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Gubka Yurii Alexandrovich
Faculty of computer informational technology and automatic
Speciality: Automatic control of technology prosesses
Sience instructor: docent Ogolobchenko Alexandre Semenovich
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Review on the topic of final work
Mine Automatic Control Multistage Water Drainage Parameters Substantiation
        Drainage installation and mines are among the most important objects, automation of processes which should ensure maximum reliability pumping water from mine workings. Automatic control system of drainage, taking into account the schedule of load, is influenced by many disturbing factors, a full accounting of which is virtually impossible because of the complexity of the system with a relatively small improvement in the quality control.
        The main features of drainage deep mines in this aspect are the big power plants and the use of step-flow diagrams.
        Stepwise pumping is a complex set of hydraulic, pumps which pumped the water from the shaft of one horizon to another horizon, and more on surface mines. At each horizon is equipped with a pumping station with powerful pumps and water collectors, where the mine water enters under pressure from the pumping unit with the downstream horizon and gravity with the mine workings. The total capacity of pumping plants averaged 20% of the installed capacity of the mine and the installation are independent of the technology of mining schedule for the day. Therefore, the drainage pumping stations can act as a consumer regulators in a power company, the inclusion of - disconnecting which may reduce the size of the installed capacity of the enterprise, as well as uneven load schedule grid. Economical work dewatering plants mines and rational mode of power consumption in complex grid-to-consumer "substantially affect the economics of the enterprise and industry as a whole.
Topic Relevance
        Currently, the existing ways of managing drainage in view of " peak " loads [ 1 ] can not be used to control multistage pumping, as it does not take into account some of its specific features, in particular the launch of the downstream pumping unit should be in the horizon if the capacity of lodgement pumping station, which will be pumped water will be sufficient for water uptake. Also there is no collection and storage of information about the state of technological parameters for assessing the quality of operation of the facility. It is therefore urgent to develop a system of automatic control for pumps with a view of the " peak " loads energosistemupredpriyatiya devoid of these shortcomings.
Research Purpose And Objectives
        The purpose of the work - study dynamics of inflows and methods of their determination. Based on a review of literary sources to explore and justify the parameters describing the operating principle, as well as to develop an algorithm for the automatic control flow. Based on the algorithm and the principle of the synthesis of automatic control system step- pumping, taking into account " peak " loads on the power grid companies, which must conform to the rules of technical operation, be easy to construct.
1 Research And Development Review
1.1The Analysis Process of the Main Drainage as the Automation Object
        Drainage facilities should provide reliable pumping of groundwater from underground when possible to lower operating costs. In accordance with the rules of PB drainage facilities should be equipped with office automation. Automatically operating equipment, performing surgery in place of machinists pumps, ensures accuracy, correctness and timeliness of these transactions. This allows us to extend the time between repairs due to the exclusion of cases a bachelor of drainage and allows you to save significant funds.
        Automated installation of sump is equipped with interlocks that prevent: starting unit at unflooded pump, enabling the motor drive the valve to start the pumping unit; shutdown of the unit until full closure of valves, including assembly in the absence of water in the lodgment, as well as reinclusion Disconnect electrical power to eliminate the causes which give rise to its emergency shutdown.
        The most common schemes of drainage, with the development of two or more horizons are as follows: the water coming out of faces and developed space on the perimeter of the mining is going in the drainage grooves in which free flow through the pre-clarifier is sent to the header. From the catchments and lower horizons, the water pumps on the pipeline pressure flow rises to the upper horizon, where is located the main sump installation, pump water to the surface and discharged into the sump groove. Here, the water in sump groove through the preliminary sedimentation tank enters the header and through the valve occurs in the sump, from pumps on the pipeline rises to the surface and sent to treatment facilities.
        From this it follows that the mine water is removed from the mine workings threads: free-flow - gravity drainage, and pressure - on pipelines, pumping stations.
        Gravity dewatering is carried out by the grooves conducted on soil excavation, the geometric bias which is necessary hydraulic. Water on the surface or upper horizon up the pipelines and by pumping installations.
        Pressure pumping is carried out drainage facilities, which include pump, motor, electric motor, the inlet (suction) and discharge (discharge) pipe with appropriate fittings.
        Automated dewatering system must be equipped with interlocks that prevent: starting unit at unflooded pump, enabling the motor drive the valve to start the pumping unit; shutdown of the unit until full closure of valves, including assembly in the absence of water in the lodgment, as well as reinclusion Disconnect electrical power to the cause that caused him tripping.
