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Шаров Владимир Сергеевич

Vladimir Sharov

Faculty: Ekonomy

Department : Economy of enterprise

Speciality: Innovation Management

Theme of master's work:

Financial support for innovation

Scientific adviser: Sergey Kravchenko


Urgency of the theme. Extremely important aspect of innovation policy is to address issues of financial support for innovation development. Resursodefitsytnoyi In terms of economy of Ukraine signs of adverse investment climate, stimulating balanced policy of innovations is particularly important.
The state must play an active role in stimulating demand for innovation nationwide, implement a broad set of tools that do not require significant spending from the budget, but by building motivation many fields can enhance the innovative component of the economy.
Recently undertaken concrete steps to introduce innovation funding, which was not actually ever since independence. Issues of theoretical foundations of innovation financing in Ukraine were involved specialists. Значительный contribution made by scientists-экономисты: Valdaytsev S., Sparrow VP, Hromeka VI, Hobta VM, Kravchenko SI, V. Kabakov S., Lapyn NI, Myndely L.E., P. Drucker, Santo B., Tvyss BI, Foster G., Frymen DA, Y.Y Schumpeter and others in need while clarify the classification issue istochnykiv financing, development of state support, the development of venture financing and more.
The purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the master's work is accelerating the development and introduction of new advanced technologies and effective use of funds received from privatization of state property, the President of Ukraine issued a decree on financial support to innovative activities of enterprises of strategic importance to the economy and security "that provided during the drafting of laws on the State Budget of Ukraine for 2009 and subsequent years directing at least 10% of funds received from privatization of state property, the financial support of innovation activity of enterprises of strategic importance to the economy and national security.
Decree for implementation and to improve procedures for providing government financial support to enterprises in innovative projects on favorable economic conditions and safeguards their purposeful use of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On changes to the definition of the competitive enterprises of strategic importance to the economy and state security, innovative investment which will be implemented by part of the funds received from privatization of state property, distribution and use of these funds and on amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 26 November 2003, the number in 1839.
In order to support financial innovation actors, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of the use of funds in 2007, the state budget for the financial support of innovation and investment projects from March 1, 2007 № 329 and approving the use of 2007, the funds of the state budget for providing loans for innovation and investment projects in sectors "of 14 March 2007 № 455.
Subject of research - the subject of research yavlyayutsya principles, methods and tools of financial support for innovation development.
The object of research - the process of financing innovation.
Methods - How to theoretical and methodological bases were used for scientific development, outlined in the works of native and foreign scholars in finance, management theory, management, economics, and comparison methods were used, index, balance, graphic, Economics and Mathematics and other methods of economic evaluation.
The scientific value of work. In the master's work will be defined and the analysis of specific factors that influence the effectiveness of the financing of innovation policy, proposed new scientific solutions that lie in these theoretical and methodological:
Practical value - will be to develop recommendations to improve innovation. Methodological and practical recommendations on directions improvement funding support innovation One means of financial support for innovative projects should be the introduction of the competitive state order for innovative products under the Law of Ukraine "On the priorities of innovation activity in Ukraine.

In the master's work will be theoretical and practical generalization of the study factors that influence the effectiveness of the financing of innovation policy.
The introduction is justified urgency of the master's work and usefulness of scientific research, identified the object and subject of study. Formulated goals, objectives, shows scientific novelty and practical significance of your work.
The first section "Theoretical foundations of innovation funding will be solved and the essence of concepts" innovation activities "," innovation "," investment ", researching place innovation in the mechanism of investment activity and theoretical aspects of the criteria and evaluation of innovations. According to the theoretical made the following conclusions.

Pic.1. Classification of sources of innovation financing (Animation 632х388, number of slides – 4, speed of the slide – 1 second., reps – 6)

The second section of the ways theoretical foundations of financial support especially innovative direction. These are ways to develop and implement a fundamentally new ways of assessment need to financially support innovative development. Possible entry not previously used methods involving finance, which will be reviewed and analyzed to assess the feasibility of their entry.
Under conditions of inadequate budgetary support innovation shall encourage the importance of extrabudgetary funding.
In this leading role to the banking system .. At the same time high price of loans makes them inaccessible to a wide range of subjects diyalnosti.Zaluchennyu innovation funds to the private sector to finance innovative projects and programs would also promote renovation of the State Innovation Fund, sectoral and regional innovation funds.
However, the mechanism of public investment innovation by providing incentives, which was the Law of Ukraine "On innovation activity, not working, which greatly impedes the development of innovative structures.
In the third section, "Recommendations to improve the efficiency of financing innovation"
In world practice of innovation activity produced a significant number of instruments by which the state implements the necessary functions in this area, among them - direct financial support for innovative processes and fiscal incentives for subjects of innovative activity.
Direct financial support for state innovation include:

Among the fiscal incentives that are used in developed countries to stimulate the innovation process should include the following:

As the practice of leading countries, increasing efficiency of financial mechanisms and tax incentives is one of the main directions of state policy innovation. If the introduction of tax incentives priority of innovation activity in Ukraine shall be provided with the transition from the principle of providing incentives for belonging to the priority sectors of the economy to a functional principle, namely:

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