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on degree work topic

DonNTU masters` works

About recrystallization of aluminum in the radial extrusion.
Author: E. Dombrovskiy.
Scientific adviser: Yan Beygelzimer.

Other resources

Herald of the Donbass State Engineering Academy (ru)
Collection of science papers.

Yan Beygelzimer, personal web page.
Information about scientific interests and researches.

Portal of DonNTU masters
There are personal web pages of masters of Donetsk National Technical University. Abstracts of degree works, researches information are presented.

Steel and alloys grading
Database of Steels and Alloys contains the information about classification, chemical composition, critical points, hardness by Brinell, physical, mechanical and technological properties of more than 1500 steels and alloys from former Soviet Union countries (Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Estonia, Kazakhstan etc.).

A multilingual, web-based, free-content encyclopedia project based on an openly-editable model. There is a lot of metallurgy connected articles.