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Master of DonNTU
Faculty: Management Department: Personnel Management and Labour Economics Speciality: Personnel Management and Labour Economics Theme of Master's Work: « Improvement of the Organization Wages » Scientific Supervisor: Ph. D., senior lecturer of the department PMLE Aleksandra Sled |
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For the successful functioning in the conditions of market economy of enterprise it is necessary such type of economic conduct, which would allow to adapt oneself to the dynamic terms of external environment. Thus the special role is played by application of effective methods of management labour, what would provide the personal interest of workers in high-performance labour and improvement of end-point of activity of enterprise. On the modern stage payment of labour, which represents an amount and quality of the labour spent a worker, comes forward the basic mean of forming of such personal interest. To provide such dependence the called system of payment of labour. On an enterprise it has large socio-economic the value-type of it depend not only on the results of labour but also welfare and social status of workers, moral climate in a collective.Application of the uneffective or unfair system of payment results in the decline of the labour productivity, qualities of products, to violation of labour discipline, origins socially of labour disputes, between workers and employer, negatively represented on end-point of activity of enterprise. Every enterprise is characterized the features of activity, puts before itself specific aims, and every worker has the values and settings. In addition, an external environment enterprises function in which changes constantly, as well as indexes which characterize his personnel. Consequently, expedient is forming of such system of payment of labour, which would take into account the features of activity of concrete enterprise. It predetermines the necessity of organization on the enterprise of management of the system of payment of labour. Actuality of this work consists in that a question of organization of payment of labour is substantial on an enterprise. Payment of labour is the basic instrument of increase of efficiency of labour of workers. COMMUNICATION OF WORK WITH SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMS, PLANS, THEMES Qualification master’s work was carried out during 2009-2010 years according to scientific directions of the chair «Personnel Management and Labour Economics» of Donetsk National Technical University.
Object of researches is the state enterprise is OAO «ISTIL» . Subject of researches is the payment organisation at the enterprise. Methods of researches are the analysis, synthesis, the system approach, abstraction. NOVELTY Theoretical meaningfulness of scientific research consists of that the formulated theoretical conclusions and positions can be used researchers in the process of further development of problems of payment of labour, in teaching of disciplines the «Economic theory», «Upravle¬nie by a personnel (by human capitals)» PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE OF THE RECEIVED RESULTS Practical meaningfulness of scientific job performances consists in possibility of their use in perfection of the systems of oplaty labour on enterprises. SECTION 1. Research of essence of payment Payment of labour is one of basic economic categories, uniting interests of workers, businessmen, state in the direction of satisfaction of public necessities. Level, dynamics of payment of labour, the mechanism of its forming directly influences on the standard of living and social feel of population, efficiency of production, dynamics of the economy growing. In the conditions of market economy a minimum wage must equal a living wage for capable of working persons; it is fastened and by the article 9 Law of Ukraine «About payment of praci». However in Ukraine to this requirement is not executed this day, although digging up between a minimum wage and living minimum gradually grows short and at state level work proceeds in this direction. An ettlings is basic part of facilities, sent to the consumption, being a stake of profit (clean products), depending on end-point of work of collective and distributed between workers in accordance with an amount and quality of the expended labour, by the real labour deposit each and by the size of the inlaid capital. In the market conditions of menage the ettlings of worker must be indissolubly related to the amount and quality of the spent labour. To provide such dependence the called system of payment of labour. Taking into account that the system of payment of labour provides connection between the results of labour of worker, norms of labour and norms of payment, and is the computer-integrated mean of establishment of dependence of ettlings from an amount, quality of labour and his results, by the basic elements of the system of payment of labour. A structure of ettlings is correlation in the lump sum of ettlings of constituents of its payments, taken to each individually or sgrupirovannykh definitely. More frequent than all in the structure of ettlings select the followings payments: base pay (salary), bonuses and rewards, raises, additional charges. Payments, unconnected directly with the results of labour or labour deposit (indemnifications) and