First days
I entered the world of God October 28, 1988 from Christmas on the Gregorian calendar. My parents were simple people. His mother was a governess to the children. His father was a cab driver from the revered master.
During my pre-school life passed cheerfully among forests and fields, animals and birds. We were with nature. I was the favorite child of his parents.
Childhood and Adolescence
ВIn 1994 I entered the municipal secondary school № 142 for children of ordinary people. At school I was a child quiet and obedient. Participated in competitions. I received the title of "Miss Charm" at the young ladies in our school. Was engaged in folk dances.
In high school there, my formation as a person and revealed my humanitarian leanings. My favorite subjects were: Russian literature and history, which later affected my present life. In 2005 I graduated from high school.
pecial thanks to teacher stories Gutan V.V., which influenced the formation of my personality and pulled me into the world of history and political science. I am also grateful to the teacher of Russian literature Tsepkovskoy N.N.
High school
Life is ordered by me on my way. Contrary to my desire to become a doctor, I was enrolled in two high schools of my city - the humanitarian and technical warehouse. Today I was finishing my training in these institutions.
Here I gained my loyal friends and girlfriends. I opened for a huge and endlessly interesting world history and politics, learned the laws of economics and development of power in general.
«You live - and learn«, says the proverb. I agree with it, because it is in the walls of high school, I learned many (not previously visible, but very important) things.
I am grateful to my teachers for the knowledge that they gave me.For the understanding and patience that they showed to us. That is when I learned to listen and hear, learned to "properly" read books and make them only the most important and rational. I learned to value friendship and honesty, openness and disinterestedness.
Future plans
I strive to realize their abilities and skills that I obtained in the higher schools for the benefit of our country. Withdraw our power and our nation to a higher level of moral and technological development.Already I begin, to a lesser degree, to engage in social activities, to help talented people to develop their gifts.
Also, I dream of a big family and a country manor with a large cherry orchard.
We all just beginning!