Theme of master's work:The study features a quasi frequency induction motor and the development of automatic launch control mine process plant with a high moment of resistance.

The material on the final work:




I'm NABIL EL MAAFI, born june 12, 1984, in Laayoune. Laayoune is a military city, the largest in WESTERN SAHARA, MOROCCO. My father AHMED EL MAAFI is a teacher of mathematics and french language, my mother NAIMA EL AMINE is a physicist and chemist by profession, is a house wife at the moment. I'm the eldest son in the family of three children. I have a sister WISSAL EL MAAFI, she is 24 and a brother YASSINE EL MAAFI, he is 21. When i was 4 years old i went to kindergarden. There i've made friends with a lot of people, with whom we are friends until now.


In 1991 i went to school. I studied with pleasure. In 1996 i gratuated elementary school successfully. Then i studied at college (1996-1999). Exept of the successful science education, i took an active participation in football compititions and had a numerous awards and medals. Unfortunately i didn't become a professional sportsman. In 1999 i entered Lyceum Mohammed V i studied "Science experimental", in 2005 i graduated the baccalaureate in this lyceum.


In year 2005 i come to UKRAINE for futher education. I studied in Preparatory Department of Russian language, in Mariupol. After entered the Faculty of Information Technology of Priasovski State Technical University (PSTU) my major is "automation of integrrated process" i've get a bachelor's degree at the moment i'm working on master's degree, in the Donetsk National Technikal University.

Future plans:

I want to write and successfully defend a master's work, then find an intersting and well-paid job. Then to work at self improvement and advance. everytime.


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