I, Kolychev Anton Dmitry was born on October, 6th 1989 in Donetsk. My parents: father Kolychev Dmitry Alexander, 1967 years birth and mother Kolycheva Ljudmila Victor, 1968 years birth. I go in the garden «Camomile». My childhood passed brightly and blithely. My favourite toy was plastic tractor. The LEGO designer and child's railway appeared in more senior age.
I enter in general school ¹150 (high school «Success»). Thanks to my first teacher for the interesting and informative classes. From the first class became interested in mathematics, but humanities id not for me.
Secondary education was not so successful. The emergence of a huge number of human subjects (biology, geography ...) had a negative impact on overall performance. Attended the sports section. Most memorable lesson in cycling. Participated in numerous competitions. Repeatedly occupied the top places.
On the advice of parents, in 2002, went on training courses in Donetsk Technical College. In the summer of 2003, passed the entrance exams and enrolled in the 9-A class of Donetsk Technical College (computer science and mathematical direction). The first semester was the most difficult. Had to go through half the town, and the load was much higher than the school, but then I got used to this rhythm of life. In college, the emphasis was on mathematics, physics and computer science, they gave me without much difficulty. Many thanks to teachers college Donetsk for a huge store of knowledge. In grade 10 we had an old practice, where we visited the universities. Already in the summer I was determined that the act will be at Donetsk National University, the Faculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automation. From 1 September, I began to prepare for entrance exams.
Successfully finished secondary education in 2006.
The choice of university was simple. All my family finish Donetsk national technical university (father, mother, grand-dad). A father helped in the choice of speciality. After the successful pass pre-entered examinations in 2006 I was enter in universuty on speciality electronic systems.
Good knowledge of mathematics and programming received in college, have allowed to pass first session on good and receive an increased stipend. Liked to study core subjects such as theoretical foundations of electrical engineering, analog circuitry, digital circuitry.
In summer after 2 courses were passed to the practical worker in a scientific production association «Python». In practice studied the microprocessors ATMega. To me pleased and I was impressed by cooperation of programing with electronics. During passing of practice used knowledges of programing and circuitry, got in an university. After passing of practice I continued their study. The acquired knowledges were useful on next years.
During studing take part in competitions in higher mathematics, theoretical foundations of electrical engineering and programming of microprocessor systems. In 2007 won the university Olympics in higher mathematics. In 2010 and 2011, twice have the 2-nd place in the Ukrainian Olympiad "Programming of microprocessor and microcontroller systems".
In 2010 fave bachelor degree. Highest average mark (4.95) allowed to enter to the magistracy.
Begin interested in programing in the Visual Studio package. I want to improve the knowledges of programming.