qualifying work for master's degree
The investigation of the autonomous radiant heating systems based on infra-red emitters with the purpose of development of recommendations on the increase of their energy effective
Due to the necessity of diminishing of expensive fuel (natural gas) at space heating in industry in a prospect it is very really 50% heat-requirement to provide by the radiant heating, and 50% - by the convective heating. Other source of energy economy is application of the radiant heating which will be a more economy to satisfy a requirement in a warmth for workplaces at the use almost on 25% less of heat-repository, therefore the detailed consideration of this question from the technical point of view is very actually.
Aims and tasks
The purpose of work is development of recommendations on introduction and effective use of infra-red emitters in the systems of heating of production and dwellings apartments.
For achievement of the put purpose it is assumed to decide the followings tasks:
Scientific novelty
The supposed scientific novelty of work consists in the following:
1) suggestion of methodological approach of lead through of engineering heating engineering calculation of the systems of heating on a base IK heaters;
2) first on the basis of the indicated approach it is assumed to formulate a task upon settlement of heat-wastes of apartment on the basis of equalizations of thermal balance of non-load-bearing constructions in stationary temperature terms;
3) during the analysis of results of numeral decision of the systems of equalizations of thermal balance it is assumed to get information both about distributing of temperature and heat-wastes of buildings and about theoretical heat emission of heatings screens on a theoretical model.
Review of research-and-developments on the topic
The employees of department of industrial heating energy and energetical management Center are engaged in the problems of the radiant heating in DONNTU.
In Ukraine and in works of many scientists are the world devoted research of different theoretical and practical aspects of the radiant heating. It was engaged in research of the system of the panel-radiant heating by L. Bankhidi, A. Shapovalov, P. Kutateladze, M. Kissin. Experience of the practical use of mathematical approaches was largely based on developments of Tanicheva V., Zakrzhevskogo V.I., Nuorkivi A. etc.
Own researches: current and planned results
Theoretical and methodological basis of research is made by works of native and foreign scientists in area of energy supply of dwellings and industrial buildings and effective use of power resources, including the questions of energy-savings and application of alternative energy sources.
The informative base of research is made by statistical information about the use of different types of power resources in Ukraine and abroad, operating normative documents in the field of energy.
At the discussion of decision about the use of IK-radiators, and also it is necessary to take into account in calculations, that:
1) options of the radiant heating the more advantageous, than the higher heated apartment (for apartments with N>6m economic advantages of the radiant heating are indisputable; for apartments with N=10m, heated IK-heating, the expense of warmth makes about 50 % expense of warmth in the variant of the convectiv heating).
Table 1 - Specific expenses on heating of building a volume 100 m3 and in 8 metres high
Specific expenses |
IR-heating |
Central heating |
Hourly average expense of warmth, ccal |
338 |
1337 |
The maximum expense of warmth, ccal |
731 |
2872 |
The average expense of gas, |
0,042 |
0,168 |
2) a temperature of air in an apartment can be on a few degrees below, than at the convectiv heating (at the convectiv heating feeling of thermal comfort is created at the temperature of air of 20-22°C, the temperature of 15-18°C fully suffices at the radiant heating), and it entails the economy of energy in size of 30-40%;
3) advantages of emitters show up to a full degree, when factor of heat conductivity of construction of buildings:
K ≥ 1,16 Vt/(m2·°C)
4)Determination of losses of thermal energy on infiltration of outward air both at the convectiv and at infra-red heating it is necessary to conduct taking into account multipleness of ventilation in the heated apartment:
Qu= 0,337·F·h·(tВ-tН)·K, Vt ,
where F is a room measure, m2; h-high of apartment, m; tВ is an internal temperature in an apartment, °C ; tН is an outward calculation temperature, °C; K is multipleness of ventilation in the heated apartment.
In an order to enter a customer in an error, often the multipleness of ventilation is consciously understated by infiltration, which allows to hide enhanceable heat-wastes, related to the process of natural ventilation.
As a result of own researches an author is set that options of the radiant heating the more advantageous, than the higher heated apartment (for apartments with the height of ceiling of N>6m economic advantages of the radiant heating are indisputable; for apartments with N=10m, heated IK-defroster, the expense of warmth is made by an about 50% expense of warmth in the variant of the convectiv heating).
As a result of research work it is planned to collect and study materials on questions, to related to the theme of master's degree work: to consider the questions of caloradiance, mechanisms of influence of infra-red rays on the organism of man depending on length of the waves selected an emitter, intensity of radiation; also development and making of experimental fluidizer goes receipt of own results in this area.
Thus, the modern systems of the autonomous radiant heating require more detailed study. Further research is required also yet some aspects of their application, for example, information about multipleness of ventilation by infiltration at the radiant heating as compared to heat-air the analysis of which will allow to define the real information about heat-waste, related to the process of natural ventilation.
List of literature
At writing of this abstract master's degree work is not yet completed. Final completion is December, 2010. The complete text of work and materials can got for an author or his leader after the indicated date.
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