        Automation scheme sump installation shall be the following types of protection, causing an emergency stop: with a decrease or loss of productivity when overheated bearings in the power fails or is k.. in control circuits. The performance of each pump unit, bearing temperature, and the position of valves on the inlet pipe (for units with recessed chambers) should be monitored continuously.
1.2Critical Review of Technical Solutions to Automate the Process of the Main Drainage
        To automate the process of the main drainage, there are various devices: UAV, VAV, VAV.1M.
        Equipment such as shock-acoustic wave is designed to automatically control drainage facilities mines coal and mining of industry. The equipment allows you to control the installation equipped with the number of pumping units to sixteen with low and high voltage induction motors with squirrel-and slip-ring motors, as well as synchronous motor (using in each specific case of model magnetic stations).
        VAV apparatus, made explosion-proof, allows you to automate drainage installations containing up to nine pumping units and equipped with high-voltage or low-voltage induction motors with squirrel cage rotor. VAV apparatus is constructed by block basis and collected by many contact sealed relays in conjunction with the elements.
        At the moment there is an improved apparatus VAV.1M. Depending on the application and scope of delivery devices available in three versions: VAV.1M, VAV.2.1M, VAV.3.1M.
        VAV-1M apparatus applied to automate the dewatering plants in the coal mines of hazardous gas and dust, and the sudden ejection of coal himself, rock and gas. Level Sensors, performance, pressure apparatus Boone 1M installed in a mine in the sump chamber board signaled drainage CTB-1M is installed on a surface mine in the room dispatching.
        VAV-1M instrument provides:
        - Automatic pump control for water level in the header;
        - Automatic, remote and local control of the pumps;
        - Automatic fill pump and fill the time change;
        - Automatic replacement of the pump shut off due to faulty back-up pump;
        - Cycle of the pump;
        - A sequence of start and stop the pump in parallel;
        - A ban starting faulty pump;
        - A ban starting on the pump at maximum power;
        -Tracking time of the pumps;
        - To display signals the dispatcher about the level of water, pumps, installation faults, start and end times of the maxima of energy consumption, supply of the chime;
        - Operation of the pump with controllable valves and without them;
        - The following types of protection:
            a) protection from overheating of bearings;
            b) the hydraulic protection of water flow;
            c) jamming of the valve;
            d) the inability to restart a faulty pump unit without the intervention of service personnel;
        - Types of alarms:
            a) feeding HFC scoreboard and Boone - light;
            b) of the pumps - light;
            c) the length of time the pumps (only on CTV) - digital visual;
            d) the failure of pumping units - light;
            e) The water level in the header.
2 Summary of Individual Results Available At the Time of Completion of the Abstracts
2.1 Methods of Automatic Measurement of Water Flow
        There are several ways to define and predict mine water inflow [1 ], based on statistics and causal factors, each of which can yield results with some precision, however, these results - probabilistic nature, and the methods themselves can not be implemented by hardware to automate the process.
Research on how to measure the flow showed that the most appropriate as to the accuracy of automatic measurements and the technical implementation of a method based on determining the flow volume of water V, accumulated in the header for a given
time T:
        where Q (t) - water influx during the filling of lodgement.
        In the mining conditions there is no practical ability to directly measure the volume of water. However, its value can be determined if the water level in the header, then to calculate the flow. It should be borne in mind that in general the plan area S header varies in its height and that the same amount of water at different altitudes header match differing values of the difference of upper and lower water level.
        At constant values of S at a depth of lodgement average and instantaneous values of flow are defined by:
difference in water levels in the header for the time of its completion
        Determination of the instantaneous flow of the formula (3 ) at first glance seems simple enough. However, keep in mind that mine water collectors - is making a big mountain with a considerable length of square horizontal section. Therefore, even large inflows lead to a slight deviation of water level, measurement of which is practically difficult.
The automatic determination of water flow can be derived from equation ( 2). There are two possible ways to define the flow: on -time water filling of the header between two fixed levels(при
and the largest drop of water levels in the header for a fixed period of time (
= const):
-- constants.
        In the above methods of determining the flow of water quantity
recommended measure during filling header. However, these same values can be measured by operating the pumping plant. For such a case can be written:
Qн — performance sump installation;
—difference in water levels in the header for the time
work of water setting.
In principle, we can determine the flow based on measurements taken during the filling header and partly during the period of dewatering installation. Starting from equations ( 5) and ( 6) and taking into account the representativeness of each of the measurements, we get:
        The resulting equation allows one to synthesize an automatic inflow control.
