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Denis LyubchakFaculty: Computer Information Technologies and AutomationSpeciality: Automatic Control of Technological ProcessesTheme of Master's Work: Substantiation of parameters and research of automatic control system by compressor station of pneumosupply of coall mineScientific Supervisor: Ph.D. (in Engineering), Associate Professor of MEA Department Alexander Ogolobchenko |
ABSTRACTof the Master`s Qualification Work«SUBSTANTIATION OF PARAMETERS AND RESEARCH OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM BY COMPRESSORSTATION OF PNEUMOSUPPLY OF COALL MINE»ACTUALITY OF THEMEPresently the turbo-compressor settings of pneumosupply mines are automated partly. Thus: 1. Control of basic technical parameters of work of the turbo-compressor setting is carried out: axial change; pressure in the system of cooling and oil greasing; temperatures of windings and bearings of drive electric motor and reducing gear; temperatures of water and butter in the systems of cooling and oil greasing accordingly; vibrations; expense and pressure of the compressed air. 2. Anti-surge defence, as a rule, is carried out with the use of control of correlation of sizes of amount of the sucked in air and pressure in the forcing pipeline of turbo-compressor. On some settings the devices of defence, which are based on control of vibrations of current in the winding of drive electric motor, are applied [2]. 3. A management setting (preparation to starting, starting and other) is carried out, as a rule, in the hand mode. 4. Productivity of the turbo-compressor settings is not regulated. 5. Protecting of drive electric motor of the turbo-compressor setting is carried out from interconnect overstrains, short circuit and overload. 6. Collection and storage of the archived information about a temperature in all necessary points, and also about an expense and pressure of the compressed air carried out by out-of-date electronic writing devices. The level of partial automation does not suffice for effective work of the turbo-compressor setting and users of the compressed air. RAISING OF RESEARCH TASKSFor the increase of efficiency of work of the turbo-compressor setting of pneumosupply mine development of the system of complex automation of the turbo-compressor setting, as more high level of automation, is offered. It is thus necessary to decide the followings tasks: 1. Substantiation of principle and structure of device of anti-surge defence of the turbo-compressor setting. 2. Choice and substantiation of regulators parameters of the automatic system control of the productivity turbo-compressor setting. 3. Substantiation of structure of the system of complex automation of the turbo-compressor setting with the use of computer and by the automated workplace of operator. DECISION OF TASKS AND RESULTS OF RESEARCHESSubstantiation of principle and structure of device of anti-surge defence of the turbo-compressor setting.As is generally known, work of the turbo-compressor setting unit admits in case of occurring of surge, as a strong vibration, high-gs of knots of all setting, takes place here, sharp vibrations loadings on a drive electric motor, which reduce motor potential of setting and result in death of it [1,2,3]. At beginning surge must be opened anti-surge valve. The different methods of control of origin of surge are known. Use, so-called, direct method of control of origin of surge, based on fixing of overfalls of pressures on the confuser of turbo-compressor sometimes is it is complicated or even is not possible from considerable high-frequency pulsations, related to turbulence of stream and features of organization of measuring of this parameter. The presence of pulsations can lead during proof work of turbo-compressor to the periodic forming of signal about surge, that testifies to the considerable error and small exactness of this method. As a result of implementation of analysis of existent researches on possible indirect determination of surge in a turbo-compressor without the use of not reliable in exploitation sensors. Deserve the special interest of research on the turbo-compressor settings on the so-called indirect determination of surge in a turbo-compressor on the vibrations of electric parameters of drive electric motor [3]. Researches rotined that the size of strength of current in winding and active-power, consumed by the drive electric motor of the turbo-compressor setting, changed at surge and it can be fixed and used for forming of command on opening of anti-surge valve. Modern complete high-voltage cells for a management the drive electric motor of turbo-compressor have measurings transformers of current and tension in the composition, that does the indirect method of control of origin of surge simpler in realization, and the small error of this method provides necessary exactness of wearing-out of protecting from surge. With the use of this principle of control shemotichesky decisions are developed on the microprocessor device of automatic defence of turbo-compressor from surge [3]. Choice and substantiation of regulators parameters of the automatic system control of the productivity turbo-compressor settingAs is generally known, for maintenance of permanent pressure in the pneumonetwork adjusting of the productivity of the turbo-compressor setting of mine it is possible to carry out two methods: by the baffing of air on the side of festering and action on drive of the turbo-compressor setting [1]. By more effective method there is adjusting of the productivity of setting operating on the drive of turbo-compressor. The system of automatic control of the productivity of the turbo-compressor setting which carries out adjusting of frequency of rotation of drive electric motor of the turbo-compressor setting is offered in this connection. Actual pressure of air in a pneumatic network is measured by a pressductor on the farther-most area of network. A signal from a pressductor is compared to the signal which sets necessary pressure in a network. In case of occurring of signal of mismatch, a signal acts on the unloader of air in a pneumatic network, which forms a signal which sets frequency of rotation of drive electric motor of turbo-compressor in same queue. Actual frequency of rotation of electric motor is measured by тахогенератором initial tension of which proportionally to frequency of rotation of engine. Tension of tacho generator is compared to the questioner signal and the signal of mismatch acts on the regulator of frequency of rotation of electric motor which in same queue forms a signal on an increase or speed-down drive electric motor of turbo-compressor. A signal acts on the system of impulsive-phase management. The change of frequency of rotation of drive electric motor of turbo-compressor is carried out by the valve transformer of alternating current. Adjusting of initial parameter of transformer is executed due to the change of moment of unlocking of valves in relation to the moment of the natural unlocking. Such adjusting is provided by the system of impulsive-phase management. In order that it is useful to realize energy of sliding at adjusting of frequency of rotation the drive electric motor of turbo-compressor is plugged in the chart of asynchronous-valve cascade. Substantiation of structure of the system of complex automation of the turbo-compressor setting with the use of computer and by the automated workplace of operatorAs a result of analysis of modern facilities of automation of the turbo-compressor settings and results of the executed researches the system of complex automation of the turbo-compressor setting of pneumosupply mine is offered. The base apparatus of the system of automation is accept the compatible complete apparatus of type of UKAS-M [5]. An apparatus provides: - automatic starting and stop of the turbo-compressor setting; - automatic blocking and defence of setting from malfunctions of work; - management an ancillaries; - control of heating engineering parameters; - technological, preventive and emergency signaling; - automatic control of burn-time of setting. Additionally to the hardwares of apparatus of UKAS-M it is plugged in the system of automation: - microprocessor device of automatic defence of turbo-compressor from surge with the sensors of control, data transmission blocks and executive device of anti-surge valve; - system of automatic control of the productivity of the turbo-compressor setting by the change of frequency of turns of drive electric motor with a pressductor in the end pneumosupply, by the adapter of communication of data in the system of interface of RS485 and with the sensor of frequency of rotation of drive electric motor. Thus the drive electric motor of the turbo-compressor setting joins in the chart of asynchronous-valve cascade and two regulators are additionally entered: PI-regulator of air in a pneumatic network and I-regulator of frequency of rotation of drive electric motor of the turbo-compressor setting; - meter of consumption of electric energy the turbo-compressor setting; - automatic workplace of operator with the industrial computer of the personal computer and sql-server. An industrial computer carries out visualization of motion of technological process, notification of auxiliary personnel about the emergency and regular modes of operations of setting, archiving of information, in the case of necessity hand adjustment of setpoints of defence and management. As the special software which is set on the personal computer, the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA-system) is used – Genie 3.0. Bibliography1. Мелькумов Л.Г. 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