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Kruk Olga

Faculty: Computer Science and Technology

Speciality: Economic Cybernetics

Theme of master's work:

Planning advertising activities architectural firm

Scientific adviser: Karabchevsky Vitaly

Student of Donetsk National Technical University Kruk Olga

Biography ¦ Abstract


Date of Birth:


Place of Birth:



Donetsk Profile Lyceum (2002-2006)
Comprehensive school ¹135 (1996-2002)

High school:

Donetsk National Technical University, magistracy (2010-2012)
Donetsk National Technical University, bachelor (2006-2010)

Average Rating:



Russian (fluent)
Ukrainian (fluent)
English (basic)

Interests and hobbies:

drawing, fashion design, sewing.

Personal qualities:

hardworking, responsible, honest, purposeful person, have an ability to make decisions, communication skills.

I have an experience of work with the programs:

«Project Expert», «1C: Enterprise», «SAIL», «Mathematica», «Mathcad», «Statistika», «MS Office» (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access), «Open Office» , 3DsMax, Rational Rose, Visual Basic, Borland Delphi.

Additional courses:

Art School (2000-2004),
modeling and sewing studio (2002-2005)

Future Plans:

Open an advertising agency.

Contact Information:

Biography ¦ Abstract