Educational and Scientific Institute “Higher School of Economics and Management” (IEM)
Faculty: Management (FM)
Department: Personnel Management and Labour Economics (PMLE)
Speciality: “Personnel Management and Labour Economics” (PMLE)
Theme of Master's Work:
“Motivation of Personnel on the Enterprises of Agrarian Sector”
Scientific Supervisor: Ph.D. (in Economics), Associate Professor of the PMLE department Natalia Mormul
of the qualification master’s work
«Motivation of Personnel on the Enterprises of Agrarian Sector»
Productivity of a carried out active agrarian policy, adaptation of the agro industrial enterprises of all patterns of ownership and managing to market conditions, problems of escalating of manufacture of agricultural production and increase of level of food safety of the state are closely connected with formation, use and development of labor potential of agrarian sphere of economy.
At this conjuncture a gradual exit of agriculture from crisis and realization of the national project on agrarian and industrial complex development special value is got by a problem of formation of essentially new approaches and mechanisms of reproduction and an effective utilization of all elements of labor potential, maintenance of branch with qualified personnel.
Ukraine owns considerable ground resources and the professionally enough prepared labor potential of village. However the control system of the given resources, ways motivation and stimulations of workers remain almost invariable since the USSR.
And use of manpower of village and reproduction of labor potential of agrarian manufacture are devoted research of problems of formation scientific works of many scientists. However some question, especially that concern qualitative characteristics of labor potential of agrarian sphere, branch conditions and factors of its reproduction in modern scientific publications are considered insufficiently and require the further studying and special research in a close binding to concrete social and economic conditions of development of our state and features of reforming of agrarian manufacture.
The economic science and practice of Ukraine yet have today no model of the effective mechanism of motivation of workers in the agriculture, adequate to a current state of market transformations. The complex and system approach to this problem almost is absent. Absence of the decision of a problem of maintenance of agrarian sphere resources of live works of the necessary quantity both qualitative structure and absence of appropriate conditions of effective formation cause necessity of detailed studying of the given theme.
The purpose of work of the master - studying of a condition of system of motivation of work and working out of recommendations about its improvement.
Problems of work of the master:
The methods of researches used in work of the master - the analysis and synthesis, the system analysis, the formal and dialectic logic, settlement-dialectic receptions.
The agrarian and industrial complex of Ukraine at the given stage of development requires working out of the new approach in system of motivation of workers of the given area which will allow to stimulate better growth of labor productivity and work quality indicators, it is more rational to use labor potential, to provide scientifically well-founded differentiation of level of a payment depending on financial possibilities of the enterprise, results of work of labor collective and the personal labor contribution of each worker.
In the conditions of the agrarian enterprise as a result of introduction of recommendations about improvement of system of motivation of work it is supposed to raise labor productivity, to improve moral atmosphere in collective, to raise interest of workers in increase in indicators of work.
The motivation is a process of prompting and stimulation of the separate person or group of people to activity, to the initiative. It is necessary for effective realization of the accepted decisions and for performance of the planned works. Putting into practice a motivation principle, the head transforms the decisions into affairs.
Now exists nearby 50 more or less known theories of motivation. These are researches of scientific psychologists, sociologists, theorists of management. All of them offer the sights at motivation, both in respect of the theory of the person, and in respect of labor behavior of the person.
Traditionally in the theory of labor motivation allocate theories of the maintenance of motivation (substantial, inside personal, dispositional) to which carry A.Maslou's, K.Alderfer's, D.Makklelland's, F.Gertsberg's theories, and theories of process of motivation (remedial), it is theories of: S.Adam, E.Lock, B.Skinner, V.Vrum, L.Porter - E.Louler.
«Hierarchical model of requirements» A.Maslou
The most known theory of motivation is the theory of hierarchy of requirements of A.Maslou. Potentially the person can have many requirements but what of them are staticized and define behavior of the individual at the moment, it is not known. Maslou has put forward a hypothesis that requirements of each person are united in five groups, they are presented in the figure 5.1.
Figure 5.1 - «Hierarchical model of requirements» A.Maslou
(animation: volume - 36000 byte; size - 310х290; shots quantity - 5; a delay between frames - 100 msec; a delay between last and the first frames - 0 msec; quantity of recycle - endlessly)
The theory of motivation of K.Alderfer (ERG-theory)
K.Alderfer has a little processed hierarchy of requirements of Maslou, having suggested allocating three basic groups of requirements:
Existential requirements are connected with satisfaction base requirements. The second group of requirements is connected with desire to establish and maintain significant interpersonal relations.
The theory of Makkleland
David Makkleland's concept places the basic emphasis on requirement of highest levels which it considers as got under the influence of experience, vital circumstances and training. He considers that three requirements are inherent in people: the power, success and participation. Presence of these requirements at the person makes appreciable impact on its behavior, forcing to undertake serious efforts and actions for satisfaction of objects in view and problems.
Persons with high motivation to the power can be divided on two groups. Those who to aspire to the power for the sake of the direct power concern the first. Those who to aspire to the power to achieve the decision of group problems concern the second group. Makkleland attached special significance of requirement in the power of the second type. Therefore he considered that, on the one hand, it is necessary to develop this requirement at heads, and with another - to give the chance to them to satisfy it.
The theory of Hertsberg
Hertzberg has established that satisfaction of the person the actions and dissatisfaction with them are two poles between which there is a condition and mood of the person. Depending on motivation of the person its mood varies, coming nearer to one of poles.
