Artyom Navoev



Магистр ДонНТУ Навоев Артем Сергеевич

Faculty: Computer Science and Technology
Major: System programming
Subject of final work: Development and research of data set elaboration in a distributed parallel simulation environment (DPSE)
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Svyatny V.A.


     University grade point average is 4.0. last summer obtained Bachelor degree in "System programming". I’m fluent in Russian and Ukrainian languages and quiet good in reading and communication in English. I have experience in a web environment. Programming languages: C/C++, Visual C++ (Ms Visual Studio), PHP, JS, Delphi, Assembler.

Childhood and school.

     I was born in Pervomaysk that is in Mykolaiv region, June 18, 1989. Father - Sergey Navoiev, a teacher. Mother - Navoeva Marina, an engineer - constructor. I graduated from secondary school in 2006, where I had been studing in math class. In the period of study took part in academic competitions in physics, computer science, geography, history, chemistry and economics. I made significant progress in mathematics, and represented my town in the regional competitions. I cjose a specialty due to my father, who was a teacher of computer science and mathematics. I participated in the II and III ratings of Donetsk National Technical University, where I scored 18 and 17 points in math, respectively, this fact allowed me to enter specialty "System programming"at the university by state demand

The University

As it was mentioned above, I entered Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU). Before submit the documents, I wondered about which faculty and specialty to choose. The choice was made in favor of the faculty "Computer Science and Informatics" (FVTI now FKNT) and specialty "System programming" in particular. This decision was motivated by the prestige of our department and specialty. Such stuff like "Database Basics "," Object - Oriented Programming "," Programming on C "," Parallel Computing "," Web - technologies" influenced on the choice of my master's work and the direction in programming. I also think information I received while studying "Network Administration is very useful, because I encounter with it in everyday life, and I mostly help my friends in this field.
The result of my studies are sites that are fully working on the Internet.

Working experience..

My experience includes mostly sites written on PHP, as well as with use of Javascript, CSS, HTML and MSQL. They vary from small sites – i.g. business cards to large websites like online shops. Thus, while having my practice period in "Lime Systems" company I got acquainted with project applications for banking systems in C++.language


As for the plans for future, I should first of all, get new skills and reach higher levels as a programmer. This will help me in gaining complete financial independence.