Evtushenko Sergey
Electrotechnical faculty
Chair electric systems
Speciality "Electric systems and networks"
Working out of the electronic methodical grant "Electromagnetic transients in electric systems"
Leader of work: Larin Arkadiy
Date of Birth: 13.02.1989
Native city: Drujkovka city
School: secondary school №1 villages Zachatovki of Volnovahsky area of Donetsk area
University: Donetsk national technical university
"Electric systems and networks" bachelor (2006–2010)
Average point at the University: 4.55
"Electric systems and networks" master (2010–2011)
Languages: Fluent in Russian and Ukrainian languages, English with the dictionary.
Experience on the PC:Operating Systems Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista, software packages MatLab,
MathCAD, AutoCAD, Kompas, Adobe Photoshop, WinCC, Scada, Visio, Microsoft Word, ets.
Hobbies: Football, Music.
Personal qualities: Skill to communicate, purposefulness, persistence.
Future Plans: Get a diploma master, get a diploma master, to work.
Contact Information: e–mail:evtuchenko-serega@mail.ru.