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Maxim Ishuk
21 - the age of information technology. At the head of the world state, which has the best development in the field of information technology. Most precious and important - is information. And the main task is - to hide the secret. At the same time, the other main task - unauthorized removal of information. And then there are many ways to seize information. In this paper we will consider ways to combat the unauthorized removal of information on technical channels. Namely spurious electromagnetic radiation and fire. The main way to fight - the screening of the wireline.
The purpose of this master's thesis
A distinctive feature of radiolines is the propagation of electromagnetic waves in free (natural) space (space, air, earth, water etc.). Range radar can range from several hundred meters, such as when the first radio program, carried out by the great Russian scientist Alexander Popov in 1895, to hundreds of millions of miles, the distance between the unmanned spacecraft and ground stations.
A distinctive feature directing lines is that the propagation of signals in them from one subscriber (stations, devices, circuit elements, etc.) to another is carried out only by specially created circuits and paths of drugs, forming a guiding system for the transmission of electromagnetic signals in a given direction with appropriate quality and features nadezhnostyu.Vysheukazannye RL and LS determine their basic properties and applications. Thus, the RL is used for communication at different distances, often between subscribers located in the moving relative to each other state.
The nature of propagation of electromagnetic signals in various environments in the first place depends on the frequency signal (carrier frequency). In accordance with this distinction following the model ranges of wavelengths and frequencies:
Very low frequency (VLF) Long wave (LW) Medium wave (SW) Shortwave (SW) Ultrashort wave (VHF) Microwaves (DTSM) Microwaves (SM) Millimeter wave (MW) Optical Range |
100 ... 10 km (3 ... 30 kHz) , 10 ... 1 km (30 ... 300 kHz) 1,0 ... 0,1 km (0,3 ... 3 MHz) 100 ... 10 m (3 ... 30 MHz) 10 ... 1 m (30 ... 300 MHz) 1 ... 0,1 m (0,3 ... 3 GHz) 10 ... 1 cm (3 ... 30 GHz) 10 ... 1 mm (30 ... 300 GHz) 10 ... 0,1 mkm |
In addition to these advantages radio links determines the possibility of communication across vast distances with moving objects, we point out the high-speed connectivity and the ability to ensure the transfer of mass media (radio and television) with an unlimited number of listeners and viewers.
The main disadvantages of radar (radio communications) are:
- Dependence of the quality of communication from the state;
- The transmission medium and the electromagnetic fields;
- Low speed, not high electromagnetic compatibility in the range of meter waves and above;
- The complexity of the equipment and receiver;
- Narrow-band transmission systems, especially at long wavelengths and higher.
The purpose of master's work the best use of wire communication lines in secure communication channels, to try to minimize the disadvantages. The main objective is to develop a new system of protection of the wireline, in order to minimize the possibility of theft of information.
Reading of information on technical channels
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Nowadays, wire communication lines (namely, one can consider voloknoopticheskie communication line) is well advanced and is applied in various fields of science and industry (telecommunications, electronics, energy, fusion, medicine, aerospace, engineering, flying objects, computer systems, etc. etc.). Growth of fiber optics and optoelectronics in the world market ahead of all other branches of engineering and 40% a year.
With their help solve problems such as:
- LAN interconnection units. This can greatly accelerate the exchange of information and means to make business more's effective, reduce the number of control server stations, and, therefore, necessary for their maintenance staff numbers, reduce the number of copies of the same type program by installing a network version (program management enterprise (ERP-systems), material accounting (MRP-systems), accounting (1C), consultant plus, etc.), that is to save money on their purchase for each computer.
- telephony on optical communication channels. With this approach in all offices of handsets can receive an internal number, the result will be savings by reducing the external telephone traffic.
- high-speed Internet access on a separate line of communication. significantly increases the safety of the network, provides high speed and reduces the amount of work on the separation of internal and external information flows.
