of the master's work
Development and research of a subsystem of virtual parallel models of DPME


Single-thread modeling environments cannot cope with any task due to sequential operations, which leads to major time-consuming and inappropriate use of simulation. The solution of this problem was found in the distribution of computing resources at separate nodes so that they can perform tasks concurrently with minimal dependence on each other. Introduction of new concepts of modeling led to the DPME (Distributed Parallel Modelling Environment).

Research tasks and goals

The purpose of this master's work is the development and research of the subsystem of virtual parallel models of distributed parallel modelling environment (DPME).

This subsystem is responsible for such objectives and functions:

1. Interactive presentation of a hierarchy of virtual parallel models (VPM), depending on possible parallelization approaches.

2. Building VPM-levels topologies with help of subsystem of topological analysis.

3. Forming equations from VPM-levels with help of subsystem of equations generator.

4. Priori analysis of discrete VPM of all levels.

5. Interactive presentation to other subsystems discrete VPM that are ready for implementation.


Research and development in sphere of distributed parallel modeling environments are relevant and promising.

Thanks to the decomposition (replacing the solution of a large problem to solving a series of smaller tasks) of the complex DPME structure, the development of each of its subsystems is independent thread with research.

Research and development of a subsystem of virtual parallel models of DPME is an urgent and necessary task.

A value of the master's work

Subsystem of virtual parallel models has been involved to the DPME to achieve a very important goal - finding the optimal level of parallelism to minimize the time spent. The practical value of this subsystem exists and it will be difficult to overestimate it.

Description of DPME and its decomposition into subsystems

In paper [3] described the structure of DPME, which was viewed as a complex hardware/software-system. Separation of DPME on a relatively independent subsystems according to the functions and tasks they perform, is decomposition of the system.

Decomposed DPME software contains the following ten subsystems:

Dialog subsystem.

Topological analysis subsystem.

Generation of equations subsystem.

Subsystem of virtual parallel models is responsible for interactive representation of the hierarchy of virtual parallel models due to possible parallelization approaches. Building VPM-topologies with the help of the topological analysis subsystem. Forming equations by the VPM-levels with a help of the equations generation subsystem. Priori analysis of discrete VPM at all levels. Interactive presentation to other subsystems discrete VPM that are ready for implementation.

Subsystem of parallel solution of the equations.

Data exchange subsystem.

Load balancing subsystem.

Visualization subsystem.

Database subsystem.

Subsystem of IT support.

Development of the subsystem of virtual parallel models of DPME

The first phase of the subsystem of virtual parallel models - determination of parallelism levels for complex dynamic objects with distributed parameters. In developed DPME all four levels are implemented:

The first level - the level of the minimal granularity of virtual parallel model. This level is determined by relation "one process - one equation".

At the second level of parallelization one process is associated with each k-th element of the branch. For this level typical relation is "one process - two equations".

The third level is described as "one process - one branch".

The fourth level - decomposition of the network dynamic object's graph into subgraphs.

After defining all the possible levels of parallelism, a priori analysis of the equations should be performed.

The main comparative characteristics are:

1. Processes load level. Uniform level of process loading is the best.

2. The ratio between the amount of computer and auxiliary operations.

3. The scheme of communication between the virtual processes. Organization of the virtual switch, which provides a minimum time of sharing between processes.

"The process - the processor" relation.


In this paper, the concept of a distributed parallel modelling environment for simulating complex dynamic systems with distributed parameters is considered.

The main theme of the master's work is to develop and research the subsystem of virtual parallel models as a separate module of DPME.

This subsystem is not independent, it performs supporting role.

However, in parallel modelling, the functions of this subsystem are one of the most important, because they determine the optimal level of equations distribution for computing nodes.

This subsystem is relevant not only within DPME, that is developing, but it can also be used in other projects, of parallel computing modelling.

Note. Final Completion of the master's work: December 2011. Full text of the master's work can be obtained from the author or his supervisor after that date.


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