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Student of Donetsk National Technical University Julia Zagumenjyk

Julia Zagumenjyk

Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automation (CITA)

Department: Automatics and Telecommunication (AT)

Specialty: Telecommunication Systems and Networks (TSN)

Topic of master's work: Research and development of bandwidth-capabilities calculation methods for multiservice corporate network

Scientific adviser: Ph.D.(in Engineering), assistant professor of the AT department Vladimir Chervinskiy




           Multiservice networks become more and more popular nowadays. This tendency has been one of the most noticeable on the telecommunication services market for the last years. Services of such a network were designed first of all for companies that focus on intensive development of business, expenses optimization, automation of business processes, modern management methods and maintenance of the information security. The most efficient use of multiservice networks can be found in traditional telecommunication carrier companies which as a consequence considerably expand the amount of provided services.
           For corporate market the unification of all remote divisions in a uniform multiservice network increases the efficiency of information exchange by an order of magnitude, thus providing availability of data at any time. Due to the availability of transfering large data volumes between offices, it is possible to arrange conference calls and even organize videoconferences with remote divisions. All this speeds up the actions regarding the changes that occur in a company and provides the optimal control of all the processes in real time.
           Therefore, bandwidth-capabilities calculation for multiservice corporate networks is presently important enough due to the increasing popularity of networks with integration of services in the modern telecommunications market. It is an integral part of development of this tendency in the future.

Research objective and problems:

           The research objective of the master thesis is to find new and more efficient ways of bandwidth-capabilities calculation for multiservice corporate networks. It should aim to increase the quality of network usage and to improve the quality of services.
           The primary tasks of research are the following:
           - Analyze of basic characteristics of multiservice corporate networks;
           - Learn the features of services;
           - Acquire statistical data from services of various types;
           - Perform statistical analysis of the data collected, considering the teletraffic theory;
           - Develop of methods for bandwidth-capabilities calculation using the results of the researches;
           - Efficiency estimation for new methods.

Review of the topic R&D

           A big variety of the information traffic in a corporate network requires special approach to its distribution to the communication channels. It means the possibility to reserve a pass-band for given services, depending on the requirements to the service quality. It is crucial for the maximum optimization of the communication quality and for optimal load of the channel.
           The distribution laws of some streams of events that arise in telecommunication networks will help to reach the solution for optimal load of a network.
           The Wireshark software package was used to get some practical statistical data that will be described below. The data were collected for the main services: IP-telephony, database service, file transfer, security video cameras, internet. Mainly, at this point the distribution of sizes of data packets of various services being transferred via network via various service was considered. In general, the same approach can be used to consider the distribution between the delay times and will be described in the future. The obtained results are shown in Figs. 1 - 5:

График распределения длин пакетов при передаче видео
Figure 1 – Distribution of video packets sizes

Figure 2 – Distribution of audio packets sizes

Figure 3 – Distribution of files sizes

Figure 4 – Distribution of database packets sizes

Figure 5 – Distribution of http packets sizes

The conclusions about the distribution functions are as follows:

           Video (security cameras) – exponential distribution;
           Audio (IP-telephony) – normal (Gaussian) distribution;
           File transfer (FTP) – log-normal distribution;
           Database service – log-normal distribution;
           Internet – normal (Gaussian) distribution.
           These laws of distribution, obtained experimentally, can be used to define requirements for various telecommunication services. As a consequence, it is possible to reserve the necessary bandwidth for services and therefore to improve the performance of a network, increase its reliability and control its parameters.


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While writing this abstract the Master’s Qualification Work hasn’t been completed yet. The date of the final completion is the 31th of December, 2011. The full work content as well as all topic materials may be received from the author or his scientific adviser after the mentioned date.


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