RUS UKR DonNTU Masters Portal

Molybog Viacheslav

Viacheslav Molybog  

Electrotechnical Faculty

Department of Electrical Systems

Speciality «Electrical Systems and Networks»

Develop recommendations for the calculation and reduction of power losses in electric networks

Scientific adviser: Ph.D. Larina Inna  

Biography Abstract


Name Viacheslav Molybog
Date of birth 21 of march,1989
Place of birth Dzerginsk, Donets'k region
Education: secondary education:
1996 — 2006 Dzerginsk comprehensive school #3

university-level education:
2006 — 2010 DonNTU. Speciality "Electrical systems and networks". Academic degree — Bachelor of Electrical Engineering.
2010 — 2011 DonNTU. Speciality "Electrical systems and networks". Academic degree — Master of Electrical Engineering.
2010 — 2012 IAS DonNTU. Speciality "Economics of Enterprise". Academic degree — specialist in economics.
Academic average 4,86
Proficiency in language Russian, Ukranian — in perfect. English — Intermediate.
Hobbies Football, reading, music, KVN.
Personal quality Connectivity, purposefulness, liability.
PC possesion ÎS — Windows, Linux
Programming language Ñ++
Application software MS Office, ÀÑÊÎÍ-ÊÎÌÏÀÑ, AutoCad, MathCad
Extra courses since 2010 - DTEK group student
Contacts e-mail:;

Biography     Abstract