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fomichov L.

Fomichov Kirill

Faculty: Computer Science and Technology

Speciality: Computer systems of diagnostics

Scientific adviser: Gerasimov Igor

Theme of master's work:

Development of Computer system simulation of blood cell activity


Name: Kirill Fomichev.

Date of Birth: 10/12/1988.

Place of Birth: Donetsk, Donetsk region.

School: ¹ 35, Donetsk.

High school: Donetsk National Technical University, bachelor, 2006 - 2010.

Average score: 4.47.

- russian (perfectly);
- ukrainian (perfectly);
- english (a level sufficient for reading and correspondence).

- photo model;
- sports;
- outdoor recreation;
- psychology;
- philosophy;
- computers;
- games;
- music;
- movies.

Personal qualities:
- sociability;
- friendliness;
- responsiveness;
- openness;
- a high sense of humor;
- optimist.

Computer skills:
1. Operating systems:
— Windows XP;
— Windows Vista/7;
— Linux.
2. Application directions:
— Microsoft Office (Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Word);
— Adobe Photoshop;
— Macromedia Flash;
— 3DS MAX 6/7/8/9;
— Kompas 3D.
3. Programming languages:
— C/C++;
— C#;
— SQL;
— Visual Basic.
4. Development environment:
— Visual C;
— Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010;
— BPwin;
— NetCracker;
— NetSim;
— Visual FoxPro;
— Microsoft SQL Server;
— MySQL.

Future plans: - In the near future going to write and defend a master's work;
- After graduating from the university to find a prestigious and highly paid job, which will coincide with my hobbies and interests;
- I would like to visit foreign countries such as France, Sweden, Switzerland, Czech Republic;
- Create a strong, happy and big family.

Contact information
— e-mail:
— ICQ: 488274168.
