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of the degree work *

“Submicrograin aluminum alloys` ductility resource exhaustion in process of radial extrusion”

Scientific adviser: Yan Beygelzimer, Professor of Materials Science.


Creating submicrograin (SMG) structure in metals and alloys with grain size less than a micron leads to changes in some of their physical quantities and to marked (in 1,5-3 times) increasing in strength characteristics. Elaboration of SMG-structured metal constructional materials has a great importance for the development of metallurgy, engineering and other industries [1].

Severe plastic deformation (SPD) processes seem to be one of the most promising technologies for mass production of products with SMG structure. Such processes imply accumulation of strain, ie deformation processes run at temperatures below the recrystallization threshold with a high level of accumulated strain e = 4-8 .

Modern SPD methods make it possible to obtain mainly rod-type workpieces. It becomes a limiting factor for manufacturing application of SMG materials.

The present work deals with radial extrusion of SMG-structured materials for the purpose of obtaining disk-type billets from rod-type ones. The study zeroed in on ductility resource exhaustion in such process.

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* Degree work is not completed at the time of abstract publication. Tentative completion date: October 2010. Full-text version, as well as materials on the subject can be obtained from the author after that date.