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Kruk OlgaFaculty: Computer Science and TechnologySpeciality: Economic Cybernetics |
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Abstract of the master's work:Planning advertising activities architectural firmIntroductionNowadays there is no man who wouldn’t be connected with advertising. Earlier, about 10-15 years ago no one could even imagine while watching a movie to be subjected to the influence of advertizing, which suggests buying, trying or investing something. At present moment some people can be irritated by this, others can enjoy it. Therefore advertising represents complicated process, which must be carefully studied in order to apply it later successfully on practice. Goals and objectivesThe goal of this study is deeper research of advertising concept and place of advertising in the activity of architectural firms. The study gives consideration to the main concepts of advertising, subject matter, goals, objectives, roles and functions of advertising, separate characteristic elements of advertising activity are studied, activity of an architectural firm is analyzed and the place advertizing takes in the activity of architectural firm. Basic objectives of master’s dissertation:
TimelinessAdvertising is the integral part of success of every enterprise and it is relevant to a greater degree also in the activity of architectural firms, as nowadays architectural firms for their advertizing practically do not apply internet-technologies and video-advertising, while advertising in Internet and on television is the most browseable for today. Scientific novelty and practical utilityThe master’s dissertation contains recommendations as to improvement of advertizing activity of an architectural firm, the analyses is carried out on the basis of actual data of the existing and operating architectural firm. The obtained recommendations can be applied on practice. Summary of the studyGeneral characteristic of an architectural firm’s activityArchitectural firms at present moment already obtain high technologies for designing of houses, alterations to residence apartments, reconstruction of buildings, performance of designs, rendering of services by documents formalization. Company’s employees must be highly skilled specialists with the sufficient work experience in designing of trade complexes, cottages, stores, various buildings and constructions. Architectural activity is regulated by legislation. Legislation pertaining to architectural activity comprises the Constitution of Ukraine, Law on urban planning basis, On planning and building of territories, On responsibility of enterprises, their associations, institutions and organizations for legal injuries in sphere of urban planning, the current Law and other laws and regulations.[1] So far, architectural firms make efforts to maximum extend of the services range provided to the customers. In many firms there have already appeared additional services on landscape design, dismantling of unnecessary constructions, building of houses and accessory buildings.[2] Architectural activity is the activity on creation of architectural objects, which includes creative process directed on searching for an architectural decision and its implementation, coordination of actions of participants of development of all constituent parts of projects on planning, building and accomplishment of territories, building (new building, reconstruction, restoration, capital repair) of buildings and constructions, performance of architectural and building control and field supervision over their construction as well as performance of scientific-research work and tutorage in this sphere.[1] Analyses of production and economic activity of the architectural firmW T D, LLC suggests wide range of works: from idea and design of a cottage to the control of building process, finishing and 100% furnishing. Company’s employees are high qualified specialists with work experience on designing of various buildings and constructions. Specialists of the company W T D, LLC must be able to competently and sufficiently understandably consult any customer, as not every client can clearly represent his requests, especially when it is going about such a complicated process as house designing. W T D, LLC renders services by designing of buildings and constructions as well as design, installation and electricity supply:
Carrying out of the following sequence of works by W T D, LLC company by designing of:
Sequence of works:
Carrying out of the following sequence of works by W T D, LLC company by interior designing:
Sequence of works:
General market target of W T D, LLC is receipt of maximum profit by means of rendering high quality services.
Recommendations on improvement of advertising activity
At present time architectural firm W T D, LLC hasn’t undertaken any advertising activities yet that is why I recommend following in the first turn these recommendations.
Improvement of advertising activity of an enterprise presupposes complex of activities leading to development of the enterprise:
Table 1. - A set of measures to improve advertising
So, improvement of advertising activity by forming of positive corporate image is a complicated and multifaceted process, which requires special attention and grate efforts. Any, even small firm, must permanently take care of forming a good attitude of society and employees to itself. Only in this case, as practice shows, one can count on durable success. Carrying out of advertising activities is presupposed to be performed by allocating the information on company and its services on 10 billboards in different parts of the city and the region. They should be allocated along major highways and on areas with heavy traffic. Television remains mostly widespread among all mass media, comprising almost the whole population. Also with the purpose of advertising it is possible using printed output:
And the most important is creation of a web site. In order that the resource brought real profit it should be worked on much. Creating a site is only the first stage on the way to success. Firstly it is necessary to create a small site consisting of several web-pages and containing the main information on company, description of services, contact details. In this way it is possible to show people your creations and achievements without special efforts, it is unnecessary to rent premises, organize exhibits, make advertising etc. At such web site it is possible to create a feedback form for communication. Such variant is suitable for firms and organizations, which work directly with the clients. Having created a site it is possible to spare on some advertising types, on a site it is possible to describe services in details, to show samples. In any other variant such information costs much more. Today it is complicated to imagine any sphere of our activity, which doesn’t apply Internet. Obtaining your own web site is the norm for any self-respecting company, which develops and looks to the future. Absence of a web site is perceived suspiciously. That is why, if a company decided to order creation of a web site, this means step into the future, switch to a new level, it is very convenient and gainfully. Creating of a web-site of the architectural firm for further development of advertising campaignCreation a site for company W T D, LLC will require many efforts and will be carried out stepwise: Development of the main page of company’s site. On the main page first of all small description of the company should be allocated, so that the client should have a notion on the firm. For architectural firm W T D, LLC it will look as follows: «About the company: | |||||||||||||||