Secure communications using wire communication lines. This study examines the possible causes of information leakage from the wireline through technical channels. The emphasis is on the side of electromagnetic radiation and pickup. Will look for ways to combat leaks. I think that in this age of information technology, where the most valuable in the world this information, how to fight at any stage of transmission is very important. This topic is interesting and the State (the State Service of Special Communication of Ukraine) and private individuals. Individuals, to include any organization in the document which may contain information that contains the secret.
Planned result
In this master's work is planned to conduct research on the currently existing methods to combat leaks of information on technical channels. Also plans to develop new methods to improve information security. Details will consider ways of shielding the wireline and the development of an improved method of screening.
The history of wire lines development
Wire lines (channels) provide signals transmission and spreading from transmitter to receiver. Transmitted signals can be electrical (wireless and radio), acoustic and optical links.
The most ancient links are acoustic and optical ones.
To transmit the information the sound of drums and bells was used. The human speech is also transmitted by acoustic line which is limited by range of audibility. The principle of information transmission with the voice on long distances was used even before AD era.
Persian King Kira (VI century BC) had 30000 people for this purpose who were called «king´s ears». They were settled on the tops of the hills and watch towers so they could hear each other and pass messages to king and also his orders. In one day news by such an acoustic «telephone» passed the distance of 30-days crossing.
Signal fires are the most ancient optical communication line.
Nowadays the most popular are electrical communication circuits. This is the set of technical facilities which provide message transmission of different types from sender to receiver. It is fulfilled with the help of electrical signals by wires or radio signals. There are following telecommunication channels: telephone, telegraphic, facsimiles, television, wire and broadcasting, remotely operated, data transmission etc. The component of channel is communication line. They can be wireless (radio communication) and wired. Wired communication can be provided with electrical cable and fibre optic line. Radio communication is implemented by long wave-, short-wave-, and ultra short waves without retransmitter usage by satellite channels with the help of space retransmitters, radio relay lines with ground retransmitters and by cell communication with ground basic radio stations.
Wired lines
Wired lines can be cable, air and fibre optic.
Telecommunication lines appeared together with electrical telegraph. First lines were cable. They were constructed under the ground. However, because of imperfection of construction underground cable communication lines made way for air ones.
The first air line of long length was set in Russia in 1854 between St. Petersburg and Warsaw. in early 70-eis of last century the air telegraph circuit from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok which length was about 10 thousand km was opened. In 1039 the greatest in the world high-frequency telephone main Moscow-Khabarovsk – the length 8300 km – was launched. The ordinary landline cable consists of beam of thin copper or aluminum wires which are isolated from each other and are concluded in one general capsule. Cables consist of different amount of pair wires each of them is used for telephone signals transmission.
In 1851 together with railway building between Moscow and St. Petersburg the telegraph cable was constructed that was isolated with rubber. The first submarine cable were laid I 1852 through the whole Northern Dvina and in 1879 though Caspian Sea between Baku and Krasnovodsk. In 1866 submarine cable transatlantic telephone main between France and the USA went into service.
In 1882-1884 in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga, Odessa the first municipal telephone lines were constructed. In 90-ies of last century the first cables on urban telephone network in Moscow and Petrograd were hung up. They counted about 54 strands. In 1901 the reconstruction of underground urban telephone network began.
The first cable network construction dating to XX century let implementation of telephone transmission on short distances. These were so to say urban telephone cables with air-space paper insulation of stands and pairwise construction. In 1900-1902 the distance of telegraphic and telephone transmission was increased by many times.
The important stage in communication technology development was invention and starting from 1912-1913 producing of electronic tubes.
In 1917 the telephone booster on electronic tubes was created and tested by V.I. Kovalenko. In 1923 the telephone communication with boosters on line Kharkov-Moscow-Petrograd was fulfilled.
Defence information – one of the most pressing problems of our time. Not in vain was born saying, Who owns the information – that owns the world. In the master ´ s work will be conducted by the radiation of cables and wires to secure channels of information transmission. Reading of information on the spurious electromagnetic radiation and radiated interference is the main method of information theft. And one of the most vulnerable areas – a line of communication. The main objective is to develop a better screening method of the wireline.
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