Development of the subsystem information exchange for DPSE
Modern requirements have reached such a level that conventional single-threaded model the environment can not cope with the requirements of the simulation.
Thus - the need for new methods of modeling and building modeling environment. One system, which performs most of the technological requests is - Distributed Parallel Simulation Environment (DPSE).
Aims and objectives
The main steps or points will be:
1. What is DPSE?
2. Relevance of these studies
3. Analysis of the DPSE and decomposition
4. Study of development of subsystem information exchange
5. Defining functions SIE (subsystem information exchange)
6. Integration of the SIE with other subsystems
7. Results
What is DPSE?
DPSE - a set of hardware, software and information tools that support all stages of development, debugging, and parallel studies of models of dynamical systems of real complexity, the formation and visualization of simulation results.
Since modern technology requires a very high level calculations or require a large amount of calculations necessary to use parallel computing because the use of sequential computing methods can lead to huge investment of time, which is unacceptable in modern systems. Research and development in distributed parallel modeling environments are relevant at the moment. A large number of professionals involved in this development. Various methods of decomposition into subsystems DPSE, different methods of communication subsystems to each other. All this is developed and studied at the moment. And it pursues the same goal - to create the perfect DPSE.
Analysis of the DPSE and decomposition
The concept of DPSE provides the dialogue subsystem, designed to provide interactive access for users and developers of models to resources DPSE at all stages of constructing and studying models of transparency and resources for DPSE users, regardless of remoteness. Mostly DPSE are three main structural elements:
1) computing resources
2) Members DPSE
3) The communication medium
Usually DPSE divided into 10 major subsystems:
1. Subsystem generating equations
2. Dialogue subsystem
3. Subsystem topological analysis
4. Subsystem of virtual parallel simulation models
5. Subsystem of a parallel solution of the equations
6. System load balancing
7. Subsystem data
8. Visualization subsystem
9. Subsystem databases.
10. Subsystem IT-support
The major problem the effective functioning of DPSE is the organization of information exchange between all its components and within them. Consider the state of development in this direction.
At this point you can make the following general conclusions about the state of developments in research and creation of DPSE. We separate the basic, which will be used.
• DPSE structurally divided into three elements: computational resources and users connecting their communication environment.
• User access to CR's basically the same regardless of geographic location as the users themselves, and CR;
• Non-existence of both DPSE for general purposes, and problem-oriented DPSE.
Remain unaddressed the following questions:
• Construction of mathematical model DPSE in general and the SIE in particular;
• Organization of user access to DPSE as a whole and not to separate its resources;
• Organize the exchange of information between the hardware elements of the DPSE and within the elements;
• Creation of a single software to work with DPSE;
• Organize the exchange of information between various levels of software;
As this article reveals only the basics of developing this system, then to the outstanding issues we will also add the basic functions of the SIE:
• Content of full-featured list of registered users DPSE and available resources, which must exchange information on mutual initiative.
• A hierarchical view of data flow in selected target CR.
• Test system for the real parameters of exchange operations in communication networks target BP
• Comparison of a SIEori analysis and real data on the effect of exchange operations for a significant effect of approaches to parallelization.
Necessary to develop a mathematical model of DPSE in general and NEP in particular, to the development of structures of hardware and software (SW) DPSE, developed by the SIE DPSE, to analyze the resulting DPSE of the transfer of information to study the dependence of the transfer of information on the nature of tasks, to investigate experimental tool subsystem.
Subsystem information exchange plays an important role in the DPSE, as it manages the process of information exchange, and also contains the necessary data for the correct regulation and configuring DPSE. Thus, research and development of this subsystem - this is another step continuous development DPSE and modeling systems in general.
Work is in progress. With the final results will be available in early 2012.
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