2.2 Method of Automatic Control of the Mine Step Dewatering in View of " Peak " Loads in a Electro Power Company
        Technological scheme of a two-stage dewatering c deployment of technical means of automatic control system is shown in Figure 1. Currently, drainage pumping station is automated special automatic control equipment, such as type VAV.1M or similar to it, which manages the installation of sump depending on the level of water in the header [2]. In addition to the technical facilities of the existing automatic control equipment ( AUN ) pumping unit is equipped with an analog level sensor water ( control ) in the header and flow meter ( P ) mounted on the delivery pipeline pumping station (see Figure 1 ). The devices are connected to the recorder settings (REP), which transmits the information to analyze the computer PC to the remote mountain manager, as well as for visualization of the sump installation as regulator - the consumer. Computer connects to the automatic control equipment for pumping installation commands for switching - switching off the pumping unit.
Control method is illustrated timeline of work presented in Figure 2. Assume a water collectors A and B received a random flow of water ( see direct ab, hi, respectively ).
Figure 1 - Flow diagram of two-stage dewatering c deployment of technical means of automatic control system
        Upon reaching the water in the lodgment A top- level hVU is stopped the current level of water in the lodgment B sensor DU2 and transfer this information via the registrar of the REB to the computer PC. If the water level in the header B is sufficient for water uptake in the volume V1 Vprit2, the computer PC is formed by an enabling signal to enable the equipment AUN1 pumping station N1, which pumps water into the header B. The pumping plant is included in the header and the water level decreases ( line bc Figure 2). Accordingly, the inflow of water in the lodgment B increases ( direct ik). Filing Q1 pumping unit H1 is recorded in the registrar rap and transferred to a computer PC. Upon reaching the lower water level OU in lodgement A pumping unit H1 is automatically disabled equipment AUN1. After it is expected inflow of water to a fixed intermediate level hpr1 = 0,2 * hVU, during tprit0, 2. Based on these data is determined by the flow of water in the lodgment Qprit1 A formula:
        where Votkach0, 2, totkach0, 2 - water volume of a fixed level of hpr1 and time of pumping the water a fixed level determined by the flow meter and timer P1, respectively, in the process of pumping water from a header; tprit0, 2 - time of water inflow to a fixed level in the header A.
        Similarly, to perform calculations of magnitude inflows Qprit2 the working conditions of the pumping unit H2.
If during the pumping unit H1 water in the lodgment B reaches the upper level of ED ( see point k), aparatura AUN2 automatically includes the work of the pumping unit H2, which pumps water to the surface mine ( see straight ki, im).
        On the basis of data on initial finding of the current water level and a fixed water level in the ED B header defined volume of water between these levels.
        Figure 2 - Timing diagram of two-stage pumping, taking into account " peak " loads in a power shaft
(Animation: Volume - 129 KB; size - 773x739; number of frames - 23; delay between shots - 50 ms, number of cycles of repetition - endless)
        The computer runs forecasting including pumping units H1 and H2 before the "peak" loads in the electricity system to release the tanks water tanks A and B for the adoption of water during "peak" that is determined by the time point of inclusion of the pumping unit H1 (point d) . It does this by comparing the time of filling with water header with a time of "peak". If the condition is not satisfied, then the inclusion of the pumping unit H1 does not happen, if it is satisfied, then the computer generates a PC signal to control the hardware AUN1 for early inclusion of the pumping unit H1. Simultaneously, the computer PC is forecast values of a free header tank B to take water with Water And it might be full. If the condition is not met, enforced by the command from the computer PC hardware AUN2 included pumping unit H2, which is exempt from the water header B for taking water from the water collector A. When the time of "peak" load in a power pump unit H2 is disabled. Further, the control cycle is repeated in accordance with the above algorithm.
        The paper describes the main theoretical positions on how to automatically control the flow. Based on the analysis of these data was described by the principle of such a system, and created an algorithm for automatic control flow. This algorithm is used to create and describe principles of operation of the automatic control system step pumping, taking into account "peak loads" on the grid company.
        Solved the problem of indirect control flow, which allows to predict the mass of water received by each individual header and use the data of water inflow to transfer to the control panel to evaluate the effectiveness of the drainage.
        Also planned for the mathematical description of the system and principles of management and the results simulated to verify the adequacy of the proposed technical solutions.
        In writing this essay master's work is not completed yet. Date of final completion: Dec. 1, 2011. Full text of the work and materials on the subject can be obtained from the author or his supervisor after the specified date.
List of References
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