
 Murovannyi Igor

  • Electrotechnical faculty
  • Chair "Electric drive and automation of industrial complexes"
  • Speciality "Electromechanical automation systems and electric drive"

  • "Tools development for registration of dynamic transients in the electric drive system"

  • Scientific adviser: Chekavskyy Glib
  • Consultant: Khomenko Vyacheslav

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I, Murovannyi Igor Yuryevich, was born on January, 24, 1990, in the town of Gorlovka, Donetsk region, Ukraine.

My parents: father, Murovannyi Yuri Stepanovich, 44 years of old, reporter, and mother, Murovannaya Lyudmila Sergeyevna, 44, the teacher of Russian Language and Literature, the deputy of the Headmaster of School. Sure, it is difficult to express all my emotions and feelings in this essay, so: the great thanks, my darling!

About a week I didn’t have a name – the parents argued and didn’t have a clear imagination about my future name. Everything was decided by one moment. Once mummy wasn’t at home, I began to cry and dad decided to put on the quiet music. It was Igor Stravinsky’s composition on the disc, a Russian composer, conductor and pianist. Simfonic music did me quiet – I began to listen to, stopped to cry and started to smile. At this moment I was named in the honour of the great composer. May be, that’s why, music take an important place in my life, it’s one of my important hobbies.

I was born in Gorlovka, because my father studied there at that time in Foreign Languages Institute. In 1992 we moved to Dobropolye. Usually, I don’t remember my life in Gorlovka, but I like this town, and being there, I feel – it’s my homeland.

Before my schoolyears I visited a kindergarden. During summer months I often spent the time at the village, at my grandmas’ homes. I think, outdoor games with my village friends, nature and the feeling of freedom, child's carelessness influenced positively on my world-view.


In 1996 I entered the school ¹ 19 in the town of Dobropolye. Besides studying I met new boys and girls, many of them I communicated now.

It was easily for me to study at school – each year (besides the first form) I was awarded with a diploma and I got a gold medal after leaving the school.

During the studying I took part in the school and town science competitions in Mathematics, Physics, Russian and English languages. In 11th form I was a member of school team in intellectual game Erudite-Loto and we took the first place in our region. I am very pleased my teachers for learning – it helped me very much.

In my fourteen I started music club in Childhood Creative Centre, and learned to play guitar, drums and contrabass. Sometimes I play guitar now (it’s a pity, but I haven’t got drums and contrabass).

One of the top events of my life happened in 2003 when I was a pupil of the 8th form. That year our town of Dobropolye celebrated its 50th anniversary (Dobropolye is mainly miners town). To this date authorities and mining trade-union organized the expedition on Elbrus, the highest peak of Europe for standing there town and trade-union flags. My father was as a cameraman during that trip (he worked then an editor in a local TV-station). After successful expedition's returning I looked through all the records and photos and amazing the courageous climbers and beauty of mountains. Then I met with Alexander Gogol, one of the expeditioners, and who lead the club of the young climbers. I also began to train and tourism attracted me very much. Firstly it was hard to understand interlacements of cordages and carbines, and then to learn knots (bowline or slipknot, for example). Often we trained in the nearest forests, ravines and quarries, and in 2005 I took my first peak – Goverla. It wasn’t a light journey – we climbed it in winter, when it wounded, snowed and stopped each our step. That summer I took some the Caucasus mountain passes – Elbrus was nearer and nearer!


In 2006 I graduated the school and entered the University. My parents gave me the present – I went to the Caucasus. As my father says: Sonny, you’ve got three peaks – leaving school with a gold medal, entering the University and climbing Elbrus (the West peak).

Entering the University I thought that energetic was one of the main brunches in our life. Though I studied English at school I decided to teach French in the University – I think, one more foreign language would be for use. After the second semester I decided to learn electromechanics. I do not spare about my choice – it’s a future.

Studying in the University was interesting, but sometimes hard. I’ve got a lot of friends, and many wonderful lectures.

The most interesting subjects for me were French, Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering, Electric Drive Management Systems, Modeling of electromechanical systems.

During my studying I took part in the University French language competitions (the 2nd place), in Ukraine Electromechanics Contests (the 2nd team place). Three years ago I climbed the East peak of Elbrus, went some rather difficult routes through the Caucasus, Carpathians and Crimean mountains (mostly in winter).

After bachelor’s test I became the master. Master's degree study I chose with the help of my scientific curator Chekavskyi G.S.



  • to protect master's degree study
  • to find the interesting work
  • to visit mountains never being before
  • to self educate – learning languages, literature, photos, carving
  • to full up previuos points
  • to create family
  • to put new purposes and make them up

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