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Masters of DonNTU Evtushenko Sergey Evtushenko Sergey

Electrotechnical faculty

Chair electric systems

Speciality "Electric systems and networks"

Working out of the electronic methodical grant "Electromagnetic transients in electric systems"

Leader of work: Larin Arkadiy



Date of Birth: 13.02.1989

Native city: Drujkovka city

School: secondary school №1 villages Zachatovki of Volnovahsky area of Donetsk area

University: Donetsk national technical university

  • "Electric systems and networks" bachelor (2006–2010)

    Average point at the University: 4.55

  • "Electric systems and networks" master (2010–2011)

    Languages: Fluent in Russian and Ukrainian languages, English with the dictionary.

    Experience on the PC:Operating Systems Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista, software packages MatLab, MathCAD, AutoCAD, Kompas, Adobe Photoshop, WinCC, Scada, Visio, Microsoft Word, ets.

    Hobbies: Football, Music.

    Personal qualities: Skill to communicate, purposefulness, persistence.

    Future Plans: Get a diploma master, get a diploma master, to work.

    Contact Information: e–
    Biography Abstract
