Autobiography || Abstract

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Mining and geology Institute
Department: «Mineral processing»
Speciality: «Mineral processing»

Theme of master's work:  
«Research of influence raw coal parameters on the indexes of mineral processing»

  Scientific adviser:  Ph.D. professor Elena I. Nazimko
  The abstract has made: Ekaterina Iliukhina


  One of the biggest and most highly-productive modern coal mining enterprises is "Krasnoarmeyskaya-Zapadnaya №1" mine which has eight operating drifts. The availability of geological breaks of massif and coal seam belongs to the features of mining technology forming that results in high content of intermediate fractions in altogether coal prior to delivery to the mill. Sharp fluctuations of altogether coal quality (table of contents of intermediate fractions ) negatively influence on the technological parameters of dressing process, raising mutual obstruction of products and loss of concentrate with waste. For a coal going into production from separate drifts, it is necessary to develop dressing technology taking into account maintenance of intermediate fractions in connection with variation of such parameter as category of concentrativity, which is determined by GOST (state standard). So depending on this index different variants of technological chart of concentrating mill are foreseen. To increase efficiency of concentration and extraction of combustible mass from altogether coal it is necessary to take into account the optimum degree of opening of intermediate fractions that complicates the technological chart of enterprise. The necessary degree of opening is set in accordance with properties of coal. Thus, consideration of the additional opening of intermediate fractions and its influence on the technological chart of concentration is an actual scientific-practical task.


   The purpose of given work is to research how indices of altogether coal charge influence on dressing quality and to determine on this basis rational degree of intermediate fractions opening.

  Achievement of the mentioned purpose supposes the decision of the following tasks:

  -data capture in relation to properties of altogether coal on drifts of "Krasnoarmeyskaya-Zapadnaya №1" mine;
  -research of sieve and fractional composition variation of altogether coal on drifts;
  -forecast of the expected concentration indices depending on maintenance of intermediate fractions;
  -working out of rational concentration technology depending on the set degree of intermediate fractions opening.

  Idea of work: complex approach to development of altogether coal dressing technology on basis of the set rational degree of intermediate fractions opening.

  Research object: content of intermediate fractions in the altogether coal of "Krasnoarmeyskaya-Zapadnaya №1" mine .

  Article of research: regularity of intermediate fractions opening rational degree influencing on the technological indices of concentration.



  Total information about mine

  "Krasnoarmeyskaya-Zapadnaya №1" mine was put into operation in December, 1990 with a production capacity of 1.5 million tons per year. The mine boundaries are located in the west of Krasnoarmeyskiy coalbearing district of Donbass. The mine boundaries measure 16 km down the dip and 6 km on strike, its area makes 87 square km. The mine develops one d4 coal seam of 0.6-2.10 m thick. The mine boundaries are conditionally devided into nine blocks measuring 1.5-4.0 km on strike and 1.25-1.8 km down the dip.

  Characteristics of coal seam and lateral rocks

   At present stoping is conducted in the following drifts:

   -8-th southern «bis» drift of block № 2;
   -5-th southern drift of block № 4;
   -5-th northern inclined plane drift of block № 5;
   -7-th southern drift of block № 6;
   -3-d northern central panel drift of block № 8;
   -5-th southern central panel drift of block № 8;
   -6-th southern central panel drift of block № 8;
   -4-th southern drift of block № 10.

  The coal seam within production faces has both simple and complex structure. It results in considerable variations of the seam thickness from 0.2 to 2.6 m in the areas of geological disturbances [10].

  Comlex geological conditions are characteristic for all production areas. Heading of the workings is accompanied by a great number of tectonic disturbances and washes-out of the seam. In the area of tectonic disturbances rocks are splitting and unsteady. Carring out of stoping through such areas is accompanied by considerable cut of lateral rocks. Passage of these areas as well as frequent change of roof lytology and carring out of works in the areas of unsteady roof result in considerable obstruction of coal. The enclosing rocks of the seam are characterized by small stability. The floor rocks are inclined to swell. For a low hardness and disposition to swelling of lateral rocks the carring out of stoping results in the obstruction of the seam from the side of the floor.

