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Ivanenko Ivan

Gutnik Daria 

Faculty: Ecology and Chemical Technology

Speciality: Ecology of mining technologies

Theme of master's work: Defining environmental harm of greenhouse gases (methane) and the definition compensation for pollution in the mine to them. Skvochinsky Mining Institute

Scientific adviser: Vladimir Artamonov 

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract

About me:

Grade point average in the period of study at the University of 4.98.

Languages: Ukrainian, Russian — fluent, English — Certificate of advanced level.

I have experience with PC and software package, MS Office.

Driving Experience (B) 1.5 years.

Interests: step—aerobics, jogging, swimming, biking, traveling, skiing, English and classical literature.

Personal qualities: responsibility, sociability, activity, optimism, soundness of mind.

Contact information:

DonNTU Master's portal || Abstract