One of the large-scale ecological and economic
trends today is the implementation of projects for drainage and coal mine
methane (Kyoto agreement), the reduction of greenhouse gases (CH4, CO2) from
the mountain mines to tap domestic and foreign markets of Ukraine and foreign
countries as a whole.
To greenhouse gases include such constituents
of the atmosphere of natural and anthropogenic, that
absorb and emit radiation in the infrared range, and the Earth's surface,
atmosphere and clouds. The main greenhouse gases include: carbon dioxide (CO2),
methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), tropospheric
ozone (O3) and water vapor (H2O). There are also a number of other greenhouse
gases are purely human origin, such as halocarbons, subject to the Montreal
Methane, as previously mentioned, refers to gases that create the greenhouse
effect, keeping the heat in the Earth's atmosphere. The
degree to which a particular gas trapping heat, is measured relative to the
thermal effect of carbon dioxide. It is believed that the ability to
trap heat in the atmosphere over a hundred years
methane is 21 times greater than carbon dioxide. Methane and requests
greenhouse gases released to the atmosphere as a result of natural processes,
and as a result of human activities, such as coal [1].
Extraction and utilization of methane from coal
deposits in Ukraine will significantly reduce the amount of greenhouse gas
emitted to the atmosphere of coal mines. At present, Ukraine consumes about 75
billion m3 of natural gas, of which only about 18 billion m3 of extract in the
country. Ukraine imports about 57 billion m3 of gas, thereby greatly increasing
its foreign debt. Annually comes from Russia 30 billion m3 of natural gas as
payment for transporting Russian gas to Europe via a pipeline laid on the
territory of Ukraine. The remaining 27 billion m3 of gas to Ukraine in 2007,
bought at a price of $ 170 per thousand m3.Seychas price for imported gas for
Ukraine is more than $ 400 per thousand cubic meters, but this is not the
limit. Every day is coming for a price increase for natural gas. All this
indicates that the issues of utilization of methane gas is
now very urgent. Large-scale mining and utilization of methane from coal
deposits will largely meet the needs of Ukraine's energy.
To increase domestic production of natural gas,
except for coal-bed methane in Ukraine is impossible for economic reasons. Even
during Soviet times were worked out most large and relatively shallow deposits
of oil and natural gas in Ukraine. For the further development of relatively
small and in-depth inventory needed huge investments, which Ukraine does not have.
According to expert estimates, the reserves of
coal bed methane in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions
exceed $ 3 trillion. m3.
One of the mines, where appropriate to develop
and implement a project of extraction and utilization of methane is a
"mine them. Skvochinsky Mining Institute. The
choice of the mine to evaluate the feasibility of the gas project due to the
presence of considerable reserves of methane, a high specific gas content of
coal seams within the mining lease mines, significant levels of annual coal
production and prospects of development of the mine. Area of land
mine removal of 80 square meters. Kilometers with reserves of
methane about 6.8 billion m3. Mine field contains 30 coal seams with
total capacity of 12.25 m; gas content of coal seams varies from 16 to 21 m3 /
m [2].
2 Aims and objectives of the study
Economic objectives:
1. Effective exploitation of coal deposits;
2. Simple and inexpensive disposal of coal mine gas through the proven and
flexible technologies;
3. Reduction in transport and logistics costs: energy production is carried out
directly on the site of gas production;
4. Close to customers making energy in the network;
5. Preservation of existing jobs;
6. Creation of new jobs.
1. Careful use of energy
2. Significant reduction in emissions of CH4
3. Reduce CO2 emissions by substitution of energy production from
secondary energy
4. Achieving the goals of environmental policy
The main objectives of
the individual tasks are:
1. An analysis of studies on the extraction of methane in the mine to them. AA Skochinskogo
2. Carry out an analysis of harm of greenhouse gases in the area
3. Run study areas and criteria for the rational use of methane as a source of
raw materials for industry
4. The economic rationale for technological solutions to
methane recovery and use in a real enterprise.
Research object - mine named Skvochinsky
Mining Institute, compensation for pollution by methane.
of research - organize, analytical methods for feasibility calculations,
modeling method, the solution of case problems, forecasting, statistical
3 Scientific novelty and practical value of
Scientific novelty - the definition of harm to the
environment methane as a greenhouse gas and determining compensation for gagryaznenie possible only after determining the total
amount of methane produced in a mine feasibility study of its cost.
