Development and research of data set processing in a distributed parallel simulation environment (DPSE)
Formation of data base management systems (DBMS) has coincided with significant advances in technology of distributed computing and parallel processing. As a result database management subsystem consisting of parallel systems appeared. Exactly these systems have become the dominant tool for creating data-intensive applications.
The aims and objectives of the study
- To develop an optimal architecture database management systems.
- . Implement backup and data decompression
- Perform client identification and verification of compliance with the claimed rights inquiry
- Provide other subsystems with high-level API to work with database
- Ensure information storage about the request before and after performing.
Through the integration of workstations in a distributed environment it became possible to provide more efficient allocation of functions in it, when applications are perfomed on the workstations, called application servers and databases maintained a single computer called a server database. This is the source of such distributed architectures, where not only general-purpose computers are nodes but specialized servers also.
A review of research and development on topic
Local search (based on material of faculty, graduated students and undergraduates DonNTU). Among those who were engaged in studying of the issues related to implementation of distributed parallel simulation environments and databases, we shoukd mention: Feldman L.P., Svyatny V.A., Anoprienko A.J., Moldovanova O.V., Solonin A.M., Nadeev D.V.
Developments in this area also doing Masters DonNTU: Voitov A.V., Voitenko A.V., Stepanov I., Skvortsov P.V., Nazarenko K.S., Zyma K.M., Ronsal E.E., Merenkov A.V.
When searching for developments on this topic at the national level we’ve found the following authors: Tomaszewski V.N., Zhdanov E.G., Zholdakov A.A. In their works they considered the practical problems of computer simulation (including SDS).
At the global level, we’ve found such publications of the final work on the subject: Feldman L.P., Svyatny V.A., M. Resch (German: M. Resch), M. Zeitz , K. J. Date, Rajive Bagrodia, Richard Meyer, Mineo Takai, Yu-an Chen, Xiang Zeng, Jay Martin and others.
Structure, behavior and description of the DBMS
The need to work with several distinct sub-systems (sending and receiving data) has demanded the introduction of power "identification" and "determination of rights." So in the block "identification" there’s the definition of the client (subsystem) and assigning it a unique number that includes a code number and a unique subsystem id treatment. Further there is a definition of client's rights and a comparison with the incoming request, which excludes the erroneous entry or data retrieval.
Block "registration" allows the one to store information about incoming requests after authentication and immediately after the completion of the work with the database. This allows us to monitor the work of the DBMS, as well as to timely detect and correct errors in the performance of queries.
Subblock "backup" (performed only when data is received on account) allows us to save space and speed up reading data record in the database. To provide an opportunity for other subsystems high-level API for working with database unit was introduced "standard translation", which frees developers from writing other subsystems sql queries.
An ability to assign priority is built-in in the block "request queue", this will turn out to fulfill requests that require immediate processing.
Block " DBMS " works directly with the database. Its main task is to send the request, as well as receive data from the database. Once the database returns the data on demand, "BDMS" sends a parallel record in the block "registration" and the sub-block "decompressing." After which the final information on the previously selected id received by the user.
An important role in the integrated functioning of the RPMS is dedicated to a subsystem of the database as it handles all the data systems that need to be processed or analyzed. Thus, research and development of this subsystem - is another step to the continuous development of RPMS and modeling systems in general. .
List of used literature
- Ватолин Д., Ратушняк А., Смирнов М., Юкин В. Методы сжатия данных. Устройство архиваторов, сжатие изображений и видео. — Диалог-МИФИ, 2002. — С. 384.
- Сэломон Д. Сжатие данных, изображения и звука. — М.: Техносфера, 2004. — С. 368.
- Burrows M. and Wheeler D. A block sorting lossless data compression algorithm. Technical Report 124, Digital Equipment Corporation, 1994. p - 14
- RFC 3229 — Delta Encoding in HTTP,2002. p - 36
- RFC 3284 — The VCDIFF Generic Differencing and Compression Data Format, 2002. p - 21
- Jacob Ziv, Abraham Lempel. A Universal Algorithm for Sequential Data Compression IEEE, 1977. p - 339
- Transactions on Information Theory, 23(3), pp.337-343, May 1977.
- Описание алгоритма LZ77 в курсе лекций по теории кодирования информации