Master of Donetsk National Technical University Evgeniya Burlaka


Development and research of the monocode and postbinary models of client side of the portal of modelling DonNTU


The end of 20 century is a period of qualitative change in the field of computer technology, and in the development of logical foundations. Recently, the development of computer modeling and representation of knowledge there are more new features.

One of such opportunities and is the transition from two-dimensional logical to a multidimensional space [1]. Thus, we can talk about postbinary calculations and logic. One such logic is tetralogika. In 1976 the English mathematician N. Belnap first suggested its use to address the emergence of contradictory information on admission data from various independent sources.

As part of the masters work conducted research continued development of existing and new monocode and postbinary of portal of modules modeling DonNTU. Considered designing a processor based on the arithmetic, based on the principles tetralogiki.


The rapid increase in computing in the research process, modeling and design of complex systems and dynamic now leads to an even greater relevance of monitoring the reliability and accuracy of computational processes. Known, but this kind of error in the calculations cause man-made disasters, although Most of them go undetected, significantly distorting the result of [34].

Features of classical binary logic in increasing complexity and scale computational problems are not always sufficient for accurate interpretation their result [1]. Recently, one of the simplest ways to minimize the minimize this problem is to extend the bit computing. However, since called Rump example shows that this way of solution is not optimal.

Postbinary concept of computing in this world gets validity. In addition, it is becoming urgent in the context of the intensive development of neo. This means that 'it comes as a further development of arithmetic and logical foundations modern computing, as well as the formation of a new infrastructure-oriented on the current achievements of computer network technology' [4].

Thus, the development of intuitive, easy to use and understanding of client part of the portal with its monokodovymi and postbinarnymi modules, designing a processor, based on the arithmetic calculations are relevant.

The scientific importance of the work

Investigation of postbinary principles in computer calculations are new scientific field, whose development is justified by the fact that at present while the reliability of data obtained from computational tasks require increasing attention as modern supercomputers overcame 'petaflopsny' line [2, 3].

The practical value of the work

The practical value of this work lies in the fact that the developed methods and algorithms allow to control the accuracy of the results of computer calculations.

A review of research on the topic in DonNTU

At present moment in DonNTU basic research on this topic carried, prof., Ph.D. Anoprienko A., as well as graduate students: Ivanjica S. and Konopleva A. has written numerous articles by postbinary computing [3, 4, 6], and tetralogike tetrakodam [9], code-logical basis [1]. Distributed modeling environments [13], cognitive modeling, cellular automata [10-12] and others. In addition, a book by a young scientific direction arheomodelirovaniya [5]. The same research in the field of evolutionary computation is working Prof. Skobtsov Y. The main theoretical materials and methods on this subject are presented in [14].

Some research results on the multidimensional code-logical basis for the first time presented in the English-language news space: International Conference on modeling in Istanbul [25, 26] and the International Congress on Scientific Computing, modeling and applied mathematics in Berlin [27].

Master Novak Anton designed portal simulation (Figure 1). It presents various topics of modeling, such as arheomodelirovanie [5] Modeling cellular automaton [6], simulation of urban infrastructure [7] parallel and distributed simulation [8].

Portal simulation of DonNTU
Figure 1 - Portal simulation of DonNTU

Also in DonNTU Master Samoilova TA in the graduation project on the topic 'Computer reconstruction monokodovyh computational models' studied a computer reconstruction monocode computational models. Developed monocode model artifacts maltinskaya plate Phaistos disc arheoplanetary, Stonehenge. This models are showing the concept monologic and monocode [5]. One of the developed modules is shown in Figure 2.

Malta Plate (flash)


Figure 2 - Model of Malta plate. Flash model is available on the portal of Arheosimulation

Master DonNTU Hvischukom M. performed research on the topic "The client management system Web content" as a quick system for information portals. Master Slobodyanom S. in "Content management system websites" was analyzed of the existing CMS, identified their strengths and weaknesses. Examined the feasibility of CMS for different types of sites.

A review of research on the topic in Ukraine

Research in Ukraine can be distinguished research Prof. Kargin A. in the field of intelligent machines. Application of artificial intelligence methods in management presented in the book 'Introduction to intelligent machines' [15].

Ideas of advanced studies in system nonpositional residual classes to create new computing tools are considered by the authors Sinkovo M., Sinkovo T., Fedorenko A., Chaporom A. in [30].

The use of "golden section" in elementary mathematics and computer science studies professor Stakhov A. Ideas he outlined in his book [31], such papers as [32]. Theme of "golden section" in a separate web site created by Stakhanov A. [33].

A review of research on the topic in the word

Author of the first works on multi-valued logic is Bochvar D. (1938), who (regardless of Lukasiewicz J. and Post E.) creates a three-valued logic unit B3, which was originally fit for practical purposes [23].

Doctor of Philosophy Karpenko his articles [17 - 22] carries issledovanimya in the field of logic: it is established a direct relationship between logic and prime numbers, and other relevant logics. Especially note sleduyuet monograph "Multivalued logic. Logic and computer" [20], in which the author gives a lot of new theoretical results.

Research in hyper calculations carried out in England Toby Ord. In [24] proposed different implementations of hyper car, considering the resources they require and their capabilities.

Modern computer arithmetic can make it more "intellectual", by new tools and techniques of hardware and software support. For example, in [28, p.9-10] raised the possibility of creating an arithmetic device (or a simulation using software tools) special register to a fixed point, covering the entire range of its word length floating-point numbers [3].

The idea of constructing a machine interval arithmetic [3] in which intervals are represented as computer objects of continual and open to the numerical analysis of an entirely new perspective are presented in [29].

Main results

The results of this work are upgrading the client side of portal simulation, namely monocode modules for the section "Arheosimulation" such as "Malta plate" and creation of postbinary models, which graphically illustrate the principle of tetracode to control the significance of the result of arithmetic operations as well as the possibility of constructing a future processors based on them.


This theme magisterkoy work is a new and the correct at the time of its writing. All the goals and tasks successfully achieved.


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