other payments carry the name of benefitov. An ettlings is a multidimensional category, different scientists-economists interpret it variously. In market ekonomiki it can be examined as a cost estimation of labour force, as form of distributing of fund of individual consumption of worker after an amount and quality of labour, as relations between an employer and worker concerning distributing of part of national income. In this connection the different concepts of ettlings are used in a theory and practice. SECTION 2 Forms and systems of ettlings. The tariff system is used for differentiation of wage of workers rates depending on their qualification, responsibility, terms of labour (that to its harmfulness, weight, intensity, to the attractiveness and others like that), his amount and results. By the tariff system correlated between low and by the high-paying categories of worker. The tariff system is basis for correlating between the rates of growth of the labour and middle ettlings of workers productivity. With its help the necessary amount of workers of the proper qualification or speciality, and also correlation of ettlings of different categories of workers, is determined. In connection with that the norms of expenses of labour are set setting of norms, the tariff system is an interlink between setting of norms and systems of ettlings. The basic elements of the tariff system are tarifno-kvalifikacionnye reference books of works and professions of workers, qualifying reference books of positions of leaders, specialists and office workers, tariff nets and rates and charts of post salaries, or the unique tariff net. In modern economic terms every enterprise can independently develop the tariff system, adhering to the state guarantees and requirements of general, of a particular branch, regional tariff agreements in obedience to a current legislation. Tariffing of works matters very much for organization of payment of labour, and above all things for its differentiation depending on qualification of workers, that qualities of their labour. The unique tarifno-kvalifikacionnyy reference book is used for determining the amount of digits after every profession (by speciality), complications of works (their tariff group), qualifying digits, by a worker; providing of unity in payment labours of workers which have identical qualification; drafting of the programs from preparation and in-plant training workers. He consists of 72 issues which include approximately 160 sections. For his help it is possible to carry out tariffing over 5 thousand of professions of workings and executable by them works. ETKD contains on every digit of any profession descriptions which are given in three sections: “Description of works”, “Must know” “Examples of works”. After every group of works there is the detailed description and requirements are determined to knowledges and ability of worker. Belonging of executable works to the certain tariff digits and appropriation of qualifying digits workers is carried out a proprietor or upolnomochennym by him by an organ in obedience to a tarifno-kvalifikacionnomu reference book on a concordance with trade-union or other upolnomochennym on a representative office by labour collectives by an organ. A qualifying reference book of positions of leaders, specialists and office workers, is a normative document obscheotraslevye qualifying descriptions are determined in which. For his help it is possible to define the circle of executable obyazanostey of every leader, by a specialist and office worker, it is correct to set the division of labor between leaders and specialists, to provide unity in determination of their position requirements and requirements which behave to them. The important element of the tariff system is a tariff rate. A tariff rate determines size earnings in a hour, day or month of work. A problem is establishment of such sizes of tariff rates, which would guarantee continuous renewal and maintenance of physical forces and mental abilities of man, and also providing of permanent renewal and increase of it, labour qualification, growth of general and professional level of workers. Tariff part of ettlings must execute an explaining and stimulant function, as stimulates implementation of works of greater complication, responsibility, intensity. Therefore specific gravity of tariff part must be maximal. A tariff which is permanent part of ettlings must make to 80% earnings. If variable part of earnings (bonuses, different additional charges) makes a half, and even more general volume of ettlings, it testifies to the loss of basic stimulant role of tariff in encouragement of implementation of more high-quality labour, in-plant training. Payment of labour of leaders, specialists and office workers, is carried out by post salaries basis of which is a minimum tariff rate. The basic setting of this category of workers is organization of production, directed on achievement of maximal results with the least expenses of public labour. After the attitude toward capital goods, after principles of payment they are in those terms, what workers. However specific their labour is on the maintenance, by character and methods of implementation of work. Labour of specialists, office workers, is foremost mental work. Sure, it is not free of some mechanical operations, however made basis is by a creative process – search and acceptance of optimum technical, organizational and economic decisions. It needs large volume of the special knowledges, special practical skills. Labour of specialists and office workers is characterized the high degree of responsibility by comparison to labour of workers, because correct and timely acceptance of decisions determines the individual results of their labour not only. For workers which carry out management functions, a large role is played by such qualities, as initiativeness, organizational capabilities, operationability, objectivity, ability to think perspective, to see untapped backlogs, possibility to summarize, analyse, creatively to realize and apply achievement of scitech in practice. For establishment of post salary on enterprises the coefficients of correlation of monthly post salaries of leaders and specialists and minimum wage are widely used. Taking into account the individual features of worker and financial possibilities of enterprise minimum and maximal limits have coefficients after every position. Minimum salaries in relation to position set those workers, which begin activity in a that or other sphere, execute relatively the narrow circle of tasks within the limits of the regulated general task under direct guidance of senior specialist, or leader, and also to the workers, which answer position which is occupied, however much they must improve work. Maximal salaries are set workers, which own necessary for this position qualification, experience, independence, in execution works within the limits of this function, initiative and with creative attitude toward labour. On enterprises different additional charges and raises which are variable part of the tariff system and depend on production terms are used. By law of Ukraine of “O payment of labour” of condition of introduction and sizes of raises, additional charges, rewards and other encouraging, compensative and guarantee payments, set in a collective agreement with the observance of norms and guarantees, foreseen a legislation, general and of (regional) a particular branch agreements. The improvement of the operating tariff system consists in subsequent creation of the unique compatible terms of payment of labour of all categories of workers on the basis of creation of the unique tariff net, introduction of the bestarifnoy system of payment of labour.Expansion of economic independence is accompanied the use of the bestarifnoy system of payment of labour. At this system earnings of worker fully depend on end-point of work of labour collective, that it can be applied in such collectives which carry responsibility for the results of the activity. The members of this collective well know each other and trust the leaders. Application of the bestarifnoy system more expedient than all in small labour collectives with permanent composition of workers, including leaders and specialists (production cooperative stores and inferior collectives). For perfection of the operating in organization system of influence on labour motivation of personnel it is necessary at first to conduct the analytical thoughtful piece of work for the exposure of problems of industrial industry in relation to stimulation of workers.Among problems which have an influence on organization of stimulation on industrial enterprises it is possible to select disciplinary, material and moral. So on enterprises with low labour discipline of decision of some organizational questions very difficult. The variable mode is physiological heavy. Workers aim to avoid him, but mining shows by itself a cyclic form, and does impossible to work only in one change. Absence of bringing in of inferiors to active voice in the management of enterprise. Guidance must encourage workers to participating in raising of aims and determination of standards of implementation of work. Workers which take part in raising of aims or program of perfection of work development work more tensely, aiming to score a success, because it is those programs, what they helped to develop. They develop aims, but not leader impose them, to compel workers to work more tensely. Must be made decision only since inferiors accepted active enough voice in their preparation. There is absence of encouragement of collaboration on enterprises. In organizations, where amities are encouraged, workers with greater readiness co-operate with each other. It allows to create and fix a command spirit and promote efficiency of work of subsection and organization on the whole. The joined command is also instrumental in satisfaction of necessity out of harm's way, to the estimation and self-esteem. Absence for the workers of possibility of growth, proyavlyannya of the sincere personal interest in the employees, their growth and progress, also inherently to the enterprises of coal industry. At presentation to the worker of such possibility will be incumbent anymore difficult work, a worker can be directed on studies in an institute or on the courses of in-plant training, possibility to delegate a worker more responsibility for implementation of certain work. Absence of satisfied is of that workers understand how their work is related to satisfaction of their necessities and achievement of their personal aims. Motivation of workers rises, if they see how achievement of aims of subsection and organization helps them in achievement of their own aims. The system of stimulation must