  Fuel quality control

Table 1

Concentrativity as a feature of altogether coal charge

  The category of coal concentrativity is obligatory description of mineral deposits in the time of assessment of supplies, development of technological charts, planning of concentrating mills, choice of flotation reagents, etc. Maximum possible exactness of division, not depending on efficiency of concentrating equipment work, is called concentrativity. It depends on the degree of coal matter splicing with mineral admixtures, distributing of mineral admixtures in a coal, their size, chemical composition and other factors.

  The category of concentrativity is determined on GOST as direct ratio of intermediate fractions output to rockless mass:
The category of concentrativity

  According to the T value the category of concentrativity is:

up to 5 % it is easy,
from 5 to 10 is middle,
from 10 to 15 is difficult,
over 15 is very difficult.

  The sieve and fractional analyses are conducted to determine coal concentrativity [1].

  Sieve analysisis a division of matter on the classes depending on its size by means of successive dispersion on sieves or screens (up to 1-3 mm size) and mechanical shakers (at a less size).
Table 2

  These size classes got by dispersion are separately weighed. If necessary tests are selected from every class for quality indices determination and fractional analysis.

  The task of fractional analysis is a quantitative and qualitative estimation of mineral granulars and intermediate fractions distribution on different classes in accordance with their density. Such distribution characterizes possibility of initial material division on the dressed and impoverished products, quality and output of which is determined by the amount of intermediate fractions with a different correlation of the divided materials in them [6].

  For coal stratification the solutions of chlorous zinc are used with the density ranging 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600 and 1800 kg/м3 . Solutions of necessary density are received by mixing of heavy liquid and dilutor.

  The volume of dilutor is determined as:
The volume of dilutor

  Stratification of coal is produced by immersion of altogether coal test placed in a tank with the reticulated bottom consistently in vessels with the liquids of a different density — from the least to the most one.

  As a result the output of different density fractions is determined, and then the ash value is set by the chemical analysis [4].

  On results of the sieve-fractional analyses of "Krasnoarmeyskaya-Zapadnaya №1" mine’s altogether coals, produced in a period from 29.12.04 to 14.01.08 there were built the diagrams of output and ash changing of intermediate fractions for classes 13-100 mm and 1-13 mm. Dependence of the explored values has polynomynal character.

  As a result of this analysis it is possible to do the following conclusions:

  1. As the output of intermediate fractions from altogether coal of 13-100 mm class is lower, than of 1-13 mm class, and ash value of 13-100 mm class is higher, than of 1-13 mm class, thus concentrativity of 13-100 mm class is easier, than of 1-13 mm class.

  2. The altogether coal ash value is in proportion to the output of intermediate fractions during explored period of time.

  The got results may provide basis for concentrating mill design. An author is coming to develop rational dressing technology paying attention to sharp quality vatiations of altogether coal delivered at a mill. To achieve this aim it is planned to compare two variants of technological charts, where sieve and fractional analyses with average minimum and maximal values of the intermediate fractions output serve as initial data for a calculation.


When writing this abstract master's work is not done yet. Final completion: December 2010. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after stated date.



  1.Білецький В.С., Смирнов В.О. Переробка і якість корисних копалин (курс лекцій). Донецьк: Східний видавничий дім, 2005. - 324.

  2.Білецький В.С., Смирнов В.О. Технологія збагачення корисних копалин. Донецьк: Східний видавничий дім, 2004. - 272.

  3.ГОСТ 10100 - 84 «Угли каменные и антрацит. Метод определения обогатимости».

  4.ГОСТ 4790 – 80 «Угли бурые, каменные, антрацит и сланцы горючие. Метод фракционного анализа».

  5.Зозуля И.И., Назимко Е.И., Самойлик Г.В., Смирнов В.А. Проектирование углеобогатительных фабрик. – К.: УМК ВО, 1992. - 284 с.

  6.Козин В.З. Опробование и контроль технологических процессов обогащения. М: Недра, 1985, 294 с.

  7.Справочник по обогащению углей. Под редакцией Благова И.С. М: Недра, 1984, 614 с.

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Материалы из общенационального еженедельника «Деловая столица» о строительстве крупнейшей в Европе обогатительной фабрики при шахте «Красноармейская - Западная №1».

Сайт шахты «Красноармейская - Западная №1».

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Autobiography ||  Abstract