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Drawing 1.The company logo Company W T D, LLC is the design firm, which is engaged with activities starting from designing of houses and on out to rendering services by formalization of documents. Our company renders services, in the first turn, on a professional level, where the specialists are always ready to translate into reality the most courageous and unusual fantasies of the client. Interior design is such a work, which our specialists treat carefully and with full realization of your vision of the beautiful with the help of our opportunities.» Also on the main page the main services rendered and contact details will be briefly described. Contact details will contain:
On the second page prices for the performed works will be allocated. Prices will be not final and can range depending on complexity and terms of the performed design. Own gallery of works will be created for review of works performed by the specialists. License and State registration certificate will be presented for overview in order to assure the client that the firm is completely legal and causes no doubts. Also, mostly important, there will be worked out a page containing all the rendered services with the description of these services. After introduction of the web site into Internet its effectiveness will be calculated. Effectiveness of internet technologies utilization in advertisingIn order to make web site of W T D, LLC effective, in the first turn, we will represent more examples of specialists’ works to allow the client to quickly choose a definite service and to order it at once, which will increase company’s sales. Many companies pay huge money to SEO-specialists to raise up their sites via some key words.[5] Key words should be carefully selected, if, for example, for the architectural firm W T D, LLC key word will be “architectural activity”, people who came following this request not obligatory want to use services of an architectural firm and this will increase only attendance of the web site, not client base. Key words should be maximum concrete, for example, «Designing in Donetsk» or «Architecture in Donetsk». After this, the client most probably will get on web site of W T D, LLC and will be able to look through the gallery with works of firm’s specialists and decide upon purchase of a service by this particular architectural firm. Promotion under such low frequency requests is very simple and cheap, but herewith very effective, because almost every person who came following this request is the potential client and the convenient site makes it its client.[5] Effectiveness of a site can also be estimated by a questionnaire by selling a service. This is one of the best methods. By ordering one of the rendered services it is just necessary to ask the client where from he got to know about the architectural firm. Thereby it is possible to immediately estimate how many real buyers the created web site can provide. It is important to trace upon which requests people come. If people come upon no-purpose requests it is necessary to review information contained on the web site. Such people are trash visitors and there shouldn’t be any joy about increase of visits quantity. From another side, if quantity of people coming upon target requests decreases, again, measures shall be assumed.[5] If quantity of visitors is approximately equal to clients of the architectural firm and the most part of visitors come upon target requests, it means that the web site is rather effective. Effectiveness of the site will be estimated also with the help of CTR, CTB, CTI indices, in order to make sure for 100% as to the effectiveness of the site utilization. CTR is the main index of internet-advertising effectiveness. | |||||||||||||||
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where click is one pressing on advertising message, demonstration is one presentation of advertising message to a site visitor. CTR is measured in percents and is important index of effectiveness of one advertising message operation.[3] CTR index fluctuates from 0,1% to 3%. Sometimes this index can rise up to 10% and higher if marketing is well-organized. By estimation of site attendance also primary indices will be used, which are hit and host. Hit is opening of one page of a definite site. If 3 pages of one site should be overviewed, then three hits will be accounted for.[4] Host means entering a site from one computer. Even if several pages of this site should be overviewed, only one host will be accounted for.[4] By analyses of effectiveness for image advertising CTR index is considerably less essential than the quantity of demonstrations and attention of users, that is why, for the analyses of effectiveness also other parameters are required.[3] CTB is index of internet-advertising effectiveness, it is presented as ratio: | |||||||||||||||
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CTB index reflects conversion of visitors (Nvisitors) into buyers (Nclients), sometimes it is called conversion coefficient.[3] CTI is the index of internet-advertising effectiveness, it is presented as ratio: | |||||||||||||||
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Ninterest is a site visitor who either browsed several pages of it, or came back here, or memorized address of the site and the fact of its existence.[3] CTR depends on type of advertising message and circumstances of its demonstration. CTB and CTI depend on server of the advertiser. All the above effectiveness indices are combined with each other, studied separately and in accordance with the results of analyses they influence course of advertising campaign of an internet-design.[3] To estimate effectiveness of advertising utilization in the activity of the architectural firmFor estimation of effectiveness budget of costs on recommendations as to improvement of advertising activity of W T D, LLC should be calculated in the first turn:
Table 2. - Types of advertising used
For estimation of effectiveness of advertising utilization in the activity of the architectural firm model ROI will be used (investments return model).[6] Variables:
Value of one contract = Expenses for advertising / Target audience 54000 / 53400 = 1 UAH. Value of reaction = Expenses for advertising/ Quantity of advertising participants 53400 / 1100 = 49 UAH. Value of a new client = Expenses for advertising / Quantity of clients 53400 / 12 = 4450 UAH. Let’s calculate ROI coefficient: ROI = ((Income from campaign - (Expenses for advertising) / Expenses for advertising)*100 ((534000 - 53400) / 53400) * 100 = 900 % 900 % means that each UAH invested in advertising campaign of W T D, LLC gained 9 UAH of net profit. It should be noted that ROI shall be considered positive if it makes more than 300 % and if it makes 500 % and more it is the excellent one. In case ROI would be negative, the advertising campaign would fail and the company would lose money.[6] 0 % - company remained "even hands". Advertising campaign appeared to be ineffective.[6] Using such results it is possible to compare ROI coefficients of different marketing campaigns and on its basis, to organize mostly effective advertising campaign.[7] Not less interesting aspect is connected with planning of the expected effectiveness of marketing campaign, serving, in its way, basing of expediency for one or another advertising campaign.[7] Conclusion The master's degree work will be developed example of the video and rated the quality of development taking into account all councils, as well as evaluate the impact of Internet technology in advertising.
Important noteThe master’s work has not completed yet. Completion date is December 2012. Full text can be received from the author or his scientific advisor after this date. |
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