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Gubka Yuriy Oleksandrovich

Gubka Yuriy 

Faculty of computer informational technology and automatic

Speciality: Automated management technological processes

Theme of master's work:

Scientific adviser: Ogolobchenko Aleksandr Semenovich 

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract



I, Gubka Yuriy Aleksandrovich, was born on December, 6, 1988 in Volnovakha town of the Donetsk area. My mother is Gubka Helen Ivanovna, works in PCH- 20 the Donetsk railway as an accountant. A father is Gubka Alexander Vitalievich, works as locksmith in locomotive depot in Volnovakha. From childhood I was very energetic and curious child. In 4 I was given in kindergarten ¹47, where I showed special initiativeness among children. In this period of the life I could already to read and consider due to a grandmother. In age 6 years I went out into general school ¹5. Studying at school was given to me easily enough, favourite subjects were mathematics and physics. I fctively took part in different olympiads, competitions, where it is needed it was to show creative capabilities. Walked in a chess group. But more time mainly conducted in the street with friends.


In a senior, eleventh class, I began to examine different Institutes of higher and specialities. Initially I was oriented on specialities, which bind by programming with a technique (by electronics, mechanics et cetera), automation. My choice was stopped for DSTU (chose speciality of AUP realized), taking into account the interests and preferences, on the spring rating entered university of higher in 2006year . Studying in an university was given me enough easily, placed even with enthusiasm. During studies in an university I always got a grant. In 2010 I got the diploma of bachelor. It mattered very much for me, It was first that obtained in adult life, let even very small, but however pleasantly. About continuation of studies in a city council made decision at once, because it will give more possibilities in my further life. The candidate of engineerings sciences, associate professor of Ogolobchenko Alexander Semenovich, consented to become my scientific leader. It was also certain theme of master's degree work : "Ground of parameters and development of the system of automatic control the multi-stage pumping in the energy-saving mode".

Plans on the future

In the nearest future I plan to make off a city council, find interesting work, on which I would be able to realize all talents, skills and abilities, and also to create strong family. In future I will try to realize and constantly to perfect myself, get material and moral satisfaction.

DonNTU Master's portal || Abstract