As has established Hertzberg, satisfaction work is influenced by two groups of factors:
1. Hygienic factors: the salary, safety on a workplace, working conditions - light exposure, noise, air, relations with colleagues and subordinates, rules, the schedule and an operating mode, character of the control from outside the direct head, the status.
2. Motivating factors. Such requirements or factors concern this group, as purpose achievement, recognition, responsibility, promotion, work in itself, growth possibility. These requirements are connected with character and essence of work.
The expectation theory
The expectation theory studies and describes interaction of three blocks: efforts, execution, result. People spend certain efforts to performance of works only when they are assured that it will yield the necessary results. Making a choice, the person faces several alternatives from which he should choose one. The expectation theory should answer on a question why the person makes this or that choice, facing several alternatives.
The expectation theory considers: expectations concerning work expenses - results, a parity between the spent efforts and the received results; expectation of results - compensations, expectation of certain compensation for the reached results; valence - priorities for the person of those or other results. Valence expresses level of relative satisfaction or dissatisfaction the received compensation. For separate people the obtained reward can not have any value while for other people too compensation can have sufficient value.
The theory of statement of the purposes
The maintenance of the theory of statement of the purposes is reduced to that the person defines for itself the purposes to which achievement it to aspire, and, making a start from objects in view, carries out certain actions, performs certain work. Having reached the planned results, he has satisfaction.
The purpose and readiness of the person to spend certain efforts influences four factors: complexity of the purpose, specificity of the purpose, an acceptability of the purpose and adherence of the purpose. Besides, satisfaction or a dissatisfaction of the person with results are influenced internal in relation to it by processes (an estimation the person of the received result from the point of view of its correlation with a task in view) and external processes (an estimation associates of results of work or execution (a praise of colleagues, promotion, increase payment, gratitude of a management, etc.).
The theory of statement of the purposes is connected with many difficulties at its practical realization. First of all it is caused by that the people different from each other on a sex, age, to formation, a kind of activity, have various degree of target orientation. People with lower educational level have, as a rule, clearer and accurate purposes, than people more formed.
The justice theory
The maintenance of equality (justice) is reduced to the following: in the course of realization of labor activity the person constantly compares the obtained reward to the spent efforts, and then compares it with the compensation, received other people. If he sees that this comparison is obvious not in its advantage he feels injustice and pressure as there is no satisfaction from the performed work. It starts to work less intensively, spending much less efforts. If the person considers that its work is fairly remunerated, he will continue to work with former efforts, or even them will increase.
The perception the person of equality and an inequality has subjective character, the justice estimation is relative. Speaking about justice, the person often does not take into consideration such personal characteristics of others, as a skill level, operation time in the organizations, age, the social status.
The equality theory does not promote increase of an overall performance of the organization if the general level of execution is low. If level of execution of the organization high the equality principle is the important motivating factor for successful work of members of the organization.
The Porter's - Louler's theory
The maintenance of model of Porter - Louler is reduced to the following: to reach certain results and to obtain worthy reward, the person spends the efforts depending on its abilities, experience and qualification. Thus the size of efforts is defined by value of compensation.
Considerable influence on results renders comprehension by the person of the role in the course of work. As well as in the theory of statement of the purposes, compensations can be internal (a content about performed works, feeling of competence and self-affirmation) and external (payment increase, the award, gratitude of the head, promotion). The perception of compensation defines level of satisfaction which, in turn, will influence behavior of the person in the future.
Porter and Louler on the basis of the analysis of the offered model have drawn a conclusion that productive work conducts to satisfaction. This conclusion radically will cause a stir from those positions on which there were representatives of early theories of human relations who considered that the satisfied workers yield the best results.
By results of the analysis of work of the enterprise. The basic actual problems in enterprise work have been allocated: impossibility of construction of effective system of motivation of the personnel without the decision of "a personnel question».
Recommendations about the decision of a personnel question at the enterprise have been developed:
The existing system of motivation of the personnel has been estimated by following criteria:
1. The transparency. In agrofirm the time system of a payment is applied basically. Workers are not informed on the scheme of charge of wages.
2. Efficiency. The payment system is not effective so the time system of a payment is used. Without dependence from results of work workers receive the fixed sum.
3. Flexibility. In motivation system mechanisms of change and updating of system depending on changes of the purposes of work are developed. The salary is divided into a constant and a variable part. The variable part can not be paid, if for this purpose there will be bases.
4. Justice. In motivation system objective criteria of an estimation of efficiency of activity of workers are developed for definition of a variable part of wages.
5. Controllability. Level of management of workers in agrofirm the satisfactory. In the theory criteria of an estimation of results of work and accordingly algorithm of calculation of wages are developed. In practice the stated estimation do not spend also algorithm of calculation do not use.
As a result of research work materials on the questions connected with a theme of work of the master have been collected and studied. The existing motivational system of the enterprise for the developed criteria has been studied. On the basis of the received data the analysis has been carried out and is chosen directions of the future recommendations.
As a result of the spent work recommendations about improvement of system of motivation of the personnel that will allow to raise indicators of work of all enterprise considerably will be developed.
The master’s work was not completed yet while writing this abstract of thesis. The date of completing is 1 December, 2010. The full text of the work and the material on this subject can be received from the author or its curator after the given date.