Scientific novelty is disclosed in achieving the following results:
— Implemented forecasting the volume of methane used in the mine during its
peak production with the use of mathematical modeling methods;
— Justification of lines of rational use of methane in a real business based on
an analysis of existing technological solutions;
— Feasibility study on the use of methane extracted from the mine as a resource
and capabilities of its use.
Practical value - Practical suggestions for the
justification of the use of methane lines are proposed technological solutions
to the conditions of the mine.
Solution to the problems of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reduce
the economic and ecological damage from global warming should look at ways of
putting our economy on resource-intensive and environmentally friendly mode of
social production, which would include:
reorientation of economic activity more efficient in the economic and
environmental on environmental management practices;
reduction in the share of extractive industries and osobozagryaznyayuschih;
improvement of the territorial organization of the productive forces;
development of scientific-theoretical and practical issues to mitigate the
negative economic and environmental consequences of climate change.
In the most common modern sense of long-term goal of world community is
the trinity of the challenges of development, sustainability and equity. Basis
for the formation of a new model of environmentally balanced economic
development is gradually becoming the notion of "sustainable development»
(sustainable development).
There are brief definitions of sustainable development, which reflect
its some important economic aspects. Among the definitions of the following:
— development, which does not impose additional costs for the next generation;
— development that minimizes negative externalities, spillovers between
— development that ensures a constant prime, and / or expanded reproduction of
productive capacity in the future;
— development in which mankind lives only to interest on natural capital, not
affecting him, ie, ensuring that it is at least
simple reproduction.
It is obvious that the above definition of sustainable development, its
criteria are not universal because of the complexity of the concept.
The concept of sustainable development of Ukraine determines the
scientific basis for national strategy for the country's transition to the
principles of sustainable development at the peculiar state of geopolitical,
geographical, demographic, socio-economic and environmental characteristics,
taking into account that some of the major goals of sustainable development
— rational use of natural resources - a system of guarantees of natural
resource management based on respect for national interests and their
preservation for future generations;
— International cooperation - active cooperation with all countries and
international organizations to ecosystem management, ensuring a safe and
prosperous future.
The transition to sustainable development entails the need to
incorporate environmental factors into the system of basic socio-economic
Mankind has long recognized that the fact that the effective solution of
environmental problems is possible only with a global approach to it, so,
starting in 1979, a number of international negotiations, recognized to improve
mechanisms for monitoring and resolution of the atmosphere.
First World Conference on Climate Change was held in 1979 in Geneva.
Gathered at her experts expressed their views on the oscillation of climate
change and the consequences that may arise on a global scale.
At the Second World Conference on Climate Change, which was held under
the auspices of the
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1990, in addition to academics
as well attended by prominent political figures.
In late 1997, at the third COP to the UNFCCC in Kyoto, Kyoto Protocol was
adopted, which establishes the quantitative commitments by developed countries
and countries with economies in transition to stabilize and reduce greenhouse
gas emissions. Based on the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol, developed
countries and countries with economies in transition that are Parties to the
Protocol shall, in general, to 2008-2012. reduce their
greenhouse gas emissions by at least 5% of the 1990 level.
The reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases is
differentiated by country. The Kyoto Protocol distinguishes between developed
countries and countries make the transition economies, as it is in developed
countries are responsible for the lion's doyu
greenhouse gas emissions, and they have the institutional and financial
resources to reduce those emissions. [7]
Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol has opened the possibility of using
prescribed therein of market mechanisms for international cooperation to
implement the commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
These mechanisms include:
— international emissions trading of greenhouse gases;
— clean Development Mechanism;
— joint implementation projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions [5].
Ukraine's ratification of the Kyoto Protocol in the spring of 2004. - a public statement the world community that our country finds it possible to make a commitment to implement one of the most ambitious international projects in the XXI. The aim is - to prevent the negative effects of climate change on the basis of the interaction of all nations and peoples. According to scientists, the state that supports it initially, will lead the entire process, and their share will fall as the inevitable errors and significant benefits.
According to the information center «PointCarbon», Ukraine is one of the most promising economies in transition for projects of joint implementation, as compared with other European countries, in Ukraine the greatest opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, per capita income. [9]
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