be projected so that to initiate, cause the desired types of conduct. Payments or privileges for a time-in-service will encourage the protracted work in organizations, but not high-quality work, that is why if organization is adjusted sharply to heave up quality of products, it is needed to develop such programs, which will stimulate high quality and those types of working conduct, which help achievement of this result, exactly. It is not necessary to encourage all workers identically, that a reinforcement of conduct was effective, encouragements must be based on job performances. Identical encouragement of all workers will stimulate middle or bad workers and ignore the high yield of the best workers. Absence of reaction also can influence on motivation of inferiors. Leaders influence on the inferiors both that they do and that, whatever they do. Absence of praise in relation to a worker which differed can lead to that next time he will find out a less zealousness for achievement of high result. Basic maintenance of influence on labour motivation of workers for guidance consists in a requirement from them of such labour conduct which provides maximal efficiency in-process subsections and organization on the whole. Successful influence on labour motivation of personnel is impossible without a regular feed-back as an estimation of efficiency of these influences. It is possible to hope that soon such practice will become usual for the that culture of management. The existent system of social additional charges does not create feeling of social protected for the hired workers, and consequently also is not a stimulant factor in the system of motivation of their labour. Employers are not interested in an exposure and satisfaction of necessities of the workers. Workers not only does not have sufficient information about composition and structure of the earnings but also the proper possibilities for self-realization, self-perfection and professional development. For forming of favourable motivational environment of important value acquires the evaluation of efficiency of the system of stimuli applied on an enterprise workers. There is a necessity of leadthrough of research of this aspect. The conduct of workers of enterprises is induced mainly expectation of financial fee for the executed work. The instrumental explained of respondentov, which is conditioned the low level of ettlings in Ukraine, does not stimulate workers to highly food labour and, as a result does not provide efficiency of mechanism of increase of the productivity of production. Among the determinatives of strengthening of stimulation of workers of coal industry to the labour productivity selected: financial encouragement for the executed work, personal responsibility for the results of labour, connection between the results of labour and its payment, increase of professional preparation and qualification of workers. However problem at low popularity of moral stimuli and bringing in to acceptance of administrative decisions, it is necessary to promote satisfaction of workers the results of the activity and aktualizirovat' social reasons; on unprofitable enterprises with the tendency of decline of the combined productivity the level of motivation of workers is low, forming of effective policy needs native re-erecting of existent positions of activation of labour activity and providing of responsibility of workers for the results of the activity and enterprise on the whole. It is necessary to promote satisfaction of workers the results of the activity and aktualizirovat' social reasons; on unprofitable enterprises with the tendency of decline of the combined productivity the level of motivation of workers is low, forming of effective policy needs native re-erecting of existent positions of activation of labour activity and providing of responsibility of workers for the results of the activity and enterprise on the whole. As a result of research work were collected and studied materials on questions, to related to the theme of master's degree work. Foreign experience of stimulation of labour is generalized and nauno-theoretical bases of stimulation of labour are considered in Ukraine. To promote the stimulant role of forms of payment of labour, use their varieties – systems of ettlings. A difference between them consists in the methods of calculation of earnings and in the levels of dependence on the quantitative and high-quality results of labour of not only worker but also organization (firms), on the whole (or its structural subdivisions). Among many systems of ettlings it is possible to select traditional – simple, bonus, lines and unlines, individual and collective. In basis of construction of the system of payment of labour there must be concrete indexes works, which are added an exact account and to a full degree represent labour of this group of workers, or separate worker. The system of payment of labour is based on totwo decision for this group workers or separate worker indexes and must be simple and clear to each.
1. Çàâèíîâñêàÿ Ã. Ò. // «Åêîíîìèêà òðóäà», Ê. – 2003ð. ñ. 397 – 423. |
At writing of the given abstract a master’s work has not been finished yet. Date of the work’s final end is on December, 1st, 2010. Full text of work and materials on a theme can be received from the author or her supervisor after the named date. |
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