Zaika Tatyana Ivanovna
Faculty: of Ecology and Chemical TechnologyDepartment: Geotechnology and production management
Speciality: Environment in mining
The choice of measures to reduce contamination of mine water from suspended solids in underground mine workings in the mine "Russia" Supervisor Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, Matlak Eugene S.
NAME of the master
Zaika Tatyana Ivanovna
Date of birth
on December 24, 1988
Place of birth
pgt. Yalta, Першотравневый r-n, Donetsk region.
Yalta SCHOOL I-III of art. NO.1
The mean score during training at university: 4,8
Knowledge of languages
Freely I know Russian and Ukrainian languages. In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I know English language.
In the process of training gained experience of work with such programming languages, programs and software packages: HTML, Adobe Photoshop, MS Excel, Compass.
Personal qualities
Punctuality, temperance, decency, honesty, responsibility, sociability, kindness, cleanliness, ability to work in a team.
Science, internet, tourism, literature.
Plans for the future:
Successfully graduate from the university, to find a prestigious job, to create a big and friendly family
Personal data:
a citizen of Ukraine, not married.
Contact information: