Master DonNTU JuliaKornelyuk

Julia Kornelyuk

Faculty of ecology and chemical technologies

Department of Applied Ecology and the Environment

Speciality "Management of ecological safety"

Investigation of possibilities of forming
a regional ecological network of Luhansk region

Scientific adviser: docent Andrey Blakbern

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Since the beginning of a new millennium mankind is particularly acute threat came enormous environmental crisis. The main reason lies in an uncontrolled, spontaneous, not environmentally sound development of agriculture with intensive use of natural resources [1]. The development of environmentally hazardous industries and excessive plowing land has deteriorated sharply in terms of security territorial unity of the natural landscape.

Environmental Network - a new form of nature protection, which allows you to address the needs of both wildlife and human society is an important mechanism for ensuring the conservation and proper and sustainable development of regions, created by combining objects of nature preserves and other particularly valuable areas for conservation and remediation

Establishment of ecological networks is, by far, the most effective form of conservation of landscape and biological diversity for the regions and countries where the so-called wildlife is represented in the form of highly fragmented plots of a natural content among the total space of the anthropogenically transformed landscapes. Ecological sense of this situation lies in the fact that natural areas surrounded by significantly transformed by human activity landscapes and, consequently, lost their spatial relationship with each other over time is inevitable [2] lose their biological diversity because of the impossibility of genetic and biogeochemical exchanges between the themselves, and gradually merge in their biological characteristics with their environment.

Relevance of the work

lies in the fact that according to recent decades in Ukraine reduced the number of areas of natural nature. Luhansk region refers to areas with a high degree of fragmentation of natural areas, which hinders the migration of organisms among themselves and, consequently, reduces the biodiversity of the region.


To build a model (pre-) scheme of the regional ecological networks of Luhansk region, based on a comprehensive assessment of its structural parts.

Research objectives:

  1. Explore the background, objectives and principles of ecological networks.
  2. To examine the legislative framework and a perspective diagram of the national ecological network in Ukraine.
  3. Assess the environmental and socio-economic conditions for the formation of the regional ecological networks of Luhansk region.
  4. To analyze the spatial distribution of structural units (natural nuclei) Luhansk regional ecological network of catchment areas of the region.
  5. Give a comprehensive assessment of the structural parts of Luhansk regional ecological networks and determine based on it their priority to the national ecological network in Ukraine.
  6. A model scheme of Luhansk regional ecological network.


the first for the Lugansk region given model scheme of the regional ecological networks and integrated assessment of its structural parts.

The main part

Environmental Network [2] - the only territorial system, which is formed to improve conditions for the formation and repair the environment, improving natural resource potential of the territory of Ukraine, the conservation of landscape and biological diversity, places of residence of the growth of valuable species of flora and fauna, genetic stock, migration routes of animals through the incorporation of territories and objects of nature preserves and other areas that are of particular value to the environment and in accordance with the laws and international obligations of Ukraine are subject to special protection.

Territorial elements Econet convenient design, tying them to the basins of major rivers and their tributaries, so we proposed the division of the study area on Severskodonetsky (91% of the territory) and the Azov Sea (9%), regional watersheds. The first is divided into 19 local catchment areas, which occupy 1,936,008 hectares, the second — 7, total area of 162,520 hectares. The structure of these elements is presented in Table 1 and 2, respectively.

Table 1 - Structure of Severskodonetsk regional catchment

watersheds ravine forests valley forests oak forests pine forests steppe areas objects of nature reserve fund, ha
r.Zherebets 2300 10060 7210 600 284,22
r.Krasnaia 10600 36260 11580 15230 2200 11889,71
r.Borovaia 3300 20220 25000 42500 1900 5499,2
r.Aidar 29060 75919,6 1180 22200 5500 8671,6
r.Evsug 2900 32550 3700 3250 1800 795,2
р.Derkul 11900 32390 11200 12060 3200 30878,7
r.Kamishnaia 4500 10760 2300 3384,12
r.Urazova 1800 2700
r.Seversky Donets 900 19430 3600 200 750 22,0
r.Belenkaia 5200 4710 520 21,2
r.Luganka 1900 12360 2650 18,72
r.Lozovaya 450
r.Belaya 6100 1200 2765,47
r.Olhovaya 2200 19700 1400 2771,7
r.Suhaya 3800 11200 1500
rn Sukhodilsk 6400 9500 1300 90,0
r.Bolshaya Kamenka 6200 7000 1528,53

Table 2 - Structure of Azov regional catchment

watersheds ravine forests valley forests oak forests pine forests steppe areas objects of nature reserve fund, ha
r.Krinka 900 200
r.Mius 11000 1500 1417,8
r.Orehovaia 2800 1000
r.Nagolnaia 8300 4000
r.Kundryuchaia 7000 100
origins r.Tuzlov 650
r.Krepka 320

The region we have identified 734 natural nucleus, of which 353 have in the valley of forests, 165 — to bayrachnye, 12 — on the pine, 15 — for oak, 193 — to steppe areas. The average area of lowland forest on local watersheds of Severskodonetsk regional watershed is 16,831.1 hectares, bayrachnyh - 5529.5 ha of oak - 2961, pine - 5402.6, steppe areas - 1973.2 ha.Typological variety of Azov regional watershed represented mainly bayrachnymi forests, their average area of 4285.7 ha and grassland areas - 1110 hectares. [3]Analysis of vegetation types on the watershed showed that the lowland forests occupy 48.5%, bayrachnye - 20,5%, pine - 15,6%, oak - 8,5%, while the steppe sites - 6,9% of the potential natural nuclei of

Thus the basic function is performed by [4] sredoformiruyuschuyu valley forests.This is explained by the fact that they are, at most, artificial forests. Steppe landscapes of the least represented in this area and are in the worst condition, and therefore requires radical steps to rehabilitate and expand their areas.

Further research conducted by the local catchment of the river Aydar, as it is the largest in area and biodiversity in the Luhansk region. That is, in terms of establishing a regional environmental network, is the most promising areas. Aydarsky watershed is located in the left bank of Severskodonetskogo regional watershed. His area of 446,270.0 hectares. Typological diversity of its natural nuclei represented valley forests, the total area of 75,919.6 hectares, bayrachnymi — 29,060 ha pine — 22,200 hectares of oak — 1180 ha, and prairie landscapes — 5500 ga.

On the territory of Aydarskogo catchment there are 18 objects of nature reserve fund of Ukraine of different types and areas, the total area of 8,671.6 hectares. The average area of objects is 481.76 hectares. Among the elements of national significance is a complex natural monument "Aydarskaya terrace, an area of 100 hectares. In the territory under consideration watershed has 114 nuclear local-level natural lowland forests, an average area of 665.96 hectares, 36 cores bayrachnyh forest-807.22 m, 2 cores oak - 590 ha, 2 pine kernels — 11100 ha, 18 cores steppe sites — 305 56 ha.

Structure catchment of Aydar is presented in Table 3.

Table 3 — Structure catchment of Aydar

Type of natural core Number of cores Total area (hа) Average area
ravine forests 36 29060,0 807,22
valley forests 114 75919,6 665,96
oak forests 2 1180,0 590,0
pine forests 2 22200,0 11100,0
steppe areas 18 5500,0 305,56
Objects of nature reserve fund 18 8671,6 472,95

Definition of environmental capacity provides for the estimated characterization of the spatial structure of the regional ecological network, the main indicators of which - the number of corridors in the ecological network and its topological characteristics. Ecological corridor - the territory of a certain length, which contains in its structure undisturbed or intact natural or reclaimed elements of natural ecosystems, typical of the region, which is designed for the migration of species with a view to their further spread [5]. The concept of ecological corridor is wider than just the plot of forest land elongated in its spatial terms, it can be presented as a separate forest belt connecting the two regions with the most the maximum number of species, and the entire valley. Topological characteristic is very important to define the core functions - the ability to migrate between the structural elements - Biocenter through ecological corridors. Based biotsentrichno-network scheme, developed by us has been drawn up a matrix of ecological corridors of the watershed Aidar.

Biocentric-network scheme is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1 — Biocentric-network scheme.

For Biocenter of the central index is calculated Beecham as follows:

Ri = (Ni-1)/Si ,

where Ni - number biocenters in the catchment;

Si - the number of corridors that connect this with the rest of Biocenter in the catchment

The data obtained are summarized [5] in Table 4

Table 4 — Matrix of ecological corridors of Aydar catchment

№ of the Biocentre 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 сумма Ri
1 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 3 3 4 5 6 34 0,47
2 1 1 1 2 1 2 4 3 3 4 5 6 32 0,48
3 2 1 2 3 2 3 5 4 4 5 6 7 32 0,36
4 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 3 3 4 5 6 42 0,48
5 2 2 3 1 2 3 5 4 4 5 6 7 32 0,36
7 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 2 3 4 5 26 0,59
8 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 3 4 24 0,62
9 4 4 5 4 5 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 38 0,38
10 3 3 4 3 4 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 28 0,52
11 3 3 4 3 4 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 26 0,55
12 4 4 5 4 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 33 0,43
14 5 5 6 5 6 4 3 4 3 2 1 1 40 0,36
15 6 6 7 6 7 5 4 5 4 3 2 1 50 0,29

Analyzing the table, we can conclude that the central Biocenter is number 8, that is, has the best relationship with the rest of Biocenter within a given watershed.

Local watershed Aydar - territory with the greatest diversity of natural nature, and therefore plays a key role in the establishment of a regional ecological network of Luhansk region


We are planning a similar way to evaluate all of the local catchment area, based on which to build a model scheme for the regional ecological network.

Work carried out under the Law of Ukraine "On ecological networks" [6], as well as memory "On a national program forming a national ecological network in Ukraine for the period up to 2020 [7].

Creation of a regional ecological network of Luhansk region - a big step forward for the greening of the future, it will strengthen the functions of self-healing nature.

According to the studies found an opportunity and need for a regional ecological network of this region.

At this time Master's work is not completed, conducting research and data processing. Planned completion of work — December 2011.


  1. Регіональна екологічна мережа Донецької області: концепція, програма та схема / В.М. Остапко, О.З. Глухов, А.А. Блакберн та ін. — Д.: ТЕХНОПАК, 2008. – 96 с.
  2. А.А. Блакберн ,Н.С. Кудокоцев , Ю.А. Гукова «К методике оценки экологического потенциала локальных экологических сетей водосборов малых рек Донецкой области»
  3. Корнелюк Ю.И, Блакберн А.А. Структура водосборных территорий, как элементов региональной экологической сети Луганской области - Тезисы Всеукраинской научной конференции студентов, магистров и аспирантов, г.Житомир, 23-25 марта 2011. ДонНТУ, Донецк.
  4. Корнелюк Ю.И, Блакберн А.А. Структура перспективной экологической сети Айдарского водосбора Луганской области - Тезисы доклада на ХХI Всеукраинской научнойая конференции аспирантов и студентов, г. Донецк, ДонНТУ, 12-14 апреля 2011. ДонНТУ, Донецк.
  5. Определение минимальной жизнеспособной популяции древесно-кустарниковой растительности при выделении экологических коридоров [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http://www.ftacademy - Загл. с экрана
  6. Закон України ,,Про екологічну мережу України” ( Відомості Верховної Ради України, 2004, N 45, ст.502
  7. Закон України ,,Про основні засади державної екологічної політики України на період до 2020 року”(от 21 декабря 2010 № 2818 - VI)

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