Speciality "Chemical technology of high molecular connections"
Research of influence of structure and the solvent maintenance in a paint on quality flexography
Scientific adviser: Manzhos Uriy
I am, Tarasov Nikolay, was born on 1st of May in 1989 in Dryzhkovka (Donetsk region). My father is Tarasov Victor (was born in 1960). He is the senior employee of security department at Kondratievsky Fire-resistant plant. My mother is Tarasova Inna (was born in 1968). She is manager at Dryzhkovskaya ploshedka TH "Zolotoy yrozhay".
I went to children garden "Dolphin" in 1991. I was the youngest contestant of city contest "The exceptional child".
I passed selection to class with deeply studying of math at school 12 in Dryzhkovka.I was attending dancing class and basketball trainings. In 2003 I successfully passed entrance examinations to gymnasium "Intellect". I was deeply studying math and economics next 4 years. I took part in city Olympiads on chemistry and math. I interested in school life and took big participation in it. I am demanding person. I appreciate ability to forgive and tolerance in relationships. While studying in gymnasium I was interested in music. I have attended the centre of children's and youthful creativity since 2002. I was deeply interested in studying chemistry (I attended extra classes).
After finishing studying at school in 2006 I consciously decided to enter to Chemical Faculty of Donetsk National Technical University. I was taking part in students conferences. I have studied chemistry on English. I was taking part in student life – I was participant CFR. I have Bachelor Degree in Chemical Technology of Macromolecular Compounds. Then I chose the way of researching and decided to take Master Degree.
I got married on 16 of July in 2010. My wife is Mayneka Alexandra (was born in 1989). In 2010 she got Bachelor Degree in Chemical Technology of Macromolecular Compounds.
I have in charged of operating of print machine tool at DPA since 2010. My thesis closely connected with my job. My master's work is closely related to my work. Most attention has been devoted to the solvent flexographic ink, which is an integral component.
In childhood of every person was moments when we think about future and dream about trips to far countries or to the closest stars. Many of children’s dreams are impossible but other became plan for life.
As about me, my the closest plans are to take Master Degree and continue work in this way. Also, I want visit some of European cities as London, Paris, Prague and take photos of sights.I hope, my work and hobby (photographing) will help me realize my plans. Then I can put new aims.