Abstract – Kostrubina Kseniia – Creation of the laboratory practical work on microcircuitry using software package MatLab

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Master DonNTU Kostrubina Kseniia

Kostrubina Kseniia

Faculty "Electrotechnical"

Department "Electric drive and automation of industrial-scale plants"

Speciality "Electromechanic systems of automation and electric drive"

"Creation of the laboratory practical work on microcircuitry using software package MatLab"

Scientific adviser: Ph.D., docent Shumyatskiy Valeriy

Resume | Abstract




Nowadays there is a rapid development of power electronics and instant process technical improvement of devices and introduction of innovative elements for converting devices. As the element base in the field of micro circuitry and power electronics constantly replenishes and incessantly develops there was an idea to create a laboratory practical work in micro circuitry for students of 2nd academic year on courses of electro-technical faculty. Besides, it has been decided to realize this idea using software package MatLab and thus to avoid possible restrictions which could arise during creation of schemes of devices and obtaining of necessary characteristics. Especially this software package will allow without special work to update models of devices at their obsolescence if necessary [2].

The work currency consists in promotion of better and high-grade studying of a theoretical material by students using this created laboratory practical work in the future, and good visualization will allow observing all processes occurring in converters, rectifiers and other devices of power electronics. In addition, simulation of devices of converting techniques in software package MatLab will allow to get enough skills for the further practical work [1].

A review of research on the topic in DonNTU

This time the concrete theme in Donetsk national technical university is developed for the first time; earlier masters have been studying separate parts of the given work, which included concrete devices of microprocessor techniques and power electronics, but not within the limits of a laboratory practical work, as have been considered now. Besides, laboratory practical works on micro circuitry took place, however the concrete selection was not considered earlier.

Composition of the laboratory practical

So, on the basis of the arguments set above and conclusions a problem of creation of a high-grade laboratory practical work on microcircuitry with use of software package MatLab wil be considered, containing 15 laboratory works. At present still there is a process of completion and elimination of discrepancies, but the general structure already exists.

The laboratory practical work represents the laboratory works divided into following themes [3,4]:

1. Rectifiers:

1.1 Single-phase two-half-period rectifier.

1.2 Three-phase two-half-period (bridge) rectifier.

1.3 The Single-phase two-half-period operated rectifier.

1.4 The Three-phase two-half-period operated rectifier.

1.5 Three-phase (bridge) inverter-rectifier.v

2. Inverters:

2.1 Conducted by a network:

2.1.1 Three-phase inverter operated by network.

2.2 Independent:

2.2.1 Single-phase bridge inverter with symmetric management.

2.2.2 Single-phase bridge inverter with asymmetrical management.

2.2.3 Three-phase (bridge) inverter with symmetric management.

2.2.4 Three-level inverter.

3. Pulse converters of direct current voltage:

3.1 Bridge pulse-width converter with the symmetric law of control.

3.2 Bridge pulse-width converter with the asymmetrical law of control.

3.3 Direct current voltage lowering regulator.

3.4 Direct current voltage rising regulator.

3.5 Two-section and one-section matrix converter of frequency 3/3.

Practical purpose of the work

Let's examine an example of the work devoted to the independent inverter of voltage. The main practical problem of the given laboratory work consists in studying of functioning and analyze of result curves of the three-phase (bridge) inverter of voltage with symmetric control, and also to use the received results for working out of models of one-section and two-section matrix converter of frequency for following laboratory works [6,7].

Devices that are included in this list also include still developing devices, such as direct converters of frequency. At low powers direct converters of frequency with compulsory switching can represent in the future alternative to converters with the inverter of voltage with PWM. It is the so-called matrix converter of frequency. Necessity of application of energy accumulation elements for an intermediate link thus disappears. The principle matrix alternating current converter is shown on an example of the ideal switch. Plugs of a power supply and engine communicate alternate switching with 3 plugs of a power supply network that does necessary 9 item two-forked switching with pulse-width modulation with frequency several kHz [5].


Thus, the received working models of the independent inverter and the matrix converter can be put freely into practice in power electronics and micro circuitry. It is possible to make a conclusion on convenience of simulation of devices of converting technique as a way of studying and adjustment, particularly a virtual adjustment of the converter causes absence of necessity for the expense of materials and construction of prototypes.


1.Забродин Ю.С., Промышленная электроника: учебник для вузов. – М. Высш. школа, 1982. –496с.

2.Учебник по MatLab[электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://bookfi.org.

3.Пивняк Г.Г., Волков А.В. Современные частотно-регулируемые асинхронные электроприводы с широтно-импульсной модуляцией: Монография. – Днепропетровск: Национальный горный университет, 2006. – 470 с.

4.Петров Г.Н. Электрические машины. В 3-х частях. Ч.1. Введение. Трансформаторы. Учебник для вузов. – М., «Энергия», 1974.

5.Руденко В.С.,Сенько В.И.«Преобразовательная техника». – Киев, «Вища школа», 1979г.

6.Шавьолкін О.О., Наливайко О.М. Перетворювальна техніка: Навч. посібник. – Краматорськ: ДДМА, 2008. – 202-216с.

7.Шрейнер Р.Т. Математическое моделирование электроприводов переменного тока с полупроводниковыми преобразователями частоты. - Екатеринбург: УРО РАН, 2000. – 654 с.


At this time Master's work was not completed. Final completion of the work planned for December 2011. Full text of the work and materials on the subject can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.