Articles about nanotekhnologiy
4 http://nanoblog.ru Nanotekhnologii and their application
5 http://nanozang.com Consulting services in area of nanotekhnologiy
6 http://www.nano.nas.gov.ua Nanotekhnologii are in Ukraine and world. National academy of sciences of Ukraine
7 http://www.rusnanoforum.ru Organized a state corporation "The Russian corporation nanotekhnologiy" in 2008 site of the International forum on nanotekhnologiyam, getting wide confession is in Russia and zarubezhom
8 http://www.nanometer.ru Nanotekhnologii | Nanotekhnologicheskoe association
9 http://www.rusnano.com A state corporation ROSNANO is founded in 2007 for "realization gos. politicians in the field of nanotekhnologiy, development of innovative infrastructure in the field of nanotekhnologiy, realization of projects of creation of perspective nanotekhnologiy and nanoindustrii"
10 http://nanowerk.com The leading nanotechnology portal with link directories, news, and special features covering nanomedicine, nanoelectronics, carbon nanotubes, self-assembly, nanomaterials, molecular manufacturing, nanorisks
11 http://www.nanotech-now.com NN was created to serve the information needs of business, government, academic, and public communities. And with the intention of becoming the most informative and current free collection of "nano" reference material
12 http://www.azonano.com A Free To Access Nanotechnology Information Site. We've Broken Nanotechnology Down By Application, Industy and Material to Provide The Complete A to Z of Nanotechnology
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