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of the degree work *

“Submicrograin aluminum alloys` ductility resource exhaustion in process of radial extrusion”

Scientific adviser: Yan Beygelzimer, Professor of Materials Science.


Today materials with SMG structure find their application in many industries. One of the factors limiting the use of such materials is a small selection of available workpiece form factors. As a step towards solving this problem the new method of disk SMG-workpices obtaining proposed. It implies producing an SMG-structured billet with the use of twist extrusion process and further radial extrusion to make a rod-to-disk converting.

The modeling showed that the classical radial extrusion scheme is unacceptable for fractureless transformation. The scheme of RE with counter-pressure is proposed. It should be observed that more favourable stress state take place in such occasion.

Further studies will be focused on detailed examination of SMG structure effects in RE processes.


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  7. Бейгельзимер Я. Е., Абрамова Е. А., Ткаченко Т. К., Жбанков Я. Г., Гришаев В. В., Терменжи А. А., Особенности радиального выдавливания алюминиевого сплава с СМК структурой // Обработка металлов давлением. – 2010. – № 1 (22). – с. 144-147.
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* Degree work is not completed at the time of abstract publication. Tentative completion date: October 2010. Full-text version, as well as materials on the subject can be obtained from the author after that date.