Own publications on the topic of master's degree work*
1. Analysis of influence of extrass of harmful matters by infra-red gas heaters and methods of their decline
Authors: D.Sagirova, V.Pigildina, S.Gridin
Description: The ecological aspects of application of light and dark infra-red gas emitters are considered in the systems of heating of shopfloors and by a calculation a way the necessity of forced-circulation is grounded.
Source: Guard of environment and rational use of natural resources // Collection of lectures of the XX All ukrainian scientific conference of graduate students and studentov.t.1-doneck:DONNTU, DONNU, 2010.-p.108-109.
2. Distinctive features of planning and advantage of exploitation of the systems of the radiant heating on the base of infra-red emitters
Authors: D.Sagirova,S.Gridin
Description: The method of determination of basic physical sizes, applied at the heating engineering calculations of both the traditional systems of heating and systems of heating on the base of infra-red emitters is resulted in this article.
Source: Metallurgy of XXI age by young eyes// Collection of lectures of the All ukrainian science-practical conference of youths of scientists and students. -Donetsk: DonNTU,2010.
Own publications, geared-up within the framework of workings disciplines of bakalavr and magistrature*
3. (pdf) Stabilizing of tension in the link of direct-current of hybrid multilevel transformer of frequency
Authors: D.Sagirova, A.Shavelkin
Description: The article is devoted consideration of principles of construction of the system of stabilizing of tension on a condenser in the chain of direct-current of additional negator of tension of hybrid multilevel transformer of frequency in default of for him source of tension.
Source: Thematic issue of reasons on results work of the Allukrainian scientific and technical conference of electrical «Engineer, electronics and microprocessor technique».-Donetsk, DONNTU, 2008.-p.121-122
4. Essence and maintenance of risk-analiz on enterprises
Authors: D.Sagirova, O.Kolomatskaya, G.Portnova
Description: In the article essence of risk-analiza is considered depending on the type of risk, the spheres of possible origin of risk are analysed, the methods of risk-analiz are resulted.
Source: Problems of management technology-ekonomical activity of management subjects: materials of the III All ukrainian scientific conference of students.-Donetsk, DONNTU, - T.2 -Donetsk: LDS Sparrows, 2009.- P. 214-216.
5. Increase of efficiency of work of caldron taking into account ecology-economical indexes.
Authors: D.Sagirova, N.Konareva, M.Shaforostova
Description: In the article the comparative analysis of possible methods of increase of efficiency of work of caldron is conducted at introduction on the enterprises of industry of technology of intensification of burning (TIG).
Source: Guard of environment and rational use of natural resources // Collection of lectures of the XX All ukrainian scientific conference of graduate students and students.T.2-doneck:DonNTU, DONNU, 2010.-p.168-169.
Other articles on theme*
6. (pdf) Infraradiants. Three «E» in heating of industrial apartments
Description: Basic descriptions of gas radiant heatings devices, and also their advantages and failings, are resulted in the article.
Source: http://www.c-o-k.com.ua
7. Application of modern climatic equipment is in the systems of heating of buildings
Author: V.Volkov
Description: Experience of application of the imported equipment, initially developed for the systems of climatization with the purpose of implementation of functions of heating is reflected in the article..
Source: www.tgv